I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 154: Bad Choice

Chapter 154: Bad Choice

1It was around midday at Kuoh Academy and Kel was seated in the class by the window with his head rested on his hand as he stared at the teacher with vast disinterest in his eyes.      4

'Ah dear, the one thing that seems to never change in each world. Well I guess I can't complain since it's easy but sitting around listening to this dull lesson is agony on its own.' Kel thought as he stared at the clock just as it hit the time for the lesson to be over and the bell rang.     

"And don't forget class, you'll have a quiz next week so please prepare adequately." The teacher advised before leaving the classroom.     

The second he did so a group of students flooded towards Kel's desk and began asking him an array of different questions. Kel answered a few before excusing himself and leave the classroom.     

As he walked out of the classroom however he found Akeno walking in the hall heading in his direction. The two soon reached each other and came to a stop before exchanging greetings.     

"How are you finding the school so far?" Akeno asked while raising a brow in curiosity but Kel simply sighed and shook his head.     

"You can say it's a change from what I've used to, not sure if that's good or bad yet." Kel explained causing Akeno to giggle before she spoke in her ever alluring tone.     

"Well from what I can see you and Julius are quite popular, every girl in school seems to be talking about one or the other, some both even." Akeno revealed slowly as if teasing Kel over the popularity he seemed to have.     

"Now there's a worrying thought. Are you maybe one of the girls doing the talking as well or perhaps even the instigator?" Kel showed a small smile as he asked but Akeno simply shook her head while smiling back.     

"My, I would never talk behind the back of the only client using my touring services. Speaking of which, will you be needing them during this free period?" Akeno causing Kel to show a smile and look at her with narrowed eyes.     

'No matter how much I look at her, she reminds me of Ms. Johnson, damn that woman was a tease.' Kel thought before shaking his head.     

"No, I'll be walking around alone. That way I can verify if your services really sunk in." Kel played along as he stated his attention to walk around the school alone to which Akeno raised a brow.     

"And what happens if they are adequate?" She asked causing him to look up as if in thought while Akeno leaned forward with her hands behind her back, awaiting for his answer.     

"If they are adequate then it can only mean I should continue using that service." Kel's reply caused Akeno to chuckle as she stood upright once more and gave a bow.     

"Well my services are always available to you dear client. Now I must get going, I can't keep the club President waiting." Akeno said her farewell and began to walk away while Kel turned the opposite direction and left.     

Meanwhile near the old school building, a young man with a bandaged arm could be seen seated on the ground leaning against a wall.     

'We'd have been trying to peep at the girls right about now... don't cry Issei..' The young man thought before lowering his head and gripping his sleeves tight.     

Suddenly he heard some rustling coming from his right and turned in that direction only to find a group of angry standing in front of him.     

"It's you again! One of the creeps always hanging around here trying to sneak a peak at us as we shower." One of the girls accused causing Issei to raise his hands quickly and prepare to speak but before he could do so, another voice appeared on the scene.     

"Ladies, what seems to be the problem." The group and Issei turned to the source of the voice to find it belonged to one of new students many of the people were talking about... Julius.     

"It's nothing, just a pervert tired of living." A woman angrily explained before staring daggers at Issei who was yet to speak.     

"Oh? Well now that's just pitiful and pathetic. What kind of man would lower himself to such acts, I can only say he deserves what ever comes his way, don't you agree ladies?" Julius turned to the girls and asked before they all nodded and began to hit Issei with the wooden kendo's they held.     

A/N: don't think they're called that but whatever, wooden stick works too.     

They did so only briefly before another voice appeared on the scene.     

"Can you stop." The voice didn't ask but demanded causing the girls to instantly stop and turn to the source... Kel.     

As he slowly approached, Julius furrowed his brows before stepping forward to speak.     

"What, do you support his perverted behaviour? These girls deserve to let out their anger. Unless you're saying it's right for him to spy on them?" Julius asked while wearing a sly smile on his face.     

"It's kind of funny how you're seemingly trying to look like you're upholding justice when you didn't even give him a chance to tell his side of the story. I was actually coming here to sit and secluded myself, does that make me a pervert? What's worse you can clearly see he's injured and yet you didn't hesitate to start beating at him without a second thought. Do you feel better about yourselves now? Do you feel justice has been served for something you're not even sure of? Well you better after possibly making someone's condition worse."     

As Kel said this, the girls turned to Issei and saw him grit his teeth while holding his bandaged arm which had now began to bleed, leaving them regretful of their actions.     

"We're sorry it's just that it's happened before and we didn't notice the injury... we wouldn't intentionally want to cause an injury like.. dammit." The girl muttered as they looked at Issei who simply nodded.     

"It's fine, I'm sorry if my friends and I caused you guys trouble in the past... it won't happen again. Ever." Issei replied before standing up weakly.     

The girl who stood in the lead helped as she now wore a concerned look on her face.     

"Let me take you to the nurse's office, this is all my fault." She apologized once more as she began walking away with Issei. The other girls soon turned and left leaving only Julius with Kel.     

"Be careful who's business you get into. You can't afford having certain people as your enemy." Julius explained before walking away while Kel just showed a smirk.     

'Let the fuckening begin.' He thought to himself before leaving the scene as well.     

Meanwhile at a window not too far from them, Rias observed the whole event quietly just as Akeno walked into the room.     

"Akeno, what's your opinion on Julius and Kel?.."     



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