I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 126: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

Chapter 126: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

4After Koji stormed away with Hisashi and Rei in toll, leaving behind one of his own, Otaru.     1

'...Maybe I overstepped, he meant well right?' Otaru thought to himself as he looked at the door Koji had just walked through with a complex expression.     

"Good riddance" Takagi ignored the mood and just blurted out in a satisfied manner.     

"I'm starting to understand why you have no friends Takagi." Kel sighed and commented before walking over to Otaru and patting him on the shoulder.     

"Listen big guy, not sure why you followed Koji in the first place but you're both clearly riding on a different wavelength. Best advice I can give you is stick to what you know, changing who you are may lead you to do things you won't be able to come from." Kel in a friendly tone before turning to leave as well.     

"Wait!" Otaru called out to Kel in a serious manner. Kel paused for a moment to look back at him with a raised brow.     

"What does wavelength mean?" Otaru proceeded wadi in a still very serious tone. Kel on the other hand and just gave him a blank stare.     

5 minutes later*     

"Oh, okay I get it...Uh, thanks, you're pretty smart. It's probably why Koji wants you to join you so badly." Otaru let out a weak laugh before sighing as he said this.     

Kel didn't respond to Otaru's remark and only shrugged before walking over to Silvya and the others. Otaru simply remained standing where he was for a moment before leaving the rooftop entirely.     

"Well that was interesting to say the least..." Silvya broke the silence that had come about with her short remark while everyone simply nodded.     

"So Kel, do you have a plan? The police are no good, the streets are probably crawling with those things or worse, crazy people with weapons." Takagi had her arms crossed as she quickly pointed out that fact.     

"Yea there's that, people are probably looting and in panic right now so it's pretty dangerous to be on foot. I see some vehicles parked in front of the school so we just need to get there and hot wire one." Kel casually explained despite the plan lacking details.     

"Why not take the school bus? I think they keep the keys inside it" Nurse Shizuka suddenly pointed out with her head raised as if she just remembered that fact.     

"We could but a bus is slower and harder to maneuver, not to mention I'm sure there are others but planning to use it to escape. Last thing we need is to be on a bus full of people we know close to nothing about". Kel reasoned to the others who still remained a bit unsure about the whole ordeal.     

"We're not exactly close either, you know." Saeko pointed out with a small smile while holding her wooden sword over her shoulder.     

"True but Nurse Shizuka is harmless, Silvya I trust, Saeko you seem like a wild card but I'll take the risk and Takagi just talks a lot. I'll pick that any day over a bunch of meat heads with bats. Besides, the view is better here..." Saeko and Silvya simply smiled at Kel's explanation while Nurse Shizuka tilted her head slightly to the side in bewilderment.     

"What do you mean, talks a lot! And better views..." Takagi however wasn't content with her description.     

"Wrong choice of words, what I mean to say was you really know how to say it with your chest. Then as for the views I was simply referring to the view of the city from this rooftop."     

"The city's basically in shambles" Takagi retorted but Kel stood firm.     

"Beauty behind the madness. I have a unique taste in art" Seeing as Kel wasn't about to admit to what he meant, Takagi simply sighed and stopped replying.     

Meanwhile on the ground floor, Koji and his group were casually walking through the bloodied halls of the school. Koji who was in front of his group soon came to a halt and gestured for his group to do the same with a wave of his hand.     

"Psst. Koji, what's the plan exactly?" Hasashi, who was closest to Koji, asked in a whispered voice.     

"Simple, we're going to secure the school bus and leave the school grounds to get supplies before people loot everything. With our numbers it shouldn't be hard to fill the bus with enough supplies to last us a little while." Koji gave his answer and the students behind Hisashi all showed excited looks as they gripped their bats firmly.     

"On my mark we rush to the bus, bash any zombies that try to get in our way alright? On my mark....Go!" With his word given, the school's front doors were busted open as Koji and his group rushed out furiously.     

His group was made up of 15 individuals including himself, Hisashi and Rei. They all rushed in a closed formation, bashing any zombie that came close to them.     

When they finally reached the bus, Koji rapidly opened the doors for his group to enter before he entered last and sat on the driver's seat.     

The bus immediately started up without fail but as Koji hit the pedal set to go, he found the bus moved oddly and made a strange sound.     

"What the?" He asked aloud in shock as he hurriedly left his seat and went outside the bus. Upon doing so, Koji found not one but all the tires of the bus were flat.     

"Fuck?!" He yelled out at the top of his lungs as his plan had now been crumbled.     

This cry was heard by another right behind the school, about to jump over the wall.     

"What was that?" Saeko turned to the school building and asked curiously but the only thing she could see was Kel approaching them with his black guitar case strapped to his back.     

"Who knows, another wave of undead maybe? I don't know about you but I'm not keen on finding out." Kel replied as he walked to the front of the group and clasped his hands together ready to give them a boost up the wall.     

"Right, let's go." Saeko answered as she rushed towards Kel first before hopping on his hands and leaping up the wall in one go.     

A/N: You know the drill, enjoy the chapter and please donate stones to King Of Limbo for the contest it's in. Please and Thanks     

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