I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 81: Battle For Whiterun 1

Chapter 81: Battle For Whiterun 1

0Edited by: Rawaz the chill dude     

"Silvya, I'll meet you outside the City" Kel said quickly as he separated from Silvya and ran towards The Winking Skeever inn.     

Once there he rushed to his room and retrieved his weapon that was neatly wrapped in a cloth. The weapon was something he had picked up in a dungeon in the past weeks.     

Aside from being capable of more damage and having some unique enchantments, it couldn't be said to be really special.     

"Let's see what it can do..." Kel thought out loud before wrapping the blade back into the cloth and leaving the inn.     

A/N: Weapon image:     

E/N: can't wait till mc kicks some pervert ass (aka the reincarnater)     

Once he got outside the City however, he found Lydia and Aela standing next to Silyvia ready for battle.     

"I'd rather die fighting than sit around and do nothing while my home is taken." Lydia stated her intentions upon seeing Kel look in her direction.     

"And I wish to fight alongside my shield brothers and sisters." Aela added after Lydia spoke.     

"Alright, then let's not waste time," said Kel before walking past them and looking to the skies.     



Kel's shout echoed through the skies and almost immediately loud roars echoed in return. It didn't take long for the source of the roars to be seen.     

Two large dragons flew side by side coming towards Kel's location. Aela seemed agitated at the sight of them while Lydia had grown more accustomed to seeing them in his travels with Kel hence her lack of a reaction.     

With a loud boom, the large beasts touched down onto the ground. The guards who saw this from afar were at a loss for words thinking they were under attack.     

"Get on. We'll ride in pairs" Kel quickly stated as he walked over to the dragon with blueish colored scales.     

Lydia and Aela both hesitated after hearing his words but Silvya was quick to act and went over to join him. She sat behind him and hugged him tightly whilst he held onto the horns of the large dragon.     

"To Whiterun Sahloknir..."     

Kel said the location they were heading and the dragon immediately began to flap its wings and take off from the ground.     

"Wait how do we ride a drag-"     

Aela tried shouting towards Kel but the dragon continued to take off before finally flying away in the direction of Whiterun.     

"Come on Aela, let's go!" yelled Lydia as she rushed towards the Dragon named Nahagliiv.     

Aela was of course hesitant as would anyone in her case. Even Lydia was nervous but she trusted Kel enough to follow along.     

She mounted the Dragon and soon Aela joined her. Not needing to give it instructions, it began to take off on its own and followed the direction Kel had gone.     

"I thought you'd have more to say about riding a dragon Aela" asked Lydia in a curious tone as Aela hadn't spoken since they took off.     

"I'm worried about my shield brothers and sisters. I doubt they would have surrendered...I fear the worst"     

Expressed Aela with a worried look on her face. Lydia didn't know how to comment to her statement as it held a lot of truth.     

"We can only hope for the best Aela, unnecessary thoughts in battle will get you killed" said Lydia in a firm tone.     

"You're right, thank you Lydia" she replied in a genuine appreciative tone while Lydia shrugged it off as nothing.     

It took only a few minutes for Whiterun to be in their field of vision. They were many stormcloak camps outside the city on guard for enemy troops. They couldn't relax until reinforcements from Windhelm came so they could properly solidify their position in Whiterun.     

The sight of two dragon's flying towards Whiterun would normally have people frightened or nervous but the stormcloaks thought they belonged to the Dragonborn and if even if they didn't, they believed he could slay them.     

Sahloknir and Nahagliiv flew closer to each other as they approached Whiterun.     

"Sahloknir, is the dragon helping Yorgen a threat?" asked Kel in the Dragon's tongue.     

"His name is Vuljotnaak, he is formidable but nothing I can not handle alone," responded Sahloknir in a confident tone.     

"Good, I'll need you to keep him busy then. If possible keep him away from the City. Nahagliiv, you'll land on the city gate and burn any and all stormcloak soldiers who approach it," voiced Kel in the dragon's tongue once more.     

Meanwhile at the Jarls home Dragonreach, Yorgen was casually sitting on the throne sipping from a bottle of mead like a king. In front of him was a woman with a blade on her hip and a frown on her face.     

"Why are we wasting time with this petty struggle. We should be exterminating the Dragon menace. Don't forget your duty as the Dragonborn Yorgen," she voiced in a tone of disapproval.     

"Will you relax Delphine. I've already agreed to slaying every single dragon in Skyrim, this one is just useful to us for now then I'll kill it as well. You should relax a bit, we've been adventuring for too long."     

A/N: Delphine Image     

E/N: I hope Kel kills that bitch     

"General Tullius didn't even respond to the letter I sent, Tsk. Whatever the case it's his loss as I'll conquer Skyrim with Ulfric's help and make him and everyone who looked down upon me regret it," he voiced confidently     

"Help? It's clear Ulfric is just using you to achieve his goal of becoming the true high king of Skyrim. Why would he relinquish that title to you?"     

Yorgen laughed at Delphine's question. His laugh echoed in the empty hall he sat in, while Delphine simply crossed her arms and watched.     

"Simple, for now I'll pretend to be fine with being a Jarl. But once I gain more dragons to control I'll have him eliminated and rise to power!" he declared proudly.     

"More dragons! Control! Are you mad? We need to kill every single one of those beasts!" argued Delphine loudly.     

"Yes I agree, after we cheat the imperials and oust Ulfric. Think about it, with us ruling you could truly make Skyrim a better dragon free place Delphine."     

Delphine pondered for a moment and was about to respond when suddenly a guard rushed into the hall.     

"Jarl Yorgen! We're under attack!" the guard yelled in panic but Yorgen remained relaxed.     

"So? Let my dragon handle it. Plus aren't the troops we have enough?" Yorgen replied casually.     

"The situation isn't that simple Jarl, two dragons have attacked. One is preventing our troops from entering the city while another is directly fighting your own dragon."     

"Our men inside the city are too few, Not to mention some people are attacking from within and the displeased people of Whiterun are joining. We can't win like this...." the panicked guard explained in a heavy tone     

"What?!" Yorgen stood from the throne after hearing the explanation. He grabbed his sword and began walking out of the hall with the guard and Delphine in tow.     

Back in Whiterun's streets, the bodies of stormcloak soldiers began to pile up one after another. Silvya fought near the entrance of the city.     

Making sure no stormcloaks could try to escape as Nahagliiv was focused on preventing troops from entering.     

"By order of Lord Kel, you shall not pass."     

She muttered before casting a wide range frost spell. All within its radius felt a bone chilling breeze enter their body.     

Their bodies began to tremble and they could barley hold their weapons. Most Nords were used to the cold weather so frost wouldn't hurt them as much but even they felt the might of Silvya's attack.     

It didn't end there though. Silvya soon took a different stance and began casting large icicles in their direction. The initial spell was only meant to slow them down and reduce their reaction speed.     

After the first wave of icicles passed a good number of stormcloak soldiers met their end, whilst others became heavily wounded. Silvya hadn't moved an inch from her position as she prepared to launch another wave.     

Aela also separated from the group and had gone to Jorrvaskr to check on the companions or atleast know if they were okay. What she found however was what she feared most.     


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