I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 24: Chaos Driven

Chapter 24: Chaos Driven

4After Kel's encounter with the the destroyer, he began to inspect his body and all seemed well. Except for the boiling feeling to make Alex's life miserable. He sighed out loudly before turning to the and sink and washing his face. When he looked back into mirror with his annoyed gaze it immediately broke in pieces.      0

His inspection told him there was nothing wrong his body and this point he didn't care if there was. His focus was instead on things he could influence in these worlds. After putting on a uniform, Kel left the locker room but was met by running crying Silvya.     

"Kel-sama! Please don't die, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I should've known and-and-"     

Kel simply put his hand on her head while his face maintained a neutral expression.     

"You've done nothing wrong Silvya and I'm not dying. But someone will wish they were. Let's go."     

Upon arriving back into the dinning area only Mikasa was there. When she saw Kel, she stood up and walked over then spoke.     

"Are you really okay Lord Saber? Lord Rider said something about you looking like you were dying."     

Kel looked at her and nodded, responding to her a casual tone that masked boiling aggression     

"I'm fine, like I said just a little lack of sleep.And just refer to me as Kel. I'm curious as to why you seem to care about my well-being, it's clear your friends don't share the same worry."     

Mikasa's expression remained the same as she answered honestly.     

"I was raised for the sole purpose of protecting you Lo-Kel, the other's...don't trust you and the other seal bearers"     

Mikasa seemed a bit hesitant on the topic of her friends but she still truthfully revealed the reason. Kel looked at her carefully but saw no shifts in her expression.     

"Alright then, not like I could blame them for not doing so. I'm going to have look around alone, Silvya go get my weapon for me and tell Mordred it's time."     

Kel then walked away from the two and left to explore the other parts of compound. He went outside and walked towards a very large building separate from the one the titan holders lived in. It had only one open room and was used for storage. Inside he found the Pieck organizing some materials.     

"Are those supplies for the mission?"     

Pieck didn't look at Kel and continued with her work but still responded to his question.     

"They are and before you ask, no I don't need any help. So you and your friend can take your false intentions elsewhere".     

Kel furrowed his brows hearing this.     

'She said friend and not friends, I can only assume that idiot has been going around...If they've already seen through his character then I don't need to bother with them'     

"My question has been answered so I have no need to linger around here.As for what my intentions are, I have none."     

'Concerning you that is'     

Kel then left the large building, deciding it was best to leave them be, since Alex wasn't getting anywhere. But the second Kel went through the door a woman was there and pointed a knife towards him. Kel didn't show much reaction aside from eyeing her up and down.     

"Is there a reason you're pointing a knife at me or do you do this to everyone?"     

Kel spoke in an unamused tone to the blonde haired girl. The girl furrowed her brows and kept her knife pointed at him.     

"I'm tired of people like you who pretend to care about us but really just want to use us. You're not the first to try so I swear if you hurt them, I don't care for the consequences I will kill you."     

Kel walked towards the girl till the blade she held was against his body. He kept pushing his body forward and soon blood began to be seen, but his expression remained unchanged. The girl's eyes widened and she immediately tried to retract the blade but Kel moved forward once more, lodging the blade into body. The girl panicked and backed away from Kel. He looked at his wound and then her before speaking coldly driven by his new view towards those that antagonize him.     

"If you aren't willing to kill me then don't bother wasting both our time with your empty threats. Annie was it? Whatever happened to you before has nothing to do with me, I'm just here to do my job. Why should I go out of my way to chase around people who want nothing to do with me like that dog in heat, Alex."     

After saying this, Kel removed the bloodied knife and and put it on the counter then proceeded to leave but was stopped by the girl. Kel who was already in a bad mood due to Alex had his patience growing thinner. Annie looked at his would with an expression very different from before.     

"You can't go out like that! If it's known the Lord of the Saber was injured by the titan holders, empire will have the others killed! I wasn't going to stab you, why the hell would you come forward are you crazy?!"     

Kel's expression still the same he replied to her question.     

"Somewhere between those lines, I just wanted to end the ordeal so we wouldn't waste each other's time any longer. As for your worry, I have no intention complaining over a small wound, now can you move?"     

The small wound Kel mentioned actually made most of tummy area of his white shirt soaked in blood. Annie continued shake her head.     

"No, I'll fix this just, just sit over there and put this over your wound, I'll be right back"     

'Dammit this could end very badly a noble is one thing but the Saber Lord is another. Why the hell did move towards it!'     

Annie's thoughts were in disarray as she rushed out of room. Kel looked at the piece of cloth on his hands then looked at the direction Annie ran in and sighed before taking a seat and placing the cloth on his tummy.     

'A wound like this can be easily healed in seconds but...let's see where this goes'     

Annie rushed back with a med kit and a new shirt then locked the doors before going over to Kel.     

"You're supposed to hold it in place ugh never mind let's get this shirt off".     

Annie unbuttoned it's front and began cleaning Kel's wound carefully. As she did so, she began to speak.     

"We don't hate you..."     

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