I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 162: Raynare

Chapter 162: Raynare

1It was late evening, and the sun was starting to set as two figures, a young man and woman, could be seen walking through the town.     4

"Say Issei... I'm glad you accepted to go on a date with me. I've admired you for so long, I'm really happy right now." The young woman expressed in a low shy tone as she looked at the boy walking to her left.     

"Oh, uh... it's nothing Yuuma. I happen to think you're really cute and I want to know you more..." Issei muttered while showing a blush as the young woman moved closer to him.     

'Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I mean, it's not impossible for a pretty girl to say I'm the man of her dreams out of nowhere, right?...' Issei sighed as this thought crossed his mind.     

"What's wrong, Issei? Am I boring...?" Yuuma noticed Issei's sigh before questioning if she was the cause in a dejected tone; a frown on her face.     

"What? Of course not, I'm just tired! We had gym class at school today." Issei quickly shook his head at this and explained making her giggle.     

"You do look pretty fit, Issei. Since you're tired, can we go somewhere quiet so I can properly say goodbye? I'm too shy to do it here..." Yuuma leaned in closer to Issei and gave his chest a quick caress before revealing her intentions.     

'She's definitely trying to kill me... but maybe she'll do it after? And Kel did say to stay close...'     

"Uhm, sure, where'd you want to go?" Issei asked, but Yuuma only smiled and locked hands with him before leading him away.     

'Damn, I can almost feel her breasts, it's sad I'm this happy next to someone about to most likely kill me,' He thought to himself as he went along with her.     

After a short walk, the two ended up in a park. The sun had now set, and it was rather quiet with not many people around.     

"Well, what do you think? Nice and quiet, perfect for enjoying someone's company." Yuuma blushed as she expressed this slowly to Issei who only chuckled nervously.     

'…Or murdering someone...' As Yuuma left his side and strolled towards a fountain she became quiet, making Issei grow even more anxious.     

"Aren't you coming, Issei?" She asked while cutely gesturing him to come closer.     

Issei didn't want to seem paranoid or suspicious, so he showed her a smile and walked over to her without a fuss and was about to stand close to her when all of a sudden, his body stopped on its own.     


Issei then slowly looked down only to see a glowing white spear inches away from reaching his stomach. He then quickly looked ahead to see Yuuma showing a sadistic smile towards him.     

"Hoh? I didn't expect you to have good reflexes. But I suppose it's only natural for you to squirm a bit before I shove my spear of light right through your body." She declared before her body began to change rapidly.     

Her clothes tore off only to be instantly replaced by black tight material that covered only her most intimate parts, but completely displayed the rest of her body. Her hair and appearance changed and looked more mature along with her features. But the most noticeable of features was of course the pair of black angel-like wings that sprouted from her back.     

'A Fallen Angel. If you put the urge to kill aside, she's even hotter,' Issei thought as he backed away slightly and attempted to run, however, before he could even get far, she flew forward to block his escape before aiming her spear towards his chest.     

"Fuck!" Issei, despite his heightened senses, was only able to barely dodge the spear with a look of panic on his face.     

"Tsk, stand still so I can kill you alrea—" Before the Fallen Angel could finish her sentence, dark chains coated in a blue flame emerged from a magic circle that appeared right below her seemingly out of nowhere.     

She reacted quickly and was about to avoid them, but they followed her movements and soon coiled around her legs and arms before forcing her down to the ground.     

"What is this?! How did you do this?!" The Fallen Angel looked towards Issei angrily and demanded an answer, confused as to what happened.     

"Is this maybe some automatic demon protection I cast subconsciously?" Issei clenched his fist looking proud until a tap on his shoulder made him realize that wasn't the case.     

"What th— Oh, Kel! Thank goodness, thought she had back up. Makes more sense that the chains are your doing." Issei sighed as Kel, who had appeared behind him, began walking to the now bound Fallen Angel.     

"Raynare, part of me thought you'd honestly not take the bait but here we are, that's one enemy down. But let's not beat around the bush, you're far from being strong, but I could use another pawn in my peerage. It beats having to die or worse," Kel said bluntly, but Raynare wasn't fazed as she simply glared at him angrily.     

"I'd rather die than betray my kind, do with me whatever you want, but I won't be swayed!" She declared boldly to which Kel just showed a sadistic smile of his own.     

5 minutes later...     

"What happened to never coming to the dark side?" Issei turned to Raynare who stood holding her shoulders quietly.     

"I don't need to explain myself to a damn virgin like you!" She retorted before the two both went quiet as Kel directed his gaze at them.     

"Try to at least get along. Anyway, nothing has changed. For tonight, you two will keep patrolling and are to contact me only if something urgent occurs." Kel instructed casually before his body vanished in the blink of an eye.     

"So… do you want to patrol close together? You know… since you don't have to kill me now…" Issei suggested, but Raynare sneered and took off into the sky.     

"Not in your life," She replied before flying away leaving Issei alone.     

"Understandable... have a nice day." He muttered calmly before walking away himself.     



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