I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 180: Calm Before The Storm Part 1 Unedited!

Chapter 180: Calm Before The Storm Part 1 Unedited!

3It was a Friday and the school day had just come to an end. Most students of course began to make their home whilst some remained mostly for club activities.     4

Akeno was doing just that as she walked towards the occult research club building alone with her usual on her face. Once at the front door to the main room she knocked gently twice before Rias's voice could be heard on the other side telling her to come in.     

"Excuse me~" She said with slight vigor in her voice as she walked into the club room. There she found Rias seated alone facing a chess board with serious expression. "You seem to be in a good mood." Rias noticed the extra energy Akeno seemed to be showing and she couldn't help but point it out.     

"Well it has been a good day. Oh and I ran into Kel before coming here, he and his peerage are doing well and he asked to updated once any news from the underworld came through." Akeno revealed causing Rias to turn her attention to her as she crossed her legs and sighed. "Funny you should mention that, I've just been told my cousin Sairaorg and his mother will be coming to town, I'm afraid it's no simple visit either."     

Akeno hand began to brew some tea for Rias as she heard this piece of news, her expression showed the slight worry she had. "Won't that lead to more conflict?"     

"It most likely will but Julius's accident happened in our territory and our investigations haven't yielded any satisfying results so here we are. Plus there's the tournament that feels like it's around the corner, so much for peaceful days." Rias sighed and straightened her back as Akeno served her a cup of tea.     

"I can understand how you feel, there's a lot at stake during this tournament." Akeno sympathized with Rias and showed her a gentle smile which she very much appreciated.     

"The various heads can't make any big moves in order to keep the already unstable peace in the underworld so they use the younger generation under the guise of a tournament to settle scores and built power via bets. It's utterly frustrating for them to be held at such a time." Rias continued to rant while Akeno listened carefully but as she did so she remembered something. "So a lot would be targeting Kel's territory, you did mention it was enormous in size. On top of that the one to win may even become the devil Lucifer, or at least that's what rumors are saying."     

"Yes, compared to other heirs he's one of the few whose company I actually enjoy. I can't help but worry that he's in an even more difficult place than myself." Rias looked slightly saddened at the thought of a person who she considered a friend losing all he had. But Akeno couldn't help but chuckle playfully. "You know people who share troubles are fated to be together."     

Meanwhile the difficult place Kel was in was at his home where he was currently training a member of his peerage.     


The sound of flesh being smacked resonated in Kel's living room were he stood facing Raynare's rear as she bent over a sofa. "Mmm~ Getting hit never felt so good."     

"You're one hell of a masochist." Kel commented as he looked at her now bright red asscheeks. "I'm whatever you want me to be Master." She replied cheerfully while shaking her ass as if begging for me.     

"Lord Kel when I said she needs to be punished for being disrespectful this isn't what I meant." Silvya who stood beside Kel couldn't help but complain while narrowing her eyes at Raynare.     

"Can't you see my bruised behind? I'm clearly hurting here. Such a hard and fierce lesson, I'll be sure to remember it well Master~" Raynare feigned a pained expression and tone while still wriggling around.     

"See it's working." Kel said so in serious tone completely ignoring the juices that run down her thighs between her legs.     

Before Silyva could comment any further, a ring was heard at the front door. "Well the lesson ends here." He said before heading towards the door. Raynare who couldn't see him walking away wriggled her ass even more. "Aww just more time Master~ let me have it." She pleaded but rather than Kel it was Silyva who came behind her before rubbing her hands together.     


"Fuck!! You big tittied bitch!"     

Kel ignored the noises in the living room as they had become all to common. When he opened the door, he found a sweaty Issei breathing heavily in front of his door. "What happened to you?" Kel inquired curiously while also took a moment to catch his breath before answering.     

"After school I was about to start exercising like you told me with a jog then I heard creepy sounds coming a nearby bridge. It was pretty dark but I saw a girl naked walking into the darkness and I thought it was suspicious so I went to investigate like any other concerned citizen"     

"I see, go on."     

"Yea so after I went down there it turns out she wasn't actually a normal naked girl."     

"...shocking, go on."     

"It's to say what she was but the perfect word to describe would be man eater, they were tones of body there that looked like they belonged to guys, other concerned citizens."     

"I'm sure... and then?"     

"It was a tough fight and I won in the end but she begged me not to kill her and she said she'd serve me or my master to redeem herself."     

"Okay?" Kel continued to go along with it at this point as it didn't seem all that weird compared to what he's seen so far.     

"Yes so I brought her with me so you could decide what to do, cause I couldn't bring myself to kill her."     

"If you can handle her then sure keep her, you have been working hard after. Where is she?"     

"There in the bushes, hey come out." Issei turned to the bushes and beckoned a figure over.     

"She's a kid. A naked kid."     

"She said she's over 70 years old." Issei quickly defended.     

"She looks 7."     



"I'll just kill her then, you know murderer and all."     

"Good idea."     

A/N: School season is on so I'll aim for a few chapters a week but nothing certain. My schedule is packed.     

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