I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 5: The Sanctuary

Chapter 5: The Sanctuary

4After robbing Alex upon arrival, Kel left heading towards the nearest city, Moon City to get some transportation to New Babylonia. He withheld using the minor alteration reward he got for knocking out and robbing Alex. They were still a couple of months till the summoning ceremony, so Kel wasn't in a rush, and he had his reasons.     

"Silvya are you sure his system wasn't aware?"     

A cautious Kel asked Silvya as they walked casually towards moon City.     

"Y-Yes Lord Kel, his system is a simple helper. It sees the world through his eyes. Unless it's upgraded, it only acts when told to."     

Kel nodded his head in satisfaction and went over his current plan while they walked. After a while they finally arrived at the outer gate of New Moon City. Kel then approached the guards and spoke in a charming tone.     

"Excuse me friends, I'm looking to purchase some mounts without drawing attention to myself, I have some bad people after me and my wife and I rather not leave any traces. If you can offer some assistance I will pay you 5 gold each..."     

This world's currency was separated into copper, silver and gold. A 100 copper coins equaled 1 silver and 1000 silver equaled 1 gold. The annual salary of a guard in Moon City was 2000 silver coins. Gold was usually only ever used by nobles, merchants and the wealthy. Kel of course didn't know this and offered 5 gold off the bat to prob them. He had after all robbed Alex of his 700 Gold coins which he received as a starter pack when he arrived.     

The guards eyes widened at this offer, and they looked at each other strangely then nodded. One then came closer and spoke in a low voice.     

"Head over to Garland's Hearty Mounts then say 'Take me to the Sanctuary' when asks what he can do for you. Make sure no one else is around when you say this traveler. After you go in we never met, not a soul will speak of you. The City is rather big and busy so as long you go directly there no one will be the wiser, you have my word."     

Kel smiled and nodded then put 10 gold coins in the man's hands and walked into the city with Silvya in toll. Silvya who was a little concerned came closer to Kel and spoke in a low tone.     

"Lord Kel are you sure we can trust their words?"     

Kel smiled and nodded slowly.     

"From the way they reacted it's safe to assume that 5 gold isn't a small amount. A guard wouldn't be stupid enough to offend someone willing to spend a lot of money just for information. This is just my speculation, we'll find out whether it's true or not when we arrive at the shop."     

Silvya put her hand on her chin and nodded rapidly.     

"Lord Kel is wise indeed, forgive me for having doubts..."     

After walking for about 15 minutes Kel and Silvya arrived in at Garlands Hearty Mounts shop. Kel also begun to doubt the legitimacy of the information as he and Silvya had passed many proper Mount shops. As for Garlands shop, it looked rather run down and only had horses on the side. Still, Kel entered the store and found an old man sleeping behind the counter. He wore tattered clothes and a straw hat covered his face. As soon as Silvya and Kel came in, the old man spoke, without shifting from his position.     

"What can I do for you?"     

As soon as the old man spoke these words, Kel felt somewhat hopeful and replied calmly.     

"Take us to the sanctuary..."     

The old man lifted his straw hat and showed a smile.     

"Hoh? That will be 50 gold coins sir".     

Kel didn't hesitate and looked at Silvya and nodded. She then tapped her staff and a pouch appeared in her hand which she immediately gave to Kel. Kel then placed the pouch on the counter and looked at the old man.     

The old man then stood up and went to lock the shop door. Afterwards he took out two badges with a strange insignia of a tree on them and handed them to Kel who then passed one to Silvya. After they did so the old man clapped his hands and spoke in a strange tongue.     

"Tisvoleck Crayatin Transvul"     

The floor below Kel and Silvya suddenly begun to glow and a light engulfed them. When the light faded they appeared and what seemed to be a strange market. It was nowhere near as busy as the markets they saw on their way to the shop,, but it was miles ahead in extravagance. Each shop was large and majestic with a figure outside ready to great guests. But what surprised Kel the most was that these figures weren't human. Any race that wasn't human immediately fell under the category of demon. Beast-race, Elves, Dwarves and other unique looking figures could be seen roaming. Kel pretended to not be surprised on the surface but Silvya looked around at the strange place she was in. The old man noticed this and spoke as he began walking.     

"Ah yes, you're probably curious about encountering other races here, yes? Well you see the law doesn't prohibit trade between humans and other races. Merchants only discriminate between rich and poor. It's those old geezers at the churches and military that feed people this information about anything besides humans are demons. In actuality, they are just like any other race. The true demon race lives to far west across the Khatin desert."     

"They had tried negotiating with humans so that their people could have better lands,, but negotiations broke down quickly. Some demon generals believed they should have as much fertile and wonderful land as they want while humans didn't want to give them even unoccupied lands. They've been at war since and as for the other races, they chose to stay neutral and refused to help either side in the war, so humans classified them as demons while the true demons ignored them."     

"These races aren't banned from human cities but are greatly discriminated against. As time passed these races became a medium for trade. Although frowned upon by churches, they are accepted but kept in the shadows to fool normal people as both races gain many benefits are gain from this hidden trade. Demons aren't allowed to travel to our side and Humans aren't allowed to theirs, that's where the other races come in as middlemen. That is the war's true history, of someone tells you otherwise they are full of dragon shit. Anyway, here we are".     

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