Emperor's Reckoning

Peaceful Departure

Peaceful Departure

4The carriage continued to be cantered by the pair of horses with Di alone inside of it. He had his eyes closed before he smirked, "I can hear your rattling cold feet from here."      4

"Hahaha, forgive me, Sir Di, but one such as myself couldn't help but tremble in preparation," the driver answered.     

"There is no need to apologize," Di shook his head. "Just be prepared for another departure, we are joining the banquet after all."     

"I'll be sure to clean the carriage before tomorrow then, Sir Di."     

"Do what you need then," Di nodded before he snorted a smile, "It's not like I can stop you from loving this carriage."     

"It's my pride and joy," the driver laughed. "I have seen something wild with this baby, oops! Forgive my lack of manner."     

"It's fine, I don't mind, it's not like we are only known for a day."     

"Hahaha, thank you Sir Di."     

"That's alright," Di nodded.     

"Oh right, would they be joining us in our return to Myriad Devils?" asked the driver.     

"I don't think so, they didn't ask for a ride nor did the negotiations mention a ride," Di shook his head.     

"Oh, that's a relief."     

"Hahaha, what's wrong?"     

"Disregarding the number of people, their presence is frightening!! I doubt that it would be a good idea for these pairs of horses, instinct-wise," the driver let out a sigh of relief. "As much as I want to refuse to believe it, I don't think those people are mortals, no, they are probably a monster inside a skin."     

"Hahaha, that's one way to put it," said Di. "However, it's a good thing that we are not on his side, otherwise, we might not see Flame Guild even in historical records."     

The driver gulped, "They are that powerful?" ( I never heard him praising a party this high before ).     

"They are," said Di firmly. "I think our guild leader will find herself surprised."     

"Haha, I think she already is," said the driver.     


Lyon crossed his arms as he watched the carriage go inside the town and immediately garnered attention from the passerby.     

"I guess it's not every day to see his carriage strolling huh," Lyon smirked before his eyes darted over to the giant wall. He crossed his arms and raised his chin.     

"?!" The White Perch raised his brows as he saw Lyon deliberately smirking at him from afar. ( What the?! He noticed me?! Impossible!! Even those who stood around me didn't notice my presence! Must be a fluke! ). He furrowed his brows with a scowl following a snort.     

"Too bad for you, he only into beautiful faeries and goddesses, hehehe."     

The cheerful voice belied the frost that was curating his spine. He was locked, not a single one of his limbs could move. His eyes trembled and its pupils were pulled in deep. His heartbeat slowed down and matched the speed of those who chewed bubble gum.     

Kesya crossed her arms as she stood by White Perch's side. Her eyes didn't spare a glance against the second-in-command of the White Crow Guild at all. No respect was given to the man that the street would bow to.     

His trembling pupils darted over to the left where Kesya was standing. ( She already keeps on the lookout?! Are you telling me, that his party has already anticipated any potential danger?! ) he gulped.     

However, as much as he was frightened by the capability that the woman beside him had, she didn't do anything at all but grin at the sight of the one she proudly called master. Then, of all the shrouding and prickling horror that run through his mind in a second, the woman instead, jumped down from the wall.     

His deflated lung immediately ate air like there was no tomorrow as his pupils slowly returned to their original size. The clutch blade of death was hovering around his neck and the sweat from his forehead had passed his jaw and fell.      

"Young master!!" Kesya shouted with her joyous face as she went head first toward Lyon.     

"Huh?! Oi! That's a dive!" shouted Lyon as his eyes opened wide before he immediately maneuvered and grabbed Kesya at the cost of rolling a few meters off ground.     

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Kesya laughed at the top of her lungs as she sat on top of Lyon's stomach.     

"Woah, you really are that attractive if you longer your hair, hahaha," Lyon laughed.     

"Hehe," Kesya played her hair with her finger before a call came from nearby.     

"Lyon, did you find your mother?" asked Cecile before Kesya got away from Lyon's stomach.     

