I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 2: Heresy

Chapter 2: Heresy

3Suddenly a bright light began to envelope Kel. He became slightly alarmed and turned to the Creator.      4

"Hey wait, I'm not done asking que-*Foosh*"     

The Creator sighed in relief.     

'If he knew he's actually the 45644 mortal I've chosen he'd surely refuse, but they always end up straying away from the goal, and because of the laws me and the Destroyer set I can't directly intervene, but this one seems smart and even made me offer him his own world...dammit. It's fine as long he performs his duties. This should be interesting to see...he better make those who dared forget what I gave them pay or I'll have to find another again...'     

Meanwhile, in a large Majestic Castle that laid in the middle of a void, a bright light suddenly emerged in the castle's throne room. Kel emerged from the light and landed on a grand throne.     

"Dammit, there's something he's hiding....Huh? Oh, I guess this is my castle huh. Not bad but it's empty, where's my so-called guide... Hello! Anyone here".     

Kel's voice echoed through the halls of the castle. But to his surprise a voice responded to his call.     

"C-coming Kel-sama!"     

'Kel-sama?...Oh no...'     

Before Kel could properly think of how the unknown voice addressed him, his attention was caught by a beautiful girl running towards. His eyes soon shifted to her chest which was bouncing up and down in an almost hypnotic way. She had large blonde hair and big green eyes. She held a long staff in one hand and wore a rather revealing outfit. The seemingly perfect girl began running up the steps towards Kel but fell on her face as she missed one step. Before Kel could ask if she was ok, she stood up and began bowing repeatedly.     

"A-apologies Kel-sama, I am your guide Dattebane!"     

Kel looked at her oddly as his face cringed automatically. Seeing this she thought she messed up and turned around and opened a book titled "how to be a Moe! Guide. By Creator". She mumbled to herself for a moment then turned back to Kel and spoke.     

"O-ohayo gozaimasu oniichan!"     

Kel sighed deeply and replied in an annoyed tone.     

"If you keep talking like that, tell your sketchy creator I quit. There's only so much cringe a man can withstand. Does he think I am some Japanese protagonist?"     

The panicked guide proceeded to bow multiple times once more.     

"S-sorry Kel-sama I was just trying to be a good guide..."     

Kel took a deep breath and replied.     

"Never mind it's not a big matter...we're both just trying to our jobs right?...just use english. Anyway before I ask my questions what's your name?"     

The girl began rubbing her staff in a nervous manner between her large breasts.     

'He want to give me name...I should work my hardest like Lady Lily advised...'     

"I-I do not possess a name, I was created specifically to serve as your guide and servant in your quest. I will accept whatever name you pick".     

As she said the last part. Her large breasts once more jiggled, causing Kel to sneek a glance for a moment. He quickly stopped however and began thinking.     

'I honestly don't blame the guys who strayed off and began making harems or conquering worlds. If it were me some years back I would have done the same, honestly. As for her name...her personality is a lot like that pink haired girl Sill from the rance series. But she looks exactly like sofya from that Vandis something anime I watched a while back, hmm guess I'll meet halfway and name her...'     

"Silvya...your name will be Silvya from now on"     

Silvya bowed multiple times thanking Kel.     

"Also one bow is enough...I'm still getting my bearings so let's not overdo it. I was a somewhat regular a just few minutes ago, let's not feed my ego this early. Anyway back to the important matters how exactly is this all going to work and even more importantly what abilities will I have to ensure I told end up dead like some side character?"     

Silvya tapped her staff on the ground and a large screen appeared in front of them. She began to explain.     

'Now to just do as Lady Lilith instructed...'     

"W-Well you yourself can give yourself abilities that align with the world we'll be visiting. So long as they are not world breaking. Oh, and you get special permanent abilities or other rewards you can use to upgrade your dimensional castle, special divine pets, emotional alterations and or physical alterations and many more."     

"They are rewarded when you perform an action that affects the reincarnator in a way that pleases either the creator or the destroyer....Killing a reincarnator directly will give fewer rewards. As for how to select worlds, I can show you a multitude of options along with the profile of the reincarnator currently residing in that world. They are multiple instances for each world. By that I mean they can be multiple versions of the same world but with a different reincarnator. Oh, and as a bonus the..dest...I mean creator has given you one physical one emotional alteration and castle upgrade..."     

Kel went silent for a moment. First properly understanding the information he was just told and Secondly thinking of what alterations and upgrade he should get. After coming to a conclusion he spoke.     

"Hmm you've actually provided pretty clear information, you're smarter than what your first impression told me. Anyway firstly, for a castle upgrade I chose the best defensive upgrade. Not sure where I am, but defense comes before anything. Secondly, for my physical alteration I want immortality.Invulnerability is tempting but I can get that later. I don't want to to end up an old man when am done. Lastly, for my emotional alteration I want to have a neutral moral compass, I don't want to feel bad or hesitate when doing something because of the society I was brought up in."     

Silvya nodded and tapped her staff on the ground and a light enveloped Kel for a moment before fading. Kel looked at Silvya and smiled.     

"It worked I think....I feel oddly different. This should make getting rewards much easier. Alright show me some potential worlds and the reincarnators profiles."     

Silvya nodded at Kel's request and tapped her staff once.     

"Here you go Lord Kel"     

Kel then began looking at the multiple worlds available. DC, Marvel, Skyrim, MHA, Naruto, Game of Thrones, Wuxia Worlds, High school DxD, and Harry Potter were the most popular ones but a good deal of anime, game, TV and novel worlds were available. Kel's attention then moved to some of reincarnators and his eyes widened and sheer ridiculous of some.     

"Uchiha Bob in Naruto, son of Alejandro Uzumaki and Beyoncé Uchiha...goal is to befriend Naruto and have a huge harem, currently 2 months old. Current schedule includes...writing erotic novels in the morning, saitama training regiment in the afternoon and sucking mother's boobs at night. Owns a system."     

"Drake Hyoudo in DxD, brother to Issei. Goal is to share harem with Issei. Currently, 16. Current schedule includes waiting to become a devil. Owns an op ability. Donald Trump in Skyrim, a fake nord who got caught crossing the boarder and just so happens to be the Dragon born... Goal is to become emperor and build a large wall around cyrodil, currently 21. Current schedule includes trying to break out of prison. Wished to level up faster than others. Juan in...."     

Kel continued to read many more outrageous profiles before finally shaking his head with a puzzled look.     

"Rapist reincarnators, Pedo Reincarnators, Politics loving Reincarnators, God-complex Reincarnators, Sex-addict Reincarnators, Weak Reincarnators, and so many more. To think they are this many sickos on the loose. I mean seriously wow. I think I'm somewhat motivated now. Reading just what some of these goals are makes me want to wring their necks then burn them for such heresy. *sigh* seems we've got a lot of work ahead of us Silvya."     

Silvya nodded while looking at the countless profiles.     

"Whenever you're ready Lord Kel!"     

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