I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 157: Not As Planned

Chapter 157: Not As Planned

2Early morning of the next day at school, Julius was enjoying the fame of being one of the most popular guys in school. Chatting up girls, arranging dates, and having guys wish they were him, all this stemmed from his excitement at his new life.      4

From basically being a nobody to being the center of attention was quite the jump but after getting it out of his system he began to think about his situation as he walked towards the school grounds.     

"Fuck, this is bad. I can control my abilities quite alright and I get the gist of them but I have no idea how strong the other clan heirs are... then I've got to recruit powerful people for my peerage too but who? Rias already has a peerage so that won't work, unless maybe I make her fall for me faster. There's Asia and the angels but I can't exactly guess when they'll appear. Dammit, I should ask Rias if she knows strong individuals but I don't want to seem desperate or anything like I don't know what I'm doing." Julius pondered as he realized the dilemma he was in.     

At the same time, Kel was approaching the school gates with Silyva by his side when he noticed Issei standing there from afar.     

"*sigh* I'll meet you after school Silyva, hope your day is less arduous than mine," Kel muttered before Silyva nodded with a smile and walked ahead, as she passed Issei, he couldn't help but attempt to look at her before the sound of Kel clearing his throat caused him to turn straight.     

"Is that all it takes to have your attention slip?" Kel asked in an unimpressed tone causing Issei to stand attentively and shake his head.     

"Uh no sir, it's just that bad habit. Won't happen again." He stood attentively and said sincerely.     

"Drop the Sir, this isn't the military. Did you do the homework I asked?" As Kel asked this Issei's expression relaxed as he answered casually.     

"Yeah, I did, I felt a strange sensation in my left hand but that's about it." Kel gave no special reaction to this as he hadn't expected much for the first attempt in the first place. Before giving a response, he reached for his pocket and took out a necklace before handing it to Issei.     

[E/N: Kel teaching Issei how to fap? Sus]     

[PR/N: Nah he just wanted Issei to get the moves right.]     

"That's fine, just keep trying. Anyway here, wear this at all times as it will alert me if you're in danger. You're still considered a threat so that won't stop the attempts on your life, the best we can do is use that to our advantage to draw out the enemies and eliminate them. So in your free time, you are to roam around the city doing regular teenage stuff, also while you're doing that keep an eye out for this girl and call me when you see her." Kel then handed over a small flip phone and an envelope with his crest on it to Issei.     

Upon opening it the first thing he saw was the sketched image of a pretty petite blonde girl. As for the envelope, Issei found it to have plenty of money.     

"So basically I'm the bait... well if it helps then I'll do my best. But this girl looks pretty innocent, is she dangerous?" Issei asked as he misunderstood Kel's intentions but Kel chose to remain vague and not explain as he turned around to leave.     

"Don't worry about it. For now, just do as I told you and call me if anything happens. One more thing, if a girl suddenly approaches you and asks you out on a date, accept it and act naturally as you have always been." Kel added before walking past the gates and into the school leaving Issei pondering.     

"Maybe this is some kind of test? I should just do as he says and hopefully, I'll get stronger in the process." Issei thought to himself before pocketing the envelope and the phone then started walking into the school himself as well.     

When Issei finally entered the school building, he found an odd situation happening. Many of the girls were blushing and whispering while the guys looked more upset than anything. The reason being at the center of the entrance area, Kel was confronted by Julius who stood not too far from him.     

"Hey what's going on," Issei asked one of the girls but they only shunned him, causing him to ask one of the guys instead.     

"Who knows man, that Julius guy just called out the blonde-haired senior out and said he wanted to challenge him to prove who's the best guy in school." The random guy explained to which Issei nodded before looking at the scene as well.     

Meanwhile, on the second floor, Rias along with Akeno observed the confrontation while standing next to a dark short-haired girl in specs.     

"Seems there's a rivalry there." The dark-haired girl pointed out.     

"Now really isn't the time for us to be having a conflict among ourselves, Sona," Rias replied to the girl while Akeno only chuckled.     

"Boys will be boys I suppose, but I am curious as to what will happen." She added as she watched the scene keenly just as Julius was about to speak.     

"The challenge is simple. Today during the joint physical education class, you and I will have a 1v1 basketball match. The winner gets to have the loser do anything for them, but only for one time, the lovely Miss Rias can act as a witness." Julius boldly stated causing Kel to chuckle.     

'Just what the hell is he planning with this, just bragging right? No, he wants something from me or he wouldn't have made such a scene or involved Rias...'     

"I accept," Kel replied after a moment of thought before walking away without uttering another word. Julius sneered at him before showing a confident grin.     

'I'm gonna show you just who the real top dog is around here.' Julius thought as he knew his physical abilities were immense even among devils.     

.....Later that day during physical education.     


"I didn't see this coming at all"     

"How did it even get to this"     

"12 minutes and just dunks only"     


Many students present muttered and whispered while looking at the score.     

Julius 0: 230 Kel     

Meanwhile, on the court, Julius who was just from getting posterized again and again had fallen to the ground and was now looking up at Kel's who stood over him with sheer disbelief in his eyes.     



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