Emperor's Reckoning

What Do You Mean

What Do You Mean

4Malaqa smiled wryly. She had faced these occasions numerous times based on her wrinkles.     

"Alright, let's ask you— rookies —a question so I can get to know you further," said Malaqa as she crossed her arms with a smile on her face. She might be wrinkled but there was a genuine passion that she traded for pursuing the alchemy art.     

She came to the first rookie, "Who recommended you?"     

"I-I-Instructor Waer!"      

The first one was clearly struggling to say that name. Pale, sweaty, hardly glance his eyes— he was clearly exhausted and barely ten minutes had passed. Things were not looking well for him and he himself knew.     

"Instructor Waer, huh," Malaqa nodded before she went to the next one. "How about you?"     

"Instructor Nui!"      

The next one answered almost immediately to her surprise. It seemed like he was waiting for his turn before he lost control of his concentration.     

Malaqa chuckled. She had not expected the second one to be hurried with their answer. "I may be old, but my ears are fine."     

The second rookie opened his eyes wide but he couldn't utter a word due to his fear. He could feel it slipping at any given moment.     

Malaqa left the second one to his own misery and went to the third. "How about you, who recommended you?"     

"It was Instructor Jile," said the third rookie with a slight tremble. Though he did not seem calm at all, it was apparent that he tried his best to maintain his tone. He was the most relaxed out of the three and Malaqa could see that clearly.     

"Jile, hmm... alright." Malaqa nodded with a smile that made the three rookies wonder.     

Malaqa stood in front of the three with a smile before she raised her brows in a fake shock, "Oh, I almost forgot about you."     

Lyon smirked. "Look's like I should join Renduval's test instead."     

"Be patient, the time will come," said Malaqa as she approached the infamous kunpeng hunter's leader. "I'm truly curious about you, who would find such talent."     

"Oh? I hope you're not playing favorites on me," said Lyon. "I thought Alchemy Union is a fair place."     

Malaqa shook her head with a gentle smile, "I'm not playing favorites on you. It's just fact. You are indeed more skillful than the others even though your soul flame is still at the base level. Truly I'm curious, who is it?"     

"Well," Lyon shrugged, "If you wanted to know."     


A loud sigh was heard before everyone landed their attention on the second rookie. The latter was hunching his back and catching for breath. The sweat had drenched his entire face and neck as he trembly looked at both of his plain palms. The soul flame was put off. "Tch!"     

"Oh?" Malaqa quickly approached the second rookie who was still catching his breath. She stood right in front of him. "You failed."     

"N-No, no please!" the second rookie begged. "I can do it once more, look!"     

He closed his eyes and mustered up his concentration to the best of his capabilities, but it was futile. His mind was in disarray due to fatigue.     

"You failed," said Malaqa once more. "You are fatigued and you should work out on your stamina. Alchemy is not just about how much fire you can summon but how long can you maintain it then, control its intensity. There will be pills that would require you to maintain your soul flame for a really long time. Some recipe took the whole day."     

The second rookie gritted his teeth but couldn't retort back. He lost the first qualification fair and square. There was no way for him to continue on if he couldn't even light up his soul flame.     

"Heed my advice and try again next time," said Malaqa with a smile as she patted her shoulder.     

"T-Thank you," said the second rookie as he left the dome with his head hung down.     

Malaqa nodded before she turned her glance back to Lyon with a smile. However, her brows slightly raised as she noticed the surroundings. (More people seem to come and watch) said Malaqa inwardly before she focused on Lyon, (Look's like words spread really fast).     

"Sorry about that, I hope you don't mind," said Malaqa.     

"Why would I be," said Lyon. "It's none of my business if he lost or not."     

"Hehehe," Malaqa laughed. "Let's return to our topic now, who was it that gave you the scroll?"     

"Well if you must know," Lyon smirked before raising his arm and pointing at a certain figure among the spectator.     

"Oh?" Malaqa turned with a smile. She had never thought that they would be here. However, her eyes were shocked to see who he was pointing at. "Wait a minute, you got recommended by Elise?"     


The crowd couldn't sustain their astonishment. This particular elder was infamous for her lonely hill and introverted nature. It was a surprise for everyone that knew her.     

Everyone but Tamuh.     

"Yup, Elise, ups! I mean, Elder Elise, heh." Lyon smirked.     

"Hmm, I can see why," said Malaqa as she nodded and turned her glance back to Lyon. "Fate works in strange ways."     

"Huh? What are you talking about?" asked Lyon.     

"Nothing, just make sure that you pass the tests and be an alchemist," said Malaqa, "That's all I ask."     

Lyon furrowed his brows before he shrugged. Thinking about what the old woman said would be nothing but a waste of time, but. "Wait a minute, did you say tests?"     

"Yes—Is there a problem?" asked Malaqa.     

"Yes? What do you mean tests?" asked Lyon as he frowned.     

"Wait, Lyon, don't tell me you don't know?" asked Renduval.     

"No?! I thought this was all the test!" said Lyon before he sighed. "Man this is troublesome."     

Malaqa chuckled after a period of disbelief. "Well look's like you just have to ride along, time's up! Congratulations! You three will be facing the next test!"     

"Fuck," sighed Lyon as he put off his soul flame.     

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