I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 107: Extermination Final

Chapter 107: Extermination Final

3Late the very night the day of the conference ended, Kel along with Silvya, Serana, Valerica flew by dragon towards Castle Volkihar and were now hovering very close to it.      2

"Are you certain only four of us are enough for this task? I don't mean to question you after freeing me from the soul carin but Harkon and his court have powerful vampires in their ranks." Valerica, Serana's mother asked in an inside tone.     

"Funny,I have powerful dragons in mine." Kel replied with a smile before ordering in the tongue of dragons to attack.     

Numerous dragons appeared after this and began breathing fire upon the building all at once. Vampires were highly weak to fire and dragons possessed the hottest fire of all.     

"Rather than wasting time to attack numerous beings faster than humans, we can simply end it all in one attack. Why complicate things with a long winded battle? " Kel said aloud while looking at the spectacle before his eyes.     

A/N: yea don't expect long glory battles from me unless they are necessary to the Arc we're doing. For this case vampires would wreck humans if attacked but dragons...nah. So MC chose smart choice rather than people dying looking bloody or war crying like usual battle hungry MC. F to Harkon. No way I'm dealing with your speech in a fanfic too.     

The flaming of the castle continued until a few hours passed. Dragons kept taking turns to engulf the building in flames. After this Kel ordered the dragons that could to use frost attacks on it.     

"Silvya, use detect life on the building." Kel asked Silvya who complied.     

"There's only one presence left..." Silvya answered before Kel began walking to the castle.     

Serana and Valerica looked around the nearby forest Incase any vampires were not present and decide to return.     

After walking into the main hall of the castle, Kel found a panicked Yorgen looking around himself confused.     

"It was you!!" Yorgen yelled out in anger as he saw Kel entering.     

"Now, now lets be civilized. I have an offer for you." Kel asked as he got closer to Yorgen who readied a sword to fight.     

"I'm listening...." Yorgen said in a suspicious tone.     

"You're obviously powerful so I want you on my side Yorgen. So how about this. You have one chance to strike me. If you manage to make a clean cut on me, then you win and I'll follow you but if you lose you follow me" Kel offered with a smile on his face.     

"Deal!" Yorgen yelled out before using his incredible speed as a vampire to close the distance between Kel and himself. Rather than cut, he chose to stab Kel right through the heart.     

"Hahaha, I've done it! I've killed you! You didn't think I'd give you a chance to prepare your defense did you?" He laughed out while driving the sword deeper. Silvya fell to her knees shaking her head while Yorgen continued to laugh.     

"Damn that hurt. Okay Silvya, performance over. Did it work?" Kel quickly removed the sword in his chest and turned to Silvya.     

"Yes Lord Kel it did. Yorgen has now jumped to level 94 by killing you once. He is now purgable." Silvya declared while Kel showed a sadistic smile.     

"W-What?" Yorgen asked in a confused tone but Kel immediately appeared in front of him and punched him with extreme force. Shattering many of his organs which began to heal only due to his vampiric abilities.     

"Honestly, I got tired of waiting for you to get stronger on your own a little while back but I first needed to finish my plans before anything else. But now that they're done...." Kel slowly began to unwrap Dawnbreaker.     

The light from the blade made Yorgen unable to regenerate and slowly began to disintegrate.     

"No, no Meridia, such an ending is too simple for him. A little finesses won't hurt. I'm sure you're very angry are you not?" Kel asked with a smile on his face.     

"Do not order me mortal!" Meridia replied in angry tone.     

"Oh well, I guess I should wash you in holy water at a temple after this. I wouldn't want yorgen's blood on the sword I use."     

Immediately Kel said this, Meridia shifted into her first form and walked over to Yorgen without saying a word. She picked up a nearby sword and began slashing at his throat repeatedly with incredible force. His body healed slowly and she turned her attention to his face.     

Neatly cutting off the skin on his face before bringing her hand forward and pulling his eyes out. Meridia stil felt great anger and began wedging the teeth out of his gums.     

The pain was too much for Yorgen to take as he shrieked over and over again but Meridia never once stopped. She carried on without any sign of stopping until Kel spoke up.     

"I think that's enough. Return to your normal form." Kel ordered but Meridia simply glared at him.     

Kel soon approached her and groped her asscheek causing her eyes to widen.     

"Do so or I may be tempted to sully a Daedric Prince" Kel threatened and Meridia immediately changed back and began cursing him and his ancestors.     

"Alright, Alright, well Yorgen...this has been an eye opening experience. But I believe your time here has come to end. You will not be missed" Kel said before running Dawnbreaker through Yorgen's chest.     

Yorgen cried out as his body began to vanish whilst Kel simply let out a tired sigh.     


After this Kel returned to Solitude after making a few stops along the way. There a small celebration was being held.     

Many of Kel's acquaintances had attended. Many because he had something important to announce. Elisif believed it to be their wedding but everyone didn't expect what he said next as they gathered near him in the garden.     

"Skyrim is now experiencing a time of peace. Wether this lasts or not I do not know. But for now it looks it will atleast be long lasting."     

"With that said, my time here is over. I came to experience both adventure and growth, and I've done just that. I'm not a man of many words so I'm keep things short and just say here and now. Goodbye." Kel's statement caused many to look at him in disbelief but before they could ask.     

A large gust of wind blew through the garden. A dragon had come close and continued to flap its wings furiously. Kel nodded towards Silvya and the two got on before taking off and flew away. Everyone below remained speechless.     

"Kel asked me to hand over some journals he wrote specifically for you all so when you're ready let me know..." Lokir suddenly spoke up causing all gazes to turn to him.     

Meanwhile at the throat of the world, the highest point in all of Tamriel, Kel and Silvya disembarked from the dragon before it flew away.     

"Now for my world alternation. I want this world to not be reset." Kel spoke while facing Silvya.     

"Was this what you wanted from the start?" Silvya asked curiously.     

"Some worlds are destined to have bad ends while others it simply depends. Peace never lasts, but it will it last. Elisif may grow wiser and rule greatly as she cares most for her people. Mjoll, Lydia and Aela will become the heroes Skyrim need. Lokir and Nazir will handle the darker side of things. Likke and Hadvar will handle military affairs and maintain order. My dragons intervene where necessary. Although not planned, Valerica being Jarl helps greatly towards vampires being more accepted. Then as for Serana she'll-"     

"She'll what? Watch you leave just like that?" A dark cloud appeared and soon morphed into Serana.     

"You can't follow me where I'm going. You may never return. Besides Skyrim needs you." Kel said bluntly but Serana shook her head.     

"I've slept for thousands of years and Skyrim didn't seem to miss me at all. The family I once knew is gone, spending an eternity here will just serve as a constant reminder of that. More importantly how am I supposed to live without my beloved's blood? If you leave me you might indirectly kill me" Serana said while crossing her arms.     

"This feels like deja vu. If you're sure then no complaints from me, your help may come in handy in the future". Kel nodded before turning to Silvya who summoned her staff. Light began to engulf them slowly but Serana remained unfazed and she turned to Kel.     

"Beloved, how come you never mentioned you have a fiancé?"     

"Well you see...."     


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