I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 25: You’ll Be Fine

Chapter 25: You’ll Be Fine

3A/N: warning, brutality in this chapter     

"We don't hate you...If anything, we look up to the Seal Bearers..."     

"My mother was the previous female titan, she fell in love with a soldier who often fought in battles with her and had thought she had found her companion like her friend with the king. But she later found out she was just part of a political scheme to keep the generation of titans going. After she was pregnant my father left her for good. She raised me to always be careful as even the most noble of heroes can just be wearing a mask to fool you."     

"Mikasa doesn't even know her parents and doesn't seem to care, all she told us was she grew up under General Levi's tutelage. Sasha's father and mother were truly in love but once they were gone, a naive girl was left to fend for herself, a noble tried to have his way with her once but I made it so he would never do that again. The price? Us being isolated. Pieck was adopted by the former cart titan as a child and grew up in the barracks from a very early age like me. Eren only recently came. His father was a genius who made his family a great deal of wealth before passing on. His mother is still against him being here and visits frequently to check on him but he isn't fond of it very much."     

"We're all very different but the one thing we have in common is hope. Hope that the seal bearers change our fates like they did for our parents. But when one is named the Legendary cock rider that hope quickly begins to fade, before the ceremony he was fond of flaunting his seal left and right and luring women into his home, but it's said they all run quickly and ignored from that day. It's already clear that he must have tried to force himself on them. His already started trying to be friendly towards us so when I saw you going to see Pieck I thought you're the same. There, all done"     

Kel's mood got slightly better when he thought of the real reason those women left and never went back. Annie stood up and packed up the kit then prepared to leave.     

"I'm sorry for earlier even though you're the one who mov-. *sigh* Just don't ruin everyone's hope in you."     

After saying this, Annie left the room. Kel stood up and began dressing up while the wound began to heal.     

'They're better off not having hope in me, once I'm done with Alex I'm leaving. Should they want to stay with me then the Destroyer will remove their existence from this world and have them reappear in mine once I finish killing off the Creators reincarnators'     

6 hour's later.     

The seal bearers and titan holders were now standing on top of a hill looking at the horde of demon's approaching, Alex's attention was instead however on Kel.     

'How the hell is he alive? System I thought you said that annoying npc was dying?'     

[Reason unknown]     

When the signal to attack was given, to everyone's surprise, Kel was the first to burst out riding on Akita, Alex wasn't far behind riding his hen.     

'This bastard thinks he can steal my spotlight huh?'     

"Astolfo charge forward and start taking down demons.     

Kel didn't need to say anything as Mordred had already charged forward on her own into the misty battlefield. Once Kel entered the mist he got off Akita and sent her back,but as he took out his weapon a figure came from behind and stabbed him in the back. This was none other than Alex who began to laugh.     

"That's the deadliest magic poison in existence haha, worth every point. This is what you get for messing with me you damn npc, I'm the hero, I'm the one people are supposed to look up to, I'm the one who-*Slash*"     


Alex suddenly fell and yelled out loudly but his voice couldn't be heard in a battlefield full of screaming demons. Kel took the dagger from his back and threw it away before looking at Alex with a smile and finishing his sentence.     

"The one who doesn't have legs?"     

Alex gritted his teeth in pain and stares at Kel with hateful eyes.     

'System use all points to automatically heal me! Now!!'     

As he said this his limbs legs begun to grow back but Kel raised his polearm and slashed them off along with his hands.     

"Gahhh!! You fucking bastard! I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you. Urghh!!"     

As Alex's wounds limbs regrew, Kel cut them again just as quick. He had done this 23 times now. He stopped when he saw his arms didn't regrow but were like that of babies.     

"Why so hateful. You're the one who tried to kill me when you're weak haha. Though I am impressed you're still conscious to give me that angry stare. Don't worry I won't kill you. Otherwise how will you watch me gain everything you yearn for haha.     

Alex tried reaching for his dagger but his baby hands were useless. His expression grew dark when he saw Kel raise his blade.     

"Y-you said you wouldn't kill me!"     

Kel smiled and nodded as the bladed ends of his weapon gave off a black flame.     

"I'm just making sure your stupidity doesn't spread"     

Before Alex could ask what Kel meant. The polearm blade landed forcefully on his crotch, Kel twisted it from side to side even when his cock and balls were sliced clean off.     


Alex unable to speak because of the pain just uttered inaudible sounds. Kel smiled and forcefully feed him a pill.     

"That should should keep you from dying heh, till next time Mr.Hero"     

Kel began to walk away and saw Alex squirming around madly despite being in great pain. Trying to stretch his little arms to his lower body. Kel tapped as his head as if remembering something.     

"I must have forgotten to mention that it doubles as an extremely strong aphrodisiac. I'm sure you'll be fine, you are the Legendary cock rider after all."     

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