I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 43: Divines Help Us

Chapter 43: Divines Help Us

0"Hey you, you're finally awake...what's your name?"      4

"*ugh* Yorgen...my name is Yorgen"     

A/N: Yorgen is the reincarnator Incase you're slow or just didn't get it.     

Yogern shook his head around and begun looking at the other three onboard the carriage with him. Before he could speak however, the menu in his head showed his stats and he smiled.     

'Right...I've reincarnated into one of the best RPGs of all time. This must be the beginning, I can't seem to remember much but who cares. This is my new life and it will be amazing'.     

The man opposite of him looked at him confused.     

"I've never seen anyone this happy heading for their execution. My name is Ralof by the way. You and that thief over there really were unlucky to run into imperials."     

The theif Ralof mentioned looked at him with an annoyed expression.     

"My name Lokir not thief. And what do you mean unlucky? If the imperial's hadn't been looking for you dammed stormcloaks I'd have been halfway to hammerfell. Yorgen was it? Me and you shouldn't be here, maybe if we try talking to who's in charge we can serve jail time instead, it's these two guys they want after all."     

Yorgen's eyes widened after hearing those words.     

"W-wait execution? Like killing? No no they must be a mistake, I don't even remember why they caught me. Excuse carriage driver, you have the wrong guy."     

The imperial soldier didn't look back and only replied in a tone of authority.     

"Quiet! The empire doesn't make mistakes".     

Ralof looked at the imperial soldier with doubt and spoke.     

"Haha. Are we talking about the same empire? The one with an emperor who has the thalmor so far up his ass he gave away his people's freedoms without a second thought?"     

The imperial soldier replied in an angry tone.     

"Watch your tongue!"     

Ralof continued to mock the soldier despite the warning.     

"Or what? You'll execute me faster. This is what the empire does, they find useless people willing to fight for them and give them a sword and uniform along with fake authority which is why even carriage drivers wearing the uniform can be this talkative. On the battle they drop like flies and no one remembers them. Milk drinking Virgins the lot of them I tell ya".     

Lokir was quick to interject.     

"Mr Imperial soldier, don't listen to this stormcloak. Me and this Yorgen fella aren't with them, it's all a misunderstanding. We love the empire and milk, I too am a virgin as well."     

Yorgen nodded along worriedly but the imperial soldier felt he was just being mocked once more.     

"I said shut up back there?!"     

Lokir sighed and looked at the only member in the carriage who didn't speak.     

"Is he mute?"     

Ralof became annoyed and responded.     

"Watch your tongue?! You're looking at Ulfric Stormcloak, the true high king of Skyrim."     

A/N: will be explained if you're lost later     

Lokir looked at Ulfric with wide eyes.     

"You're Ulfric? Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion? Is this a joke? What kind of leader gets captured by a small ambush? Oh divines help us."     

A/N: A jarl is in charge of holds. A high King or Queen is in charge of a province which is made up of said holds. The emperor is well the emperor. Thalmor are the high elves. Divines are God's.     

Ralof shook his head and smiled.     

"Don't worry, Sovngarde awaits us. Well some of us".     

Lokir gave Ralof a deathly before shaking his head as his hands trembled.     

"This can't be happening... Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me. I'll never steal another sweet roll in this life"     

Yorgen could only gulp as the Carriage finally arrived in Helgen. Ahead of the carriage a group of soldiers in imperial clothing could be seen along with elves in robes. Ralof spat to the side as he saw this and pointed out the imperial who stood out most.     

"Look at him, General Tullius, the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe."     

Some civilians watched as the carriage came into their keep. It stopped near General Tullius and another Imperial soldier next to him who ordered the prisoners to be removed from the carriage. Lokir and Yorgen became very agitated at this. Lokir was the first to speak between them.     

"Why are we stopping?"     

Ralof replied calmly as if in a normal situation.     

"They're about to release and give us a grand feast before naming me the next emperor. What do you think we're stopping for? This is obviously where we die."     

Yorgen began to panic but not nearly as much as Lokir.     

"No! Wait! We're not rebels! You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"     

"H-he's right I was just trying to cross the boarder I'm innocent! I love the empire!"     

Lokir and Yorgen began to lead while Ralof just shook his head.     

"Could you two at least die with some dignity."     

The imperial soldier next to general Tullius stepped forward and told the prisoners to come forth once they're names were called from a list. Ralof spat on the ground and spoke.     

"That must be their captain, Tch. Damn empire loves their lists".     

In the midst of the talks, Lokir whispered to Yorgen telling him they should run but was heard by Ralof who only said word.     


After a little mishap with Yorgen not being on the list, the Captain ordered that they still get executed. The first to be called forth was a stormcloak who came from a different carriage. Upon being placed on the execution block, a roar was heard from the distance but the soldiers thought little of it and decided to proceed.     

A/N: Was going to skip this part but I'm trying to be as informative as I can to those who don't know anything of Skyrim or simply forgot. On the bright side I remember a lot so it won't affect the release times.     


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