Emperor's Reckoning

Where Palace?

Where Palace?

1One by one, the simmering glow of the rainbow magic brand flashed before an unsuspecting cultivator appeared on top of it. They could only covered their eyes upon arrival as a certain few dared enough to stay focus. The guests, the nobles, the self-proclaimed elites, could only stare at the young man wearing a bathrobe in awe as they stood on top of the magic brand. Some of them took a glance at the surroundings and there was no sign of a single enemy on sight.      1

One of them started to notice a floating giant and grand lotus that appeared wondrous as if nature itself was producing it. It hovered calmly on top of their head but they couldn't see beyond the giant petals as it spun serenely.      

Lyon clapped his hands for a job well done when the last cultivator finally made it to the scene. However, as he took a glance at them, he furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed Fenrir and Fusya standing side by side before a dog's ears twitching and a familiar face came out behind Fusya.     

"It's one thing after another, honestly that older brother," muttered Tuey as she had not very well received of what's happening around her. (All of these went too fast, I don't even get to say anything in the last few days) contemplated Tuey.     

Lyon supports his chin with his finger then slightly rubbed it as he glanced around and muttered names.     

"Luna, Lumina, Kyoko, Ryona... hmmm. Ah, there are Fei and Sylviana too. Biane, Clemora, Aelina... I think that's about all, of course with the sleeping teacher too, hehehe," Lyon's smirk turned into a smug as he squinted his eyes.     

The pardoned one looked at him with his mouth gaping from the moment he wrote the immortal spell. Just a moment ago, not even a night had gone by since he destroyed the entire island with his destructive technique that could deafen one ear even if they were not the target. Now, that very same young man was looking at them with a perverted smug gaze that defies his true capabilities. One could wonder if this was his tactic all along, playing a sheep when he was the wolf. However, one thing for sure was that the spell of that magnitude had been chanted impeccably, not to mention the quality of the spell itself, but the sum of mana that it took for the exact number of people to be summoned from the magic brand was flawless. He made a harsh gulp as he realized that not even one thousand of them could compare to this single young man.     

"Did I forget someone? Jugen is there too with that old man, hmm... that old man really looked familiar, but I really couldn't put my finger on it. Meh, probably is not important, why would I remember a guy's face," Lyon shook his head with a smile before opening his arms wide as a jade-haired woman with her magnificent silver wings spread out glided toward him. He had missed those silvery vertical pupils with jade irises, though menacing for other people, it was not for him.      

The embrace of the dragon woman was tight as he immediately felt the rushing heartbeat in her heart from his own chest before her chin pressed his shoulder as the bathrobe was slightly crunched from her hands.      

"Hey, hey, don't pull it too hard you might shred the robe," smiled Lyon as he let out a little chuckle.     

Luna was crossing her arms as she lightly looked away with a little glint of sadness in her eyes before Lyon flicked his finger and the magic brand under her feet started to move before she turned slightly sluggish from the sudden momentum. Luna slightly furrowed her eyebrows as she acted slightly indignant toward what's happening before Lyon smiled wryly.      

"Lumina, meet Luna, Luna meets Lumina," said Lyon as he started to walk on a shingle thread that could only end up in hell if he fell.     

"Hm?" Lumina slightly let go of her embrace before she came face to face with Luna who looked at her with squinted eyes.      

"Hm..." Luna hummed as the two stared at each other.     

Lyon immediately felt the incredible tension between them, especially since he was caught in the middle.     

"So, do you have something to say, Lyon?" asked Luna without even taking a glance against him.     


Lumina didn't back down as her eyes squinted against hers. The dragon and the white tiger were having a showdown of will as they fought with their souls.      

(I might be close to breaking the next realm, but I doubt even if I have peaked my cultivation realm that it would help me with this trouble. Hah... I could only sigh, sometimes there are things that power alone cannot solve) thought Lyon as he didn't feel any confidence in solving this issue.     

"Hey, don't be like that haha, I mean look, you share the same first letter in your names. Hahaha!" laughed Lyon as he scratched the back of his head before both of their eyes turned sharp as they took a glance at him.     

"Huh? What?"     

They furrowed their eyebrows in unison before his arm was grabbed by both of them and saw another lingering platinum ring on his finger beside the first one. Their sight was in line with the platinum ring before both of them applied more pressure to his arm.     

"Ngh?!" Lyon's eyes immediately turned jade glow just at the right moment before the ladies hmph away their expressions.     

Lyon smiled wryly before he looked at his arm that almost turned swole and broken were it not from his amplified endurance. (Woman's jealousy is scary but two women's jealousies are more) thought Lyon before he made a harsh gulp about the future.     

"Young man, where are we?" asked Priscila.     

"Hmm?? Well, you are where the last time before you guys gut unwillingly transported," answered Lyon as he slightly tilted his head.     

Priscila's lips slightly twitched as she looked at his expression. (This kid... don't tell me that he doesn't recognize me?!) thought Priscila as her eyes squinted.     

Lyon was slightly taken back (Oi wait a minute, why is she squinting her eyes like that?!). He was not prepared for another beating from a woman, but before she could do anything, a scream courted the attention.     

"Aaaaah!?" shouted Jin as he put his hands on the two sides of his head. Despite the churning burn on one of his arms, he creased his eyebrows as his vein bulged. His jaw slacked open as his eyes expanded with tears bursting from the edges of them.     

Lyon furrowed his eyebrows, "Who is this guy?"     

"Uwaaah!" Jin cried before he crawled toward Lyon and grabbed both of his shoulders before swaying him back and forth like a swing.      

"Hey, hey man calm down, what's wrong?" asked Lyon.     

"Lyon, please tell me you're lying, we are not back at my homeworld right?"     

"What? What are you talking about? I don't even know who you are!"     

"Huh?" Jin slightly furrowed his eyebrows before they rose in realization. He had disguised himself all the while he was with him, so it's natural that he didn't recognize him. (And she said it's an ugly disguise! It works really well!) thought Jin as he purposely sent a mana transmission toward Priscila's mind.     

"Hmph," Priscila was slightly gruntling as she heard that sarcastic remark from her husband.     

"It's me!" Jin immediately turned around before putting on his disguise in a swift and flawless movement before turning around once more.     

"Ah! Father-in-law? Wait... you're actually young?!"     

"Hah! In your face Priscila!" said Jin toward his wife before turning around and returned to his original look.     

"Papa, what's wrong?" asked Lyon.     

Priscila's eyebrows twitched before a random rock suddenly exploded. (P-pp-papa?! How shameless can this guy be?!).     

Jin smacked his head, "Alright, don't call me papa, only Cecile is allowed to do that but let's get back to the main topic, is this my homeworld?!"     

Lyon nodded, "En, this is the very same world!"     

"Then.... where the fuck is my castle?! My beautiful castle.... oh god even the island is gone! What?!" Jin looked around at the other cities before he was assured that he was standing right above where the Center City was used to be.     

"The battle was harsh father-in-law I told them to stop but the collateral damage that they did was unbelievable. They were searching for something inside the palace before eventually turning the island upside down. I have to punish them with death, I have no choice," explained Lyon as he shook his head and lamented the fact with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.     

The pardoned one gawked at his flawless lie execution. His tone, his act, his expressions were all too perfect, not even a hint of shame was noticeable behind those dark galaxy eyes of his. Were he not witnessed the entire event himself, he would surely believe what he was saying. (This Revered One, he is too strong and shameless! Oh, the world will surely dance on top of his palm)     

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