I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 34: Determination

Chapter 34: Determination

1A week had passed since the events of Kigali City. After the matter was reported to the Queen, news was spread of Alex's betrayal to humanity. Kel's fame had also risen after saving the lives of the others. But since leaving Kigali City, he isolated himself in his mansion not seeing anyone aside from Silvya and Mordred.      1

This time around, he had chosen his reward to be to an upgrade to the markings he could give. He wanted whoever had this mark to be as immune as him to a reincarnators unorthodox or cheat abilities. This would ensure people close to him or allies wouldn't be turned against him or killed easily.     

Kel now had five abilities permanently within him. Immortality which made his body stop growing and aging at its prime as well as making him immune to truly dying.     

Chaotic alignment which makes him unaffected by a sense of morals, laws and mercy whenever he needs to do what needs to be done.     

Instant Comprehension which gives him instant understanding and comprehension of anything he chooses just by seeing it or reading about it.     

Scan block makes him and Silvya immune to having their information truthfully known by a reincarnator.     

The Mark is a tattoo that can be given be given to people Kel wishes to see again in his new world as well as give them immunity to cheat abilities.     

Kel didn't want to kill off Alex until he got enough rewards to make him ready for other worlds. In a game this world could be considered a level full of free exp points.     

Kel was currently about to get out of bed but was instantly stopped by Mordred who was saddled on him.     

"Master no leaving bed till you're stable. The grand cleric said you'd need at least two weeks of rest from expending that much mana".     

Kel had underestimated the gravity of someone nearly draining their mana. Upon arrival the Queen had ordered many to donate their mana but Kel refused, mana that isn't one's own is generally weaker. He said he'd let his mana recover on its own which lead to the grand cleric giving that estimation. Mordred had become like a worried housewife the entire week. Making him eat lots of pills and meat.     

Mordred was currently feeding Kel some pills or candy when a loud noise was heard from outside.     

"Lord Investor!!! Lord Investor!!!"     

Mordred got an irritated and look and stood up from the bed.     

"Dammed merchant! Doesn't he know he's disturbing Master's rest. Don't worry Master I'll have Akita stand guard."     

Kel recognized the voice and stopped Mordred while standing up.     

"He's not a merchant he's an inventor that I work with. Must be important if he tracked me down all the way here. Let's go see what he wants then I'll come back to rest."     

Mordred tried to protest but Kel wasn't having it. After going outside, he found the skinny standing at his gate with a large backpack. Kel nodded at the homunculi standing guard who then let Baylor in.     

Kel had been gifted many homunculi by the Einzbern household as thanks for saving Illyasviel. Upon being allowed in Baylor rushed towards Kel with an excited expression.     

"Oh Lord investor! I'm so glad you're here, I thought you might have left to the boarders with the other seal bearers. Anyways I cam-"     

Kel interjected Baylor and turned to Mordred who wore a suspicious look. After a long stare from Kel she decided to come clean.     

"Fine, I told them we wouldn't be going Master...I failed to protect you once, so I didn't want you going out to a battle without fully recovering mana..."     

Kel could only sigh and blame himself.     

"It's fine but when did they leave? Are they already at the boarder?"     

Mordred began pondering and was about to speak when Baylor spoke first.     

"Impossible! They are no teleportation branches that far out as it is too risky to build them their. For one to go to the far boarder, they usually travel to Fort Bristine and then go towards the boarder by Mount, which still takes 13 days or more, depending on the Mount. With that aside I was here to-"     

Once again Baylor was interrupted by Kel who turned towards the mansion and spoke loudly.     

"Silvya! Begin preparing supplies for a journey, Baylor can this wait, if what you say is true then I need to leave immediately."     

Baylor stopped Kel before he went towards the mansion by standing in front of him.     

"Please wait Sir! What I have for you can get you to the boarder from here in a mere 3-4 days, even a day is possible!"     

Kel's interest was peaked as he nodded towards Baylor.     

"You have my interest, where is it?"     

Baylor began scratching his head while laughing nervously.     

"Eh it's back on death Mountain...I thought we could travel their together because if I brought it with me I feared I would have gotten attacked! So I traveled here by Mount in 2 days."     

Kel nodded and turned to Silvya who was rushing outside.     

"Silvya prepare some smaller supplies we'll be going to death Mountain."     

Mordred interjected as the plans were being made.     

"Master why not send homunculi to protect him, by the time he is back plus the amount of days to reach the boarder you'd be fully recovered! I won't agree otherwise!"     

Kel sighed once more and turned to Silvya.     

"Organize the high tier homunculi to travel with Baylor, You start preparing supplies and I'll rest in the meantime."     

With this the plan was made. Baylor left with protection while Silvya went out to buy supplies. Kel went to his room and was about to sleep but was stopped by Mordred.     

"Master, in case we arrive at the boarder early you'll need to be at your peak, so we should relieve our bodies the whole day to gain as much mana as possible! I won't allow myself to fall again!"     

Mordred who was surging with battle intent spoke with full confidence. After Kel's explanation, she wasn't against sexual activities because they gave her more mana, both men and women did it and finally it felt good. Kel was of course behind the gaining mana function she had experienced the two previous times. Kel sat on the bed and smiled while looking at Mordred.     

'The fruits of my labor have ripened...'     


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