I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 17: Reputation

Chapter 17: Reputation

0"Fuck!"      3

Alex was so pissed by the events that had just occurred that he didn't back and swore loudly in on the platform. He then walked over to the others angrily with Astolfo skipping behind happily.     

'Stupid fucking System, it's the cause for everything bad!! First the damn chicken but sure I could live with that, but this is fucking unacceptable, not only did I get a trap rider instead of Saber, but the only other guy present got a Saber class. A girl wouldn't have been that bad, but a guy! My waifu will be loyal to another guy! How the fuck am I supposed to feel. All because of this shit system! No, I won't let that happen. There's gotta be a way...'     

After Alex's short outburst, the priest cleared his throat and spoke.     

"*ahem* with the ceremony over, may the guests carrying invites head toward the palace grounds for the celebration and get the chance to speak to our seal bearers first hand".     

After the priest said these words, he gestured the group to leave.     

Kel didn't say anything and wanted to walk away but was stopped by Rin asking him a question.     

"You said you're independent, right? Does that mean you'll choose a side to work with?"     

Kel shrugged as he replied.     

"I can't say I've made a decision yet, I suppose I'll come to one at the palace once I meet those who have offers for me."     

Kel wanted to walk away again but was stopped once more.     

"Wait. I'll escort you to the palace, I'll tell you everything you need to know about New Babylonia, so you don't make a fool of yourself and in turn the Seal bearers."     

'I need him to ally with us and not Yggdemillenia...'     

Rin then turned to Illyasviel and asked.     

"Are you coming? It's best we know each other a little IIIyasviel, after all we will be working together soon."     

Illyasviel smiled and ran over to their two and replied in an excited tone.     


Illyasviel in this world was the heir to Einzbern family even though her mother was a homunculus. Illya is cheerful and outgoing, upbeat and generally exhibits a positive attitude. Possessing a friendly demeanor, she is easy to talk to and tends to be playful and mischievous. Deep inside, however, Illya is lonely as she has no friends her own age to play with and is often stuck inside the Einzbern castle. Hence, her excited towards the offer to tag along. She asks those she feels comfortable around to call her "Illya" rather than Illyasviel.     

Speaking of her age. Though Illya was born through natural means, her body has been heavily modified before and after her birth to maximize her body's magic compatibility. The modifying made her growth slow down abnormally and resulted in her childlike appearance while she is actually slightly older than Rin who was currently 17. Her physical body also did not develop secondary sexual characteristics. Her life in Einzbern castle was rather harsh and cruel as they had treated her inhumanly which made her personality more unstable and cold-blooded. But she kept the kindness she inherited from her parents deep down in her heart.     

A/N: Just found Illyasviel is 18. I genuinely thought she was a little girl. Damn a legal loli.....Subarshi     

As for Rin she is fiercely competitive and eager to prove herself as a skilled and capable magus. Rin is a perceptive, serious, resourceful, and very competitive person. Though she is widely admired in New Babylonia as a prim and proper honor Magus, it is a front she puts up in order to prevent others from prying into her life. In private, she is notably loud, shrewd, stingy, and bossy but usually means well for those she cares about.     

Her manner of speech is often hostile and dismissive of other people, but deep down she has a caring, big-sisterly disposition. Her tendency of making trivial mistakes at the worst possible moment is a hereditary curse. Though she really is a lot nicer than she seems, she claims to always make her decisions based on cold, rational logic in the end. In her own words, it's "not a very cute personality". In short, Rin is a tough, fiery, perceptive, judicious, mischievous, and considerably aggressive tsundere who shows both sides of the trope.     

Kel wasn't given much of a choice as Rin didn't back down from her offer. Now the group was about to head towards the palace by foot...sort of. After dismissing their undying spirits and telling the carriages to leave. Rin was about to lead the group when Alex came running their as well.     

"In that case I should join too. I'll be your new teammate as well".     

After hearing this, Kel sighed silently.     

'Guess that means I'll be joining New Babylonia...'     

Rin didn't mind Alex joining and the group began to leave the arena. They met Akita and Silvya near the exit. Silvya seemed panicked, but she felt extreme relief upon seeing Kel and rushed to him with teary eyes *inserts aqua crying*.     

"Lord Kel! I thought you left me, I went to the ladies room. Then got lost, then a child asked for my milk *sniff* but I had none, so the child is probably hungry somewhere now and Akita didn't care *sniff* and only slept. I'm sorry, please don't abandon me".     

Kel then got a weird look from Rin. He sighed and rubbed his temples, shaking his head.     

"First of all stop crying, I'm getting many weird looks as is. Secondly, what makes you think I'll abandon you?"     

Silvya composed herself and spoke in a sad tone.     

"In the ladies room two women called me fat and said no man will ever like me. Then I said I am liked very much by my master. They just laughed at me and said you only like my me because of my chest and that I'll lose value when they become saggy..."     

As Silvya said this she began shaking he chest side to side. If looks could kill then Kel would have died multiple times already from the way Rin was glaring and him. Illyasviel then looked at her chest which was even more "modest" and crossed her arms. Kel decided to speak quickly and do damage control.     

"What of course not, I like you because you're great and doing your Job Silvya. I never even considered your chest adding to what makes you special".     

'I haven't said this much bullshit since that time I pretended to be a millionaire. In my defense, I was loaded...just with coupons instead of dollar bills'.     

Alex wanted to take advantage of Kel's situation and spoke up.     

"To think you're such a disgusting man, you give all men a bad name by judging women like this. Most importantly, it's a stain on our reputation as Seal bearer's"     

Kel was about to make a comeback, but a group of passing kids recognized Alex.     

"Mommy, mommy look! It's the legendary cock rider".     

"My uncle said he rode on a giant cock all the way from Moon City!"     

*multiple wows*     

"My butt hurts just from sitting down too long"     

"His butt must be super sore"     

*multiple laughing*     

A/N: sorry couldn't resist making another chicken joke. It dies here.     

A vein popped up on as he shouted at kids.     

"Oie you brats! It's a freaking hen, not a cock. Are you dumb? Stop calling by that name before people get the wrong idea!"     

The kid hid behind his mother while the other's ran off. Alex then began trying to calm himself but then.     

[Congratulations. Host has gained the title "Legendary Cock Rider" Your exploits and title will now travel to all corners of the continent. Reward: 2000 player points. 500 more till Host can unlock level 2 system upgrade which will unlock a sentience.]     


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