Emperor's Reckoning

Amsel, The Dual Wielder

Amsel, The Dual Wielder

2The crowd was stumped. Sweat was trailing down their temples. They gulped as they turned around before their eyes shrunk in disbelief. Boto the Five-Star Adventurer, was laying down unconscious on the street with his eyes rolled back, all of which, only a single strike was struck. However, near where the Boto had passed out, there was yet another man from the cloaked group.     

"That's..." muttered one adventurer.     

They immediately recognized the man that ended the duel against Boto with a tie. Yet, only now did they realize that he was not the strongest of the bunch. Boto was knocked out cold from the lounge of the inn onto the street.     

Luna and Lumina followed up and stood near Lyon before the former furrowing her brows.     

"What just happened?" asked Luna.     

"It seems like Boto was causing a scene," said Lumina as she noticed the one laying on the street.     

"Hey, Sein," Kesya waved her hands.     

Lyon's brow twitched as he heard how Kesya called her. "What?"     

"Are you done picking up the quest?" asked Kesya.     

Cecile turned around and said, "I got the keys settled."     

"Okay great," Lyon nodded before he joined with the others.     

"Alright, guys, break away, break away," said Abaddon as he gestured to everyone with his hands. He glanced at Boto on the pavement before he furrowed his brows. The struck of the blow left a region of the latter's garb to be torn. It was a blast of palm strike, yet it was devastating enough that the Five-Star Adventurer couldn't help but pass out.     

He crouched down with his brows furrowed. "What a strike, this is some next-level mercy strike."     

"Heh," Abaddon smirked, "You always been skipping on our match, and here you are facing the sun with eyes opened."     

"What's going on here?!" a raucous voice was heard and made everyone clench their heart.      

"I-It's the White Crow Guild," muttered one of the adventurers.     

"That's Boto's guild," said another as they gulped.     

The man that showed up had a White Crow badge on his adventurer leather garb. He had a tiny scar on his right ear and his forehead was covered by none of his slicked hair that draped to his shoulder. He had almost a similar build as Boto, but instead of an ax, two pairs of swords were on each side of his waist.     

"I've heard an unease growl, what was th—?! Boto!" His eyes opened wide the moment he saw the Five-Star Adventurer had fallen on the street with his eyes rolled back. He frowned. "Abaddon! What did you do!"     

The onlookers immediately stepped away. They don't want to meddle with the two's business. One was from the Flame Guild, another was White Crow Guild. A guild war was something they wanted to stay away from.     

"I did nothing," Abaddon smirked before he stood up and faced the man with the scar. "You're friend lost in a battle he created himself."     

"What?" the man frowned. "What are you talking about? He is Boto!"     

Abaddon shrugged, "You can ask the onlookers here, they all witnessed it, or better yet—" He smirked and balled his fists together and his right foot took a step backward. "You can ask my fist."     

"You seem to have your brain fell off somewhere," said the dual wielder. "You know if we fight, your guild and mine would clash," said the man with his arms crossing. "Are you sure now is the time for a guild war, Flame Fist?"     

"You seem to get ahead of yourself, Amsel, it's a friendly duel, nothing more," said Abaddon. "Besides, I'm eager to know how sharp your mastery is, in the way of the dual sword."     

"Save it for later, Abaddon," said Amsel, "I want to know what happened to Boto, this is concerning the White Crow."     

"Why is that?"     

"Because he is a Five-Star Adventurer, that's why. You don't necessarily find that kind of guy lay unconscious, let alone in the middle of the street, in a big city like this."     

"Is that so?" Abaddon raised his brows. "Well I already told you that he lost in the battle he created, that is all."     

"Boto lost a battle? Hmph!" Amsel turned around and picked one of the nervous adventurers near him. "You!"     

"Y-Yes!" the adventurer's spine immediately straightened.     

"What happened to him?"     

"Errr, he was making a scene inside the inn just now, and uh—"     

"What kind of scene."     

"T-The... He said that someone stole his money as he stomped toward the inn. Then after he arrived he pointed at the cloaked group that their leader had stolen his money, however, they didn't give a single response besides a palm strike even after he draw out his ax."     

