I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 10: Arrogance

Chapter 10: Arrogance

1Kel opened his eyes and saw a large man carrying the two girls he had given gold coins to while shouting.     

"Attention nobles and merchants, these two little demons are thieves!? They had two gold coins in their possession! Am sure they stole it from one of you, please put them to justice having such demon scum here makes me sick!"     

After hearing the statement, the nobles and merchants began to gather at the scene. Even though they had wealth, a gold coin carried great value. Greedy merchants like this wouldn't miss such an opportunity.     

"Ah their mine! I knew I something was strange when I found my pouch shifted, give them here. I'll reward you 10 silver for this gracious deed".     

Kel thought the man to be stupid. He could only assume his hate for demons is why he was doing this rather than keeping the coins. As the man wanted to hand over the coins, other merchants began to speak.     

"You bastard Dellian. Have you no shame lying through your teeth. That gold is clearly mine?!"     

"Gorgon you slimy snake, you're both wrong the gold is mine".     

"You three know no shame, how about you let my guards get a confession out of them eyy?"     

"Sounds reasonable"     

Kel sighed as human greed in this world seemed to be just as bad if not worse. Kel stood up then walked towards the scene and interjected.     

"No need, I gave them the gold now disperse and let them go, you're starting to annoy me".     

The merchants still weren't willing to back down. So Kel decided to end this quickly. He took out an about 15 gold coins which was an astronomical amount to regular and most merchants could not spend such an amount carelessly.     

"Can you confirm this is 15 gold?"     

One of the merchants spoke loudly and confirmed while eyeing the coins hungrily.     

"Y-Yes, those are 15 gold coins..."     

Refugees were in a daze hearing that crazy amount as most had never even seen a gold coin. Kel then showed a malicious smile and spoke.     

"Then I'll prove the gold is mine"     

The merchants were curious as to how he would do this, then suddenly Kel began throwing the gold coins into the lake one after another. What they didn't know is they were just copies Kel made using earth magic when he was practicing. They looked and weight the same amount as gold but turned into mud when exposed to water or after some days.     

"Stop!! What are doing that's gold you fool?!"     

Kel ignored then proceeded to take out some more gold coins and began throwing them as well. The merchants and refugees could feel heartache. Some refugees and guards even began jumping the lake, but Kel launched them so far by the time they reach they would have sunk to the depths of the lake where they couldn't reach. Kel only stopped after throwing 50 coins. The merchants felt similar to how a man would feel seeing a woman he cherished make love to another. Their hearts couldn't take this torture anymore.     

"Stop!! We understand. You madman".     

"You're worse than a demon, have you no soul?!"     

"Bah?! I have to go lay down I'll forever have nightmares of this unholy event".     

Kel then turned to the man holding the girls, making him panic and release the girls immediately while giving them back their coins. Kel smiled and patted their heads then.     

"Who dares wake up Salazar Belmont the third"     

Kel rubbed his temples and regretted ever stopping here.     

'It's like all nobles are hungry for a beating. I should be dubbed a saint for not killing anyone so far. But this guy definitely needs to be put in his place. If I had an arrogance meter it would be approaching dangerous levels right now'.     

"I dare. Who gives a shit whether you get your beauty sleep or not. You could sleep forever, but you'll still look like a donkey's testicles. If you're here to mouth off about your family or whatever then save it, I've seen plenty of that. Now get lost".     

The man named Salazar became angry, but women came near him and stroked his chin.     

"Ignore him young lord, he simply saddened that I refused to be in his presence any longer and prefer yours. Let us go, let me calm your nerves."     

Kel burst out into a laugh that unnerved people, before he showed a malicious smile and replied.     

"Hahaha how sad. A so-called noble can only eat the leftovers of others. As for me why should I be saddened, go ahead and enjoy that loose woman. Besides, my parents always told me to give away my used toys to the needy. Now leave I already feel disgusted talking to a testicle faced idiot and his diseased harlot."     

The man flew into a rage and shouted towards his caravan.     

"Hey you good for nothing Magi, my family didn't pay you for nothing, deal with this fool".     

A lovely blonde haired woman came out of the carriage and began walking towards the scene. But at that same moment Akita did the same, growling and cracking the ground she walked on. The woman bowed towards Kel and spoke.     

"I apologize on behalf of the Belmont family for this sorry excuse for an heir"     

Salazar turned to the woman in surprise and spoke.     

"You bitch! How dare *bam*"     

Before Salazar could finish speaking, the Magi hit him in the balls with her staff.     

"I've had enough! I only agreed to ride along in the carriage because we happened to be heading in the same direction and your grandmother had helped me once before I became a Magi. You think your family can afford someone of my quality? You're indeed stupid to the core, I'll reach my destination myself I'm tired of looking after a spoiled child."     

Then humphed then began to walk away, but Kel stopped her.     

"Can I ask you to make sure these kids return to their respective nations? Name your price".     

The woman smiled and spoke proudly.     

"I'm a high tier Magi. Plus I'm also busy, I won't work for anything less than 5 gold. No negotiation".     

Kel nodded at took out 5 real gold then gave them to her uncaring.     


After doing this, Kel woke up Silvya and Akita and decided they should leave before any more events take place.     

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