I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 20: Bullshit

Chapter 20: Bullshit

3The butler led Kel to a luxurious room and bowed before preparing to leave.      2

"Your formal attire is on the bed and for your servant and follower, they may choose the many attires present in the closet room opposite the bed. Should they want a custom one, please do not hesitate to summon me by ringing that bell. Good day sir".     

After the butler left, Kel picked up his attire and looked at it and nodded. It was a standard black and white suit, not took flashy but still classy. Silvya had began looking for a dress to wear. She liked most of them but they seemed to be lacking in a certain.     

She ended up picking the one that could atleast hold her assets. This lead to her wearing a very tight fitting dress that would make even a gay man reconsider his life choices. Modred however absolutely refused to wear a dress in front of all those people. So Kel let her pick out a suit instead.     

Silvya was still dressing up in the bathroom so Kel decided to change right there. Modred became slightly uncomfortable at this seen.     

"Eh? M-master, can you not change elsewhere, what if someone were to-"     

Modred went silent as her eyes fell upon Kel's naked body or to be more precise, his lower body. Although Modred had pretended to be a man all her life she had never seen a man's body fully. Only the upper. Kel noticed this and smirked and teased her.     

"Are you impressed with my mighty sword? You can wield it if you wish or if you're too shy, you can wait for Silvya to be done before changing."     

Modred although uncomfortable didn't let it show.     

"Hmph I am Modred, heir to the King of Knights Arthur Pendragon I'm not shy!.     

After saying this, Modred began to undress write there until she was completely naked in front of Kel who was eyeing her from top to bottom.     

'I guess hunting this idiots isn't so bad if I get more moments like this'.     

Kel then walked over to her and touched her shoulders. This made her body became tense and she immediately wanted to speak but Kel spoke first.     

"Shhh. This is very important do not speak. Just tell me how you feel as I inspect you."     

Kel spoke in a serious tone which made Modred wonder what's happening exactly.     

"But Master wh-"     

He interrupted her again and spoke even more seriously.     

"I said be quiet Modred, this is very important".     

Modred still not understanding what was happening, let him do as he pleased, he was after-all a her Master. Kel began to run his energy into her body. This made her tense up even more as she began to feel her body become warm.     

A/N: For those readers who will want to debate the physiology of spirits, this is AU. Stop being an enemy of lemons.     

Kel then took his energy all around her body. Modred had to grit her teeth to prevent herself from letting out a sound. At this point however, Kel was completely focused . His energy moving rapidly through out Modred.     

"Do you feel anything?"     

Modred didn't speak but simply shook her head. Kel then began to move his energy faster and faster. Modreds body began to tremble and her breathing became heavy but still refused to let herself remove a sound. She suddenly felt her body beginning to feel even stranger and stranger as if something was about to happen. And just at that moment, Kel suddenly made it more intense pushing her body to it's limits then making her let out satisfied sigh. After doing this Kel made the amount of mana she reserves from him larger before speaking.     

"Impressive you managed. By putting your body in a more relaxed I'm able to give you more of my mana. Now you'll be able to use your noble phantasm twice a week".     

A/N: How phantasms work here will be explained later. But the relaxing stuff is pure bullshit.     

Modred who felt her energy double was extremely surprised. A Master could control how much energy they give to their servants. This ensured servants wouldn't take too much away and always stayed within their limits. But for Kel who had infinite mana, he could give his servant infinite energy as well but chose not to. Modred looked up to Kel who was now dressing up and asked while catching her breath.     

"My energy has doubled. M-Master how did you do this? Can you make it even higher? I would be able to battle even beyond my limits that way."     

Kel nodded.     

"Since you are my servant they is no harm in telling you. My mana pool can be increased via certain activities. Hence I would be able to give you more energy. This was just me seeing if your body could react and it did. Well then get dressed so we may attend this little celebration on time."     

After saying these words Kel began to get dressed and Modred followed suit.     

'This should at least make her more open to me. I want her full loyalty such that even without the contract she would consider me close. Quite the challenge I've given myself'.     

After getting dressed, Kel, Silvya and Modred left the room and went towards a large banquet hall, where a plethora of people were gathered. Upon entering a butler announced his arrival.     

"Attention esteemed guests, Lord Saber, his Servant and his attendant have arrived."     

The majority of people began to clap but they were some who gave Kel a dirty look. Not all nobles were pleased after all, with a nobody having the legendary Saber. After all. Seal Bearers were feared and respected more than any noble. Kel noticed but didn't care. Slapping or killing a few insects didn't bother him at all. Before going down the steps, Kel whispered something into the Butlers ear and passed him a gold coin. The butler bowed politely.     

"It shall be done Lord Saber"     

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