I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 9: Refugee Band

Chapter 9: Refugee Band

0Later the same day that Alex arrived in Avalon City, Kel had travelled many kilometers in a short amount of time. Akita was incredibly fast and nimble despite her size. Kel who experienced this new feeling the first time enjoyed it quite a bit, whereas Silvya clang to him tightly making him feel like someone was pressing large water balloons against his back. After about 30 minutes of traveling, Kel encountered the refugee band which was traveling alongside merchant caravans for safety as they had trained augmenters and Magi as guards. Currently, they had stopped near a lake to rest and gather some water.      4

Kel's arrival couldn't go unnoticed because as Akita walked towards the lake, she scared the other mounts that were drinking from there. Kel and Silvya got off Akita and let her drink water. This break wasn't for Akita as she wasn't the least bit tired but rather Silvya who looked like she would puke if they kept going.     

"Hey Akita, you should clean yourself a bit while we're here"     

Akita growled at Kel's statement, at this same moment some angry looking beast owners who had their creatures scared away started walking towards Kel. He on the other hand didn't even notice them and turned his attention to the lake the waved his hands in a unique motion.     

As he did this large water emerged from the lake, and he splashed it on Akita. Akita growled and stomped the ground with her paw, not only making it shake but also having cracks appear. Seeing this, the angry looking beast owners did a 180 degree and left as if nothing happened. The growling Akita then engulfed her body in flames for a moment, drying herself completely. Kel chuckled and shook his head.     

"For someone who has an extremely high affinity for lightning and water you sure hate the latter quite a lot Akita."     

Akita simply growled and wriggled her nose from side to side. Kel smiled and stroked her fur for a moment before proceeding into the large camp. As Kel walked with the beast, many refugees began murmuring and talking in whispers.     

"T-that's a demonic beast...is he a high ranking general?"     

"No you fool generals aren't that young."     

"A noble maybe? That beautiful woman with the staff could be his guard."     

"Oh no, not another noble dog, the ones here have already done horrendous acts to some poor young women."     

Surprisingly Kel didn't go to any of the large tents or carriages but instead found a spot near a tree where Akita laid. Kel then laid against Akita's body and began eating an apple while Silvya fell asleep near him. A bit of time passed with him only doing this then out of nowhere a little girl with long white hair and pointy ears then another with cat features appeared. One carried a bowl of water and another some fruit in their little hands. They offered this to Kel by stretching their small hands out. Kel smiled and took the bowl of water and a peach from the little girls. He then cast purify then drank the water and began eating the peach.     

"Where are your parents? Did they send you here?"     

Kel asked this while reaching into his pocket. He had assumed their parents sent them to maybe earn some money. The girls wore tattered clothes and smudges of dirt on them, along with some wounds. The little white haired girl spoke as the other girl remained silent.     


Kel quickly understood from their expressions they were either separated from their parents or they were dead. Although Kel had made himself neutral emotionally, it didn't who couldn't feel emotion but rather he could make choices that he usually couldn't because of his former moral compass. He took out two gold coin and handed it to the little girl.     

"Use this to get yourself transportation to your nations but keep it hidden, if you go to a human nation you will suffer because you're of the elf and beast man races. Do you understand what I am saying?"     

Kel wasn't sure if they could understand him as he had no way of knowing how educated they were or if they even spoke in the same tongue as him. But the little white haired girl nodded and clinched her little hand before walking away with the other girl in toll. Although Kel felt sorry for them, he didn't want to take them in and support him as his stay here was only temporary along with the fact their races would be discriminated against in human Cities. As looked around at the countless refugees, he realized he would come across many more sad and or terrible sights while in this world.     

'As long they are people who benefit from war, it will never end. The human rulers seem to be influenced largely by the church and nobles while for demons it sounds like the strong have a final say as for other races I'm not entirely sure as yet'.     

As Kel was in thought a woman approached him shyly, although her clothes were tattered. They couldn't hide her beauty.     

"Excuse me Sir, may I offer you my company for the night. I only ask for 10 silver, so I may support myself".     

Kel was about to wave her off but Akita first and began to growl followed by a bark. After this Kel turned to the woman and spoke.     

"I'm not interested, try asking the nobles and merchants".     

Then the women's shy demeanor vanished, and she tried being seductive by closer to Kel, but he smacked her hand away.     

"I said leave. My familiar hates women like you the most, now leave before she makes you ".     

The woman became angry and stomped her foot at Kel's words and rushed away from him. Akita then went back to resting seeing that the woman was gone. But just Kel closed his eyes to rest a bit, a commotion broke out.     

'What now...'     

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