Emperor's Reckoning

Multiple Lyons

Multiple Lyons

3Lyon came down headfirst like an imperial commander as his figure was encompassed by its aura. Like thunderous veins of lightning, he was heading straight toward Weder whose eyes were still in disbelief seeing the sky suddenly occupied.       0

"Tch! Don't be so arrogant boy!" shouted Weder before he crossed his arms as an act of defense.     

"Heh," Lyon smirked before he pulled out one of the four banners from his back. The flag fluttered as he spun the banner before bashing it toward his arms.     

The moment of contact brought fort destruction of the land as the shockwave pushed the group of cultivator mages that were over hundreds of them.     

Hundreds of Lyons stormed through the sky under the horror of their enemies after their master's initial contact.     

"Hold your position! They are nothing but copies of the original!" shouted Borton to the others with a grimaced face. (What kind of devilish technique is this?!).     

"We are coming for you old man!" shouted one of Lyons before three others followed his suit.     

"Can your giant sword keep up with us? Hahaha!"     

"It's four directions old man, I see you have a nice scