I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 90: Tour

Chapter 90: Tour

0Kel and his group soon got to The Bee and Barb and settled down for a meal. Silvya had gone to the counter to order some food and rent rooms for the group.     4

"I see now why so many men like Riften" said Aela while frowning.     

"The nice weather and friendly people?" asked Kel with a straight face.     

Aela gave him a hateful look while Lydia chuckled. Soon Silvya came back and took a seat near Kel.     

"The food will be here soon and I've paid for our rooms but they were short so I could only get two," she said in her usual tone.     

Lydia and Aela already knew they'd be sharing one room while her and Kel would share the other, so not much had to be said on the topic.     

"It's a busy City, I'm not surprised" said Lydia while shrugging her shoulders.     

After the group had their meals, they decided to each head to their rooms and call it a day. Once inside the room, Silvya was surprisingly quick to fall asleep, most likely tired from the journey and battle.     

The same could be said for Lydia who also fell fast asleep soon after going into their room. Aela tried too as well but unluckily for her, their room was next to one of the more popular escorts in Riften.     

She could clearly hear the sound of flesh clapping against each other and loud moans. This made her unable to fall asleep.     

"Mmm Yes! Harder! Harder! Oh yes!"     

"Haha you like that don't you! Take my cock you cheap whore!"     

Aela tried banging her hand against the wall but their bodies only clapped louder. In the end she could only wait until the sound stopped.     

"Oh! You brought friends! Come all at once!"     

An excited voice said from the other room. Just like that, the sound of bodies colliding, moans, grunting, and dirty talk filled Aela's ears for much of the night.     

The next morning while having breakfast, Lydia, Silvya and Kel all seemed relaxed and well rested while Aela was grumpy.     

"Are you ok?" Asked Silvya curiously but Aela only nodded her head and focused on her food.     

"I hate this place..." she muttered under her breath.     

"So the news was right, it was you!"     

Everyone on Kel's table turned to the source of the voice and saw a smiling Lokir.     

"Lokir? How'd you know we were here?" Asked Lydia while raising a brow.     

"Trust me, in this city it's important to know when a new face shows up. It's just this time the faces are friendly, it's refreshing seeing who might not kill me in my sleep." Said Lokir while shaking his head.     

"More importantly you should have let me know, my home here has more than enough room for you guys to stay. I can't allow my friends to spend the night in bed where whores make love" Lokir said while patting his chest.     

That thought alone made Aela feel worse, whereas Silvya who always cleansed the room with a spell whenever her and Kel were sleeping at an inn only smiled.     

After Aela properly cursed the inn, the group gathered their things and left for Lokir's home. It was a two story mid sized home that was neatly decorated and furnished.     

"Wow, nice house you've got yourself Lokir" said Lydia as she looked around."     

"Better than the house in Whiterun right?" Asked Lokir while nodding proudly.     

"Yes but Kel sold that one. He now owns the large estate outside the city," answered Lydia while looking around.     

"*sigh* Just when I thought I'm actually doing good..." Lokir sighed before showing them around.     

"Say Lokir? Do you mind showing me around the city?" Asked Kel after Lokir finished giving them a tour of the home.     

"Of course it's not a problem, do you all want one?" Lokir turned to the others and asked.     

"No. I've had enough of this place, just show me where I can sleep," Said Aela while shaking her head.     

"I'd like to run a bath then rest as well. I've seen Riften before." Lydia added before turning to Silvya.     

"I'd like to see the city as well," answered Silvya with a smile on her face.     

With that said, Lokir, Silvya and Kel left the home and went out into Riften. Lokir gave them a quick run down of every place they walked past.     

"...this is the temple of Mara, the day you want to get married, you'll need to stop by here and arrange the ceremony. I actually got myself an amulet of Mara not too long ago. It's important that women know I'm very much available. You should get one yourself." Explained Lokir but Kel shook his head.     

"I can't...let's just say I'm not available. Officially that is" Kel stated but remained vague, causing Lokir to shift his gaze towards Silvya who simply pouted.     

"Well ah...congratulations? Moving on...." Lokir could feel Silvya staring daggers at him the more he lingered on that topic.     

So Lokir simply continued the tour, showing him the market, smithery, brothel and every other place Lokir considered relevant. As they were turning a corner, Lokir bumped into someone.     

"Oh excuse me, I was fast because I didn't think there would be people in this part of the City" said the man Lokir bumped into.     

"And there shouldn't be people in this part of the city, What brings you here?" asked a woman standing next to the man in an accusing tone.     

"My companion and I are new to Riften so I asked my friend here to show me every part of the city. Is there a reason people shouldn't be here?" replied Kel with a question of his own.     

"Enough Mjoll, they're new to the city. Besides not everyone here is tied to the shady side of Riften," voiced the man Lokir had bumped into.     

"Oh, sorry for my accusation. Welcome to Riften, whatever your business here I advise you to stay away from the black briars or anything to do with the thieves guild" warned the woman named Mjoll.     

"Haha, I'm yet to believe there is a guild for thieves. But I do agree with you on the matter concerning the black briars," voiced Lokir while feigning ignorance concerning the thieves guild.     

"This is what I always tell her, but she insists that the thieves of Riften have a guild and ties to the black briars. You see Mjoll? The very idea of it is ridiculous," said the man next to Mjoll while shaking his head.     

"Say what you will Aerin but my intuition tells me I'm right. That aside, what brings you to Riften travelers? Marriage perhaps?" Suggested Mjoll as she saw Silvya and Kel standing next to each other.     

"No, nothing so grand. I'm an adventurer and this is my companion, we came here to sell off some of our loot. I hear Riften is the best market for such so I came as soon as we finished our most recent trip into a dwemer ruin," Explained Kel.     

"You don't say? I too am an adventurer, my last adventure almost got me killed. It was in a dwemer ruin as well, luckily for me I was saved by Aerin. Sadly I lost my weapon there while fighting a dwarven centurion...it carries lots of sentimental value, but I'm grateful I escaped and survived."     

"Yes but you won't stay alive long if you keep up this black briars and thieves guild business. Like you said it's best to avoid them," Argued Aerin.     

"The dwarven ruin you escaped from? It wouldn't happen to be Mzinlacheft now would it? When I explored there, I found no enemies except for one dwarven centurion, after defeating it I didn't go any further but I did stumble upon a unique weapon...." Kel proceeded to summarize his adventure into the dwarven ruin and described to the women what he found.     

"Yes! That's it, it sounds exactly like my weapon Grimsever," responded Mjoll in a tone of surprise.     

Kel then told her she could come confirm if it's really hers in the evening at Lokir's home. She immediately accepted before Kel, Lokir and Silvya left.     

edited by: YatO (aka clickbait) the yaoi shota and Rawaz the loli collector     

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