"A single palm strike?" Amsel furrowed.     

The adventurer nodded, "That's right, a single palm strike."     

Amsel darted his glance back to his fellow guild members. There was indeed a patch of a ripped hole in his garb.     

"A cloaked group, where are they?" asked Amsel.     

"Oi, Amsel, what are you trying to do?" asked Abaddon.     

"This has nothing to do with the Flame Guild," said Amsel with his brows furrowed. "Stealing money is a crime, and the White Crow will deal with it."     

"Are you sure?" Abaddon raised his brows. "You have your friend right here lying on the street here."     

"He must have gotten caught off guard, that's why he lost, but that will not happen to me."     

"I understand," Abaddon shrugged. "I'm just warning you."     

"Warning you say? Hmph!" Amsel snorted. "Your fist might break things, but my blade only knows how to cut."     

"Whatever you say, I did what I could," said Abaddon. "And of course, they are my friends too."     

"They are?"     

"Just now."     


"Wait, haven't you heard that there was a commotion right outside the gate?" asked Abaddon.     

"I recall so, yes, what about it?"     

"You know Boto was involved in it, right?"     

"What?" Amsel raised one of his brows.     

"That's right, this matter is more than what you might think."     

"Nevermind," Amsel shook his head before he shouted. "The cloaked group! You have to answer for what you have done!"     

His shout reverberated to the third floor of the inn and what came next was silence. The adventurers had their hearts pounding at the ticking seconds that passed by slowly. Amsel was furrowing his brows looking over the window on the second and third floors.     

"Are you seriously making a scene, right now?" Abaddon sighed.      

"Shut up, this is not concerning you," said Amsel as he remained focused on the windows.     

"Hey, are you talking about me?"     

The response immediately gave them a cold shudder. The man actually answered, thought the adventurers before they noticed a head sticking out of the window.     

"Shh! Lyon, what are you doing?! Don't answer that weird guy," said Luna tremulously. "You'll bring unnecessary trouble!"     

"Oi, which were you that called me, just now?" asked Lyon with a smile.     

( So that's the guy ) Amsel smirked and raised his chin. "Me! I called you out!"     

"What? What do you want?" asked Lyon from the window.     

"Come down here! Look at what you've done to Boto, he said you stole his money! This is a serious crime!"     

"Well, do you have the proof?" asked Lyon. "And stop shouting, would you, did your mother forget to give you ears or something?"     

The adventurers choked their own breath as they heard what Lyon had just said. Nobody had ever dared to say those mean words to someone at Amsel's level, yet here they were.     

"Kh!" Amsel's glance turned into glare, especially with Abaddon chuckling beside him. "Come down here!"     

"Nah, I won't," said Lyon before he pulled his head inside the room again.     

"Haha!" Abaddon laughed. "That guy is something else."     

"Tch! Why are you laughing at this, this is concerning you too!"     

"Hahaha, what?" Abaddon furrowed his brows. "What are you talking about? Didn't you say that this doesn't concern me?"     

"Yes, but this time it's different. He disrespects me, a Five-Star Adventurer, which means that he can disrespect you, a fellow Five-Star Adventurer, he needs to be taught some respect!" said Amsel.     

Amsel turned before he opened his arms.     

"Are you going to burst through the window?" asked Abaddon.     

"If he doesn't want to come out, then I will drag him out, it's that simple," Amsel smirked before he raised his voice, "And let this be the lesson for you all here, don't mess with the White Crow."     

He bend his knees a little before he leaped toward the same window where Lyon had stuck his head out. Everyone was looking up in awe, a superfluous aura was accompanying the dual wielder.     

However, before he could burst through the window, it was opened with an audibly clear sound of it scrolling upward.     

"Ngh?!" Amsel had his face being occupied by a large shadow of a hand before his face was grabbed under the gaped lips of the adventurers under him. He was pushed down before his entire head destroyed the pavement below, the rest of the body stood up due to the momentum before falling back down with a thud.     

"Heh," Lyon smirked as he was seen sitting by the side of the window, holding it open with one finger.     

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