Emperor's Reckoning



0Lyon smirked with a proud smile as if he didn't know the gravity of his situation. It won't be long until the enemies came and hunt him down. Every corner of experts in the world will come for the prize that the old bone of the Treas family put. The bounty hunters will greet him with their swords.      0

His talent had been revealed to be uncontested and stood no equal except for his own wife, the strongest woman in the world, Cecile Auburn. There was only a handful of fellow that knew his true prowess. Blood may be splurted out and the landmass may be shifted. There was no telling what he would do next. His unpredictable movements and his unbound experience of combat that run in his soul was a huge advantage that he had. His enemies were never amongst his peers. His enemy was always of higher cultivation than his.      

Cecile suddenly opened her mouth and recounted the events to her parents with her only uncle lending his ears.     

"Hmm.." Priscila hummed as she put a finger on her chin while she contemplated with her gaze looking down.      

"Hahaha! Now that's what I'm talking about!" laughed Jin as he raised his hand toward Lyon and opened his palm. The latter naturally laughed along before high-fived his new father.      

"Jin, this is not a time to joke around, you know yourself how ambitious grandfather is," said Priscila with a concerning tone.      

"Bah! That old bone could only run his wrinkled mouth and spout nonsense. Was it not for the immense inheritance that he got, would he be something? His skill had rusted, I doubt he could even hunt a demonic beast."     

"But what about his connections?! He had an abundance of experts at the back of his call. Some of them are even wanted criminals!"     

"So what? It's not like I don't have my own connections? I too have a criminal friend you know, err, I mean, I have a powerful friend too," laughed Jin as he tried to avert the revelation he accidentally made.     

"That's not the point, how can they sleep safe and sound knowing that someone out there is after his head."     

"Oh, mother, you don't need to worry about that," said Cecile with a cheeky smile before she winked at her.     

Priscila naturally squinted in disbelief against her unruly but beautiful daughter. She was as magnificent as the moon and some could argue that she was the very being that made the gods sweat when creating her. However, it looks like her personality was not that of a princess just like her status was supposed to be. She refused that title and gained the title of empress without much shame. The first time she took on the throne every one was skeptical until her strength started to show. Every single lip was shut and nobody dared to argue her prowess, though she didn't care about what they think in the first place.     

"What are you trying to say?" asked Priscila as she feinted ignorance. She refused to admit what she had become, however, little did she know that her daughter had long known Lyon before she knew her.      

"Forget about her, she refused that you had grown to be a beautiful woman, my look at you, my favorite daughter, finally found a man worthy to be by her side," answered Jin as tears almost covered his goofy face.     

Lyon slightly squinted his eyebrows as he looked at the two and thought (Are their role reversed? Aren't the father usually the one that begrudges to let go of his daughter and their mother is usually the one that soothed her husband's heart?).     

"I'm your only daughter," said Cecile.     

"Yes!" answered Jin.     

Sophia suddenly leaned in and joined the conversation seamlessly before asking toward Lyon.     

"Looks like you are my new cousin now?" she teased.     

"Huh? What?" asked Lyon as he couldn't believe what he had just heard straight from her lips.     

She didn't answer as she took a glance against the woman she revered the most. Looking up to her ever since they were a kid, Cecile was more mature than most of her peers. Even being born with such wealth and from a strong formidable parents, she trained dirty and had caused them headaches. None of their instructors could even teach Cecile at the time, not even Jin The Emperor himself.     

"What? You two are cousins? Are you serious?" asked Lyon as he squinted his eyes. He leaned in forward but didn't realize how his breath was practically hitting the tip of Sophia's nose. She froze with heat of hue on her cheeks. Her heart naturally thumped as Lyon's face was still filled with doubt. (Too close, too close... you're too close!) she made a harsh gulp as her entire face filled eighty percent of her vision.     

"C'mon dear, spare her your charm will you," said Cecile as she pulled his figure back.      

"Ha... hahaha!" laughed Lyon.      

Sophia was left embarrassed before making a fake cough.     

"What are you going to do now?" asked Sophia.     

Lyon slightly contemplated as he looked down, "Hmm.. to be honest, I don't know, I'm just trying to have fun, however..."     

His eyes suddenly turned sharp as he thought about the matter that he needed to address. First, there was Elize, the woman that was hunted by the Abyss Assassins along with her mother, her whereabouts were almost impossible to trace now. Secondly, the Legion, the mysterious group that he finally knew what they were truly after, not to mention the favor he owed against the leader of Mist Clan, without her, he wouldn't have met Scarlet. Third, his own identity, the past that was still locked. Fourth, the dagger that was handed to him by the leader of the Abyss Assassins. There were so many things that he didn't understand about the world yet. However, the most important thing was, his other two wives. Selena and... Maria.     

"Myriad Devils... I think...."     

Cecile immediately furrowed her eyebrows as Sophia tilted her head. She had never heard of the term that spoke out of Lyon's lips.      

"Hmm? Myriad Devils? What is that?" asked Jin as curiosity sparked in his eyes. He had traveled through multiple gates of the world but not a single instance of experience did he ever heard the term.      

"It's a world? However, I don't know where is it though hahaha!" laughed Lyon.     

"What are you going to do there?" asked Sophia.     

"It's none of your business Sophia," answered Cecile sternly.     

Her cold tone caught Sophiashivering before her face immediately turned apologetic as she slightly hovered back. Her calmness in those sharp eyes could kill a bird with a gaze. She rarely saw her getting serious like that, the last time that she remembered was when she was bullied and she was there witnessing what happened. It was already a long time ago, yet that deadly gaze remained.     

"Hmm?" Lyon took a slight glance at Cecile before he realized what's going on.     

(Of course, she knew that Selena is in that world, after all, Selena knew Cecile being in the Blue Continent and even more so, being the empress. Wait a minute, how did Selena know of her whereabouts? Hmm... maybe because of her spatial magic... was it magic back then?) thought Lyon as he was not sure of himself.     

"However, I need to address that old bone's problem first, man what a pain," sighed Lyon.     

(You caused this yourself!) screamed Luke inwardly.     

"So you are going to go against the old bone? Haha, don't worry! With your father here, we will slap those incoming faces back to the horizon where they belong!" said Jin.     

"Can we win against him?" asked Priscila.     

There was no doubt that they lost both in quantity and quality already. On top of the paper, they already lost the battle.      

"Maybe not winning, I mean completely destroying his power would take a lot," answered Jin as he spoke realistically.     

The old bone had a hoard of treasures that could flood an entire world, or at least that was how the saying goes. Going against that kind of power one would wonder what it would need to even have the same standing ground.     

"Winning is completely feasible, destroying him is also not possible," said Cecile as she crossed her arms and courted all of the attention.     

Her auburn hair fluttered before she continued under everyone's gaze, "The treasure that he held is nothing compared to my husband. Treasures that could flood a world? Please, they are nothing compare to a single item that he had. Even the sun would pale in the glimmers of his treasures. I'm not even talking about the highest degree of a sentient weapon, his ultimate regalias."     

"What?! Son-in-law, you have such treasures?!" asked Jin toward Lyon with his eyes widened.     

"What?! I have such treasures?!" asked Lyon toward his wife with his eyes widened.     

Black lines immediately covered the onlookers' faces after a huge shock.     

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