I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 6: Akita

Chapter 6: Akita

1After arriving the old man left while Kel and Silvya looked at the large dome shaped building's unique structure for a moment before going in. Kel on inside was in sheer awe at everything he had seen so far and Silvya was no different except she actually showed it on the surface. Once inside the building, Kel's attention immediately fell on the many unique beasts on display. They were approached by a tall voluptuous woman with bullhorns and a tail.      4

"Welcome to Garland's Hearty Mounts. The names Sonia, so whatcha looking for? Whatever beast you have in mind we got it".     

Kel now felt at ease and removed his hood and Silvya did the same. Kel then looked at Sonia and replied.     

"How much is your strongest, fastest and intelligent Mount?"     

Sonia showed a huge smile and lead Kel and Silvya to another room that was poorly lighted. Inside the room was a large cage with many magical glyphs on it. Inside the dark cage. Two glowing red eyes could be seen accompanied by a growl. The creature soon stepped into the light and revealed its appearance.     

It was a large Wolf but not the kind Kel was used to. This creature had bone like plating on parts of the body, the most noticeable ones being on its limbs. It had blue and white fur with certain parts colored a fiery red. Immediately it stepped into the light, it began eyeing Kel oddly. Sonia turned to Kel and smiled.     

"Meet the extremely rare Mana Wolf. As the name may apply, it's a beast that loves mana. Problem is it needs a constant supply once bonded with as a familiar. The first time we tried auctioning it, 4 people died as it had drained their mana completely upon forming a bond. It's kind usually reside in mana heavy regions only, which people normally won't dare visit as the atmosphere alone is suffocating."     

"As for how it came into our lands we don't know what we do know is it's extremely costly to keep alive. We were even considering butchering it, but my brother won't allow it and no one is willing to buy it despite its capabilities. Think of it as a Pure mana holder among beasts, and a powerful one at that. If you want it's yours for an 80 gold, I won't go any low-"     

Before she could finish, Kel threw a pouch of Gold at her, which she caught with great surprise. Kel then walked closer to the cage and smiled.     

"How do I bond with it?"     

Sonia who was drooling while rubbing the gold against her face recomposed herself and replied.     

"*ahem* you simply place a drop of blood on its forehead and the ritual will begin. I must warn you though...if you become light-headed during the process back away, or you will die. Oh, and no refunds".     

As she said this she hugged the bag of money tightly while stroking it. Kel then turned towards the wolf and sighed.     

'Really glad my body is immortal right now...something tells me this is going to hurt worse than a golf ball to the nuts. I still have nightmares about that day....'     

Kel bit his hand then placed it inside the cage while his heart began to beat faster and faster. The wolf looked extremely ferocious as it came closer but actually lowered its head and let Kel drop his blood there. Upon doing so, two magic circles appeared below himself and the wolf, and he began to feel a weird sensation mana was being sucked out of him, rather than pain he felt as if he was getting a blowjob, the more it sucked out the happier he felt, but suddenly it stopped leaving him on edge.     

"What the hell..., wait does that mean..."     

Kel looked at the wolf and felt a strange connection towards it. His mana stabilized leaving somehow happy and disappointed at the same time. The wolf however still looked ferocious but was no longer growling. Silvya just kept looking back and forth wondering what's happening. Sonia on the other hand had eyes and mouth wide open.     

"You did it but h-how?... Just how much mana do you have? Even well-known Magi couldn't tame that thing".     

When Sonia said these words the Wolf growled madly at her then Kel chuckled.     

"Her. Tamed her, she doesn't like being referred to as an object. Do you mind releasing her from her cag-"     

As Kel was about to ask Sonia to release the wolf, it simply tapped the cage with its paw and the magic glyphs disappeared. The cage itself melted at the wolf's touch, leaving Sonia even more shocked while Kel was amazed. Silvya came close to Kel and looked at the wolf with sparkling eyes. The wolf growled at Silvya then began sniffing her.     

"Uh Lord Kel!"     

Silvya's body became stiff as she felt is killing intent on her. The wolf sniffed her for a moment then turned them lifted it's head again, leaving Silvya still trembling while hiding behind Kel now.     

"She was just checking to see if you had any malicious intent towards me. She now knows you're harmless. Anyway let's get going, thanks for the service Sonia".     

Kel then began walking with the wolf in toll and Sylvia still close to him. Whilst in the market he also decided to visit a shop that sold spell books and scrolls. Kel ended up buying many useful scrolls and books that he would practice later. The shop said it's impossible to master all the spells as they were extremely complex, while some required inhuman amounts of Mana and were better suited for elves.     

Kel didn't care and end up spending 120 gold for a large amount of books. Silvya simply tapped her staff and the books vanished. Lastly he paid 1 gold to be teleported to a forest slightly further away from Moon City. Once out of the Sanctuary and into the forest Kel turned first to the wolf the Silvya.     

"Right, you'll need a name. Hmm, let's go with Akita because of your three tails. Oh and Silvya, I'm ready to choose my physical alteration. I want Instantaneous Comprehension."     

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