I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 169: Only The Beginning

Chapter 169: Only The Beginning

2Kel had spent the rest of the break period in the occult research club with Rias and Akeno, telling them about himself as vaguely as he could.     

Currently, he was seated in his classroom lazily waiting for the last period to come to an end which it soon did as the bell rang.     

'Well, investigation time I guess.' Kel thought to himself before standing up and releasing a sigh as he made his way out of the class dodging suck ups and thirsty girls along the way. After all, with Julius's fall from grace, he became the top dog. 'The things I do for alterations...' he thought for a moment while standing in the hall as he noticed Akeno heading to his direction.     

"You always seem to look so tired after classes, rough day?" She walked up close to him and brushed her dark hair aside before asking teasingly. "I loathe school, there's just something about spending most of my day inside a classroom that doesn't sit right with me," Kel replied while shaking his head as if in regret to which Akeno giggled coming even closer to him, her large ample breasts slowly squeezing against his arm.     

"Maybe my favorite client could do with a massage, another service of mine? It's very exclusive, only the president has access to it so far." She teasingly implied causing Kel to raise a brow in curiosity before eventually shaking his head. "I'll take a rain check on that offer, we do after all have a busy evening ahead of us." Despite his reply, Akeno only seemed to get closer wearing a small smile on her face.     

"Hmm, I suppose you're right. Well, my offer is still stand. Will you be coming to the club or are we going to meet you at the park?" She asked in her all so alluring tone to which Kel shook his head once again. "I'll be heading there with my servants, to go over a few things so we'll meet you there." As Kel gave this reply, Akeno finally pulled away while still smiling devilishly.     

'This may be problematic... then again it's technically my fault.' Kel sighed to himself before seeing yet another familiar face coming towards him in the hall. Akeno saw this as well and gave a wave as she turned around walking away. "Till we meet again." She said before strutting in the opposite direction.     

"Must be nice." Kel who had been watching her walk away turned to the source of the sarcastic remark. "No idea what you mean Issei." Kel showed a casual smile and shrugged while Issei just wore an unamused smile, before he could say anything more Kel tapped Issei on the shoulder and gestured that they should start moving.     

"You know exactly what I mean, never mind. This day has been pretty good but I still feel sort of guilty... don't you think that we went a little a bit too far with the prank? I mean I hate the guy but to ruin his whole social life. Damn." Issei shook his head in pity while Kel just chuckled before answering. "Firstly he needed to be stopped, otherwise he'd keep using his powers and looks to sleep with innocent girls before tossing them aside, you've actually done some good work." Kel's praises caused him to smile awkwardly after feeling that he did some good work.     

"Well Raynare is the mastermind behind it really, the only thing I did there lost my appetite and money. But looking at it after what you've said then it was definitely worth it." Issei showed a smile and held his head high more confidently, something Kel felt good about seeing it and encouraged. "That's the spirit, I'll be sure to compensate you and reward you for a job well done," Kel added just as they made their way out of the main school building and towards the gate where Sylvia and Raynare stood next to each other.     

Upon seeing Kel, Raynare turned her attention away from Sylvia and showed a smile. "How was your day master?~" She asked but in a rather obvious flirtatious tone which Kel simply raised his brow to. "I told you not to call me that, especially in public. But it's alright, I'm particularly impressed with you to come up with the little event today. Good job."     

Raynare showed a smirk after receiving Kel's praise while Sylvia crossed her hands under her large breasts in irritation. "Well, I just thought someone who dares disrespect you should be punished... I've got more ideas as to how to do it if you're interested." Raynare licked her lips and showed a sadistic smile as she brought this suggestion to light.     

Kel however shook his head before replying "I'll trust your methods, just be very reserved in how you go about it. It would be a pain if it's traced back to you."     

"I completely understand Mas- sir." Raynare expressed with a smile before Sylvia had enough and stepped forward. "Lord Kel I think we should leave now and plan on how to go about the investigation since we won't be together." She suggested in her usual casual tone which carried an innocent carefree type of vibe.     

"Yea, you're right so let`s go. " Kel added quickly before heading he and the group towards a large SUV and setting off with Raynare driving and Issei in the front while Kel was casually resting on Sylvia's lap in the back.     

'I should've sat in the back.' Both Issei and Raynare thought as they looked up at the rear view mirror in jealousy.     



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