I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 142: God Appears

Chapter 142: God Appears

2[ Mirai ] An echoey voice called out comfort from seemingly all directions causing the young woman and many others present near the altar to look towards the sky in all directions but nothing could be seen.     

"Is that you Lord...?" The young woman asked in a low and unsure tone as she continued to look up at the sky.     

[ Yes, I'm your God, Mirai ] The voice replied in a casual tone. The echo of the voice and it's might however made it come across as far more intimidating that it actually was.     

When the voice indeed acknowledged that it was god, Mirai found herself unable to properly react. Her eyes became watery as tears began to fall. A part of her still in disbelief that her one true god was speaking to her.     

Before she could answer however, A man dressed in flashy clothing followed by women who wore a similar attire to Mirai's came upon the scene.     

"Oh great Lord! Forgive this servant but one must wonder, are you truly our god? If so please give us a sign. Our people are dying and are hungry as this village lacks proper resources." The man raised his hands in the air and announced while the women behind him bowed. Mirai only confused before bowing at the sky as well.     

Back on Kel's holy city, he watched the scene that began happening with a strange look on his face.     

"Who's the quack?" Kel turned to Genesis and asked and she gave a small bow before answering.     

"That would be the head priest responsible for the temple in your region. He's partially to blame for the state the village is in as he sold much of the land away and taxes the people far to highly for their standards. In your world, religious figures such as him are held highly, it's only natural a few abuse this power." Genesis explained causing Kel to sigh before turning to projection showing the village with a serious expression.     

[ So you steal from my worshippers and have the gall to come before me and ask that I prove myself to you? I can only blame myself for not taking action sooner. I give you one chance. Leave this place and spend the rest of your life in seclusion or face my wrath? ] The voice replied with clear anger causing everyone to shuffle behind in worry.     

"What? All I have done is for the sake of the people and the Lord I worship! You must be a mere imposter!" The man defended valiantly while the people just looked scared and confused including Mirai, not sure what to believe.     

Back in Kel's city, he had a clear look of annoyance on his as he watched the head priest reply.     

"Genesis?" He looked to her while letting out an irritated sigh to which she just smiled and bowed.     

"Whatever you wish, It can be done." She replied seemingly eager to see what he had in mind.     

Back in the small village the voice had gone silent causing everyone to grow even more confused and worried. Some started to say they were being invaded by a demon while others thought they had sinned.     

"Head Priest Vazir, was that not God?" Mirai asked in a confused tone and the man shook his head.     

"It seems it was just a demon trying to lead us off our path. Descend from the altar child, it would be waste sacrificing such a lovely servant of the Lor-" Before Vazirr could finish speaking the skies began to darken as blood red clouds covered the sky.     

[ It seem in my absence, the people of this world have chosen to lead people astray using my name. That mistake is mine, but now I'm here to correct it. To everyone that has used my name to ruin the lives of countless people for their own selfish benefit. You day of judgement has come. ]     

The blood red clouds soon gathered to form a gigantic face that resembled Kel's as it looked down on the world, a moment later a large bolt of lighting struck on the altar in the small village causing panic among the people.     

"When the smoke it caused cleared, a violent gust of wind blew by and revealed a figure clad in silver and red armor, she had neat medium length blonde hair and crystal green eyes with a small grin on her beautiful face.     

The feature that stood out most were the pair of large golden wings attached to the back of her armor and the golden aura that surrounded her.     

[ I have sent my angel of Justice upon my world to cleanse it of it's heretics. Mordred, I grant you permission to cast judgement as you see fit ]     

Mordred looked to Kel's face in the sky and gave a nod as it began to disperse before turning her attention to the head priest.     

While on Kel's world she had a unique gift of seeing people's soul. Green for the innocent, grey for those who have committed sins and red for those beyond saving. What was considered sin on Kel's world was different from religions of his own world. Thus sinners here didn't necessarily mean a person was bad.     

Mordred gripped her blade tightly and looked at the head priest, who had a heavy red aura around him.     

"In the name of my Master, I Mordred shall cleanse this world of people like you!" Mordred declared before charging forward and beginning her assault.     

Back in Kel's city, he had stopped watching the projection and simply sighed.     

"Gods don't have it easy, but this should be ok for now plus Mordred gets to fight entire armies. I need to properly think of I want the world to be after she's done." Kel explained to Genesis who simply gave him a nod.     

"You handled that well enough, keep this up and I may even pass some of chaotic duties to you as my angel of chaos." Lilith commented with a cheeky smile on her face while Kel simply shook his head.     

"Yea, please don't." He replied not the least bit amused by the offer.     



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