I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 62: Thane

Chapter 62: Thane

4Once the group arrived back in Whiterun, the guards went back to their barracks while Lokir, Silvya, Yorgen and Irileth went towards Dragonsreach.      4

"What's wrong Silvya?"     

Silvya has been looking annoyed since arriving in the city so Kel inquired.     

"Hmph! Those people don't appreciate how you killed that Dragon Lord Kel, just annoys me".     

Lokir nodded along.     

"Yea, if I was you I'd be pretty annoyed at that."     

Kel shrugged as he responded.     

"It's honestly nice not being the center of attention in Skyrim, means less expectations and people trying to send me places. Let Yorgen have the fame, we'll have the glory and fortune."     

Lokir showed a devilish grin and nodded while Silvya nodded and crossed her arms.     

"Lord Kel should have all three."     

Lokir smiled and shrugged.     

"As long there's money, I'm not picky."     

Oblivious to the conversation happening further behind him. Yorgen was trying his luck at flirting with Irileth.     

"The guardsmen are no longer here and I don't think my friends will disturb me, I'm very respected by them y'know. So why don't you tell me how you really feel about me. I saw you admiring my mighty sword and physic".     

'Heh, I'm the Dragonborn, a living legend. What woman wouldn't want me'.     

Irileth resisted the urge to punch Yorgen and his new found confidence.     

"You have the physic and body of a child and as for your 'mighty sword' although not that small it isn't that impressive either especially for someone with the blood of the dragon. Perhaps you should be called Lizardborn".     

With those words Irileth distanced herself from Yorgen leaving him standing and thinking about what she said.     

"Fine it's her loss, whichever woman rejects I'll get eventually...I'm the Dragonborn. They'll all come crawling back once I get famous."     

At this point Kel, Lokir And Silvya had gotten close enough to hear Yorgen's declaration. Kel wasn't all that surprised and continued to walk while Lokir wore a look of doubt. Silvya didn't react and just continued on.     

Once inside Dragonsreach, Irileth briefed the Jarl on everything he needed to know. The Jarl nodded and turned to the group.     

"Well seems I owe you my thanks once again"     

As Lokir heard this he couldn't help but speak and add on.     

"And rewards...what? Somebody had to say it".     

Irileth showed Lokir a deathly glare while the Jarl chuckled.     

"Haha. Do not worry friend, I'm the Jarl I wouldn't cheat you. I just about to get to that but first. Yorgen was it? I here you may be Dragonborn?"     

Yorgen stepped forward and puffed out his chest and nodded. The hall was filled with many members of the Jarls court, some of which were attractive women so he didn't hold back.     

"There is no maybe about it. I can shout without training. My surbordinates can testify to that".     

Lokir's eyes gaped side open at that statement, while Silvya began reaching for her bow but was stopped by Kel holding her hand.     

"Easy, easy, too soon."     

Yorgen raised his hands innocently.     

"You don't have to be upset because you cowered while I saved you all. Be like Irileth, I rejected her advances towards me but she's mature about i-"     

Before Yorgen could say anything else, Irileth held her sword against his neck and looked ready to kill when Balgruuf spoke up.     

"Enough, enough jokes. As I was saying It seems you being the Dragonborn may actually be true as the Grey Beards have summoned you to High Hrothgar."     

After the Jarl said this, many people began whispering under their breath but the Jarl continued.     

"You will have to visit them to learn more. They are the most knowledgeable when it comes to shouts. They live in seclusion on High Hrothgar so you must go there and listen to what they have to say. Now onto your rewards".     

"As a whole, I'd like to grant you all the right to purchase property in my city, you will no longer be considered travelers here and you'll also receive 500 septims each."     

"But one of you has gone above and beyond my expectations so it is only natural I give them another reward. By my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. It's the greatest honor that's within my power to grant. I assign you Lydia as a personal Housecarl, and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office. I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we?-"     

Before The Jarl could continue Yorgen laughed and shook his head.     

"No we wouldn't hehe"     

'I always knew I'm destined for great things and here comes the first. Hehe, I can't wait to see my Housecarl'     

The Jarl cleared his throat before continuing.     

"Right...As I was saying, We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Kel The DragonSlayer. I hope you do not mind your last name, I was told you didn't have one, in Skyrim it is tradition that one is given a last befitting a trait of theirs or great deed they have done."     

Kel showed a smirk and shook his head and decided to act the part for appearance sake and to irk Yorgen.     

"I do not mind and I'm honored that a simple subordinate like myself can become Thane."     

Lokir resisted the urge to laugh and just clapped his hands along with the others present, except Yorgen who wore a frown. After the clapping came to a halt the Jarl continued.     

"Good good. And as for your associate there, he's also a Nord yes? Then how about Lokir The Swift? I here you're quite the quick archer."     

Lokir immediately shook his head.     

"With all due respect Jarl, that name gives off a bad message about my performance in the bedroom. How about Lokir The Long Lasting?"     

Some people nearly choked on their drinks when Lokir said this and the Jarl sighed before answering.     

"I don't see why not. If that is all..."     

Before the Jarl continued, Yorgen interrupted.     

"What about me? My mother was a Nord and I was born in Skyrim".     

Yorgen received many skeptical looks but the Jarl could only sigh.     

"I can grant you want now but wouldn't you prefer it later when you do some great deed as the Dragonborn?".     

Yorgen thought about and nodded quickly without protest.     

"As I was saying...again, Lydia. Please come forth and greet your Thane.".     

As the the Jarl said this, A young woman stood from the table and came towards Kel before bowing. She had long black hair with piercing green eyes. Her face was beautiful and delicate while her figure looked curvy but firm as she wore steel armor with a sword and shield as her choice in weaponry.     

"The Jarl has appointed me to be your Housecarl, I will guard you and all you own with my life. It is an honor to serve you My Thane."     

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