I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 94: Ending the War

Chapter 94: Ending the War

1The Scene in Windhelm was that of complete chaos. General Tullius's surprise attack enabled him and many soldiers quick access into Windhelm to start the attack.      3

However, many of his troops outside the city fell when Yorgen unleashed his 8 dragons. General Tullius could not have expected such an unexpected factor.     

He and the troops that made it within the city were safe due to the fact that its citizens were there so the dragons could not attack. This also meant General Tullius could not leave.     

It wouldn't take long for Ulfric's troops outside the city to join the battle within so time was of the essence for the General.     

The general's worries were soon lifted as he heard the sound of numerous dragons roaring in the skies above. First, they numbered around ten then around twenty and soon around thirty.     

Saying the skies above Windhelm were plagued with dragons wouldn't be an exaggeration. The General regained his battling spirit and continued to fight the troops within the city.     

Sahloknir and Nahagliiv didn't hesitate landing within the city of Windhelm. Kel and the group quickly got off the dragons and joined the battle.     

Sahloknir and Nahagliiv could not navigate within the city but did provide support by burning any troops that were in the open.     

Meanwhile in Jarl Ulfric's palace, panic grew.     

"What?! That can't be!" Yorgen yelled out in surprise and got off his seat.     

Ulfric along with his closest figures were in the hall in discussion when a soldier delivered news of how the tide of the battle had changed.     

Ulfric and his head were initially so confident that they only awaited a report stating they'd won. After all stopping 8 dragons wasn't something one could do easily. But now with Kel and his dragons present, everything changed.     

"You can't be serious! Why is he with General Tullius! They never helped when we took over Whiterun" Yorgen yelled out while throwing his tankard to the floor in anger.     

"Calm down Yorgen. You, how many dragons does he have supporting him?" Ulfric asked, not losing his composure despite the situation.     

"I-I'm not sure, the skies are covered with dragon's my King, he even has two attacking within the City. We're getting absolutely decimated." The trembling soldier stated while keeping his head down.     

Ulfric frowned and looked at Yorgen before looking toward his men.     

"I know this situation does not sound favorable but as long as we can get the dragons to stop attacking us, we will win. So, our focus is the one in control...Kel, The Dragon Slayer." Said Ulfric as he slowly picked up his battle axe.     

"To Battle my fellow Nords! Do not let the imperials have their way! The divines are on our side!"     

Ulfric yelled out in a mighty tone and his men began to chant as they picked up their weapons. Yorgen followed along with a bright smile on his face, eager to see Kel fall.     

Meanwhile back in the streets of Windhelm, the bloody fight continued.     

"Aela! Where are you going?" Lydia yelled out to Aela who had begun to wander from her.     

"To find those traitors!" She responded without bothering to turn back. Lydia tried to follow but she too had her own attackers to deal with.     

General Tullius remained attacking the central area of the city with his troops whilst Silvya and Kel took the east and west. Nahagliiv and Sahloknir remained attacking near the city gate to the south.     

Silvya had no problems taking out her attackers, she chose to use wind range lightning spells most of the time which almost instantly killed its target. Largely due to the fact that the soldier's had lots of metal on their uniforms.     

Kel also found no problems in his fight. Using the shout "Ice Form" and "Unrelenting Force" back to back. His attackers didn't get the chance to even get close before they fell victim to one of these two attacks.     

Back at the center of the city, Ulfric encountered General Tullius. His target being Kel, Ulfric wanted to get away but it wouldn't be that easy.     

"Your time has finally come Ulfric. No one else has to die, just surrender!" Yelled out General Tullius.     

"Quit your blabbering, this fight is far from over!" Ulfric replied in an equally loud tone before using a shout.     

General Tullius reacted quickly and dodged it but Ulfric began to retreat whilst he did so. The faster he found and took out Kel the better. But General Tullius wasn't about to let him get away and pursued.     

Ulfric wandered the streets of Windhelm in search of Kel, it was only until he returned to the central area that he saw Kel's figure entering his palace. Ulfric didn't waste time and pursued but General Tullius wasn't far behind.     

Upon entering the palace, he found his hall had been turned to ruin. Pillars cracked, furniture broken and his banners on fire. At the far end of the hall, Kel was holding one of Ulfrics men by the throat.     

Ulfric immediately rushed to the scene but a blade came swinging in his direction.     

"I'm your opponent Ulfric!" General Tullius yelled out as he attacked.     

The battle was quick and fierce but General Tullius was no match for Ulfric's might. Laying on the ground defeated, General Tullius looked at Ulfric with a hateful look.     

Ulfric picked up his and prepared to take the general's life. However, just as he was about to swing, he felt a large force hit the side of his body. This sent him flying towards the wall hard, breaking a few bones in the process.     

General Tullius stood up slowly and looked in Kel's direction before nodding. He then picked up his sword and approached Ulfric.     

"It's over Ulfric. The war ends here and now" General Tullius declared before running his sword through Ulfrics chest.     

"For the Empire, For th-arck!"     

General Tullius's words were cut short when he felt a sudden pain in his chest. He lowered his head only to see a blade had pierced through it. When he turned his head, he's eyes widened as he saw Kel behind him.     

(E/N: *surprised Pikachu face*)     

"W-why.....". General Tullius muttered out in a weak tone as the life in him slowly began to fade away.     

"It's like you said, today the war ends" Kel replied bluntly before removing his sword from the General's chest.     

Ulfric looked at Kel with a complex look as life began to leave his body as well.     

At the same time to the west of the city, Aela was crouching near some bloodied bodies with a complex look on her face. Behind her Lydia and Silvya stood silently and watched her. She only sighed in a somewhat depressed manner before muttering.     

"It's finally over...."     

Edited by: MagnuS the dickless anti intellectual , Rawaz the loli hunter and Cookie the virginity seller     

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