Lyon pushed himself up by using his arms and let the lower half of his body rest on it. He looked at Cecile with a slight solemn look before shaking his head.     

"She is not at the peak?" Lumina followed up.     

"Sadly, she is not at the peak that I was in," said Lyon before he grins, "However! That means that I just need to keep searching for her!"     

Lumina smiled before stepping away and revealing Luna whom he thought to be the key when his soul collapse.      

Lyon summersault from the ground before ending up in a squat. He slowly straightened his back up and smiled, "Luna."     

"E-En," Luna nodded rigidly in response.     

Lyon chuckled, "There is no need to be that stiff." He placed his hands on both of her shoulders. "I can't convince you through words alone, he is resting right now, healing to be precise."     

"I-Is he fine?" Luna asked with her hands on her chest.     

"Of course!" Lyon proudly nodded. "There is nothing in this world that can disturb his healing, at least not with these three by our side, though, it would be safer with all six."     

"Yeah, we still need to find them," Kesya sighed, "Boy are they hard to find."     

"Most likely they are not in the Mortal World," said Graham who seemed to have never left from the spot.     

"Then all we need to do is just comb the entire three worlds, they would surely jump out of the teeth then, hahaha!" Lyon laughed proudly but only Lumina and Luna furrowed their brows toward the ridiculousness contained in his words.     

"I think it's better to focus on the task at hand, young master," said Assid.     

"Assid is right, now that we got the deal from Di, the next step is to attend that banquet," said Cecile before she sighed, "Her sister is clearly a menace, why would bother testing you."     

"She might not believe her," Lyon shrugged. "After all, they are at the same age, furthermore, they are siblings, which makes it worse."     

Cecile smiled, "Don't act like you didn't fantasize about something taboo."     

"Hey, that didn't cross my mind!" shouted Lyon before he grins, "Okay now it does."     

Cecile sighed, "What can I do with you."     

"A lot, hehe~" Lyon raised both brows twice as if signaling her something, especially something obscene with how his lips smirked.     

"Tasked at hand, young master?" Kesya grins as she deliberately changed the way the conversation was going.     

"Right, right," Lyon nodded. "We're going to need a carriage to go to Myriad Devils, we are NOT walking again."     

"As that would work for the current you," Cecile shrugged her shoulder.     

"Just don't bully the youth me," Lyon slouched his shoulder forward.     

Cecile chuckled, "I'm just jesting, no need to be serious about it, it's just one time."     

( Knowing you, that one time would multiply a hundred times over ) Lyon had black lines over his head as his lips twitched.     

"I have prepared the necessary carriage, and also some provisions and emergency needs, if there is anything more that you want, you know who to ask," Assid bowed.     

"Woah, as you grow older, the more efficient and hardworking you get, Assid," said Lyon as he clapped his hands in astonishment, "I'm glad that you still have that fiery cold soul inside you."     

Assid immediately bowed with a wisp of wind, "I do not deserve such high praise, Emperor!"     

( Alright, there is one thing that didn't change at all ) thought Lyon before he sighed inwardly. "Stand up, don't embarrass me here."     

"Yes!" Assid immediately straightened his back. "We can leave at any time, or do you want to eat lunch first?"     

"Lunch sounds alright," said Lyon.     

"Then it's settled!" Assid immediately answered.     

"How about lunch on the way, not a bad idea right?" Lyon crossed his arms. "Not only we save time, we would also have a beautiful view, as well as your top-notch cooking."     

"I agree," Lumina replied instantaneously.     

"I go with whatever emperor is going," said Kesya.     

"Lunch while enjoying the scenery, that's an absolutely gorgeous idea, young master!" Assid raised his chin as he pushed his glasses with his middle finger.      

Thus Lyon and the rest proceeded just as planned. At noon when the sun had passed the twelve mark, the group ventured toward the vast endless meadow with food in their hands. With the beautiful scenery and the perfectly cooked meal, it was perfectly a peaceful time as the cantering of the horses brought about some soothing tingling in the scalp and down the back of the neck.     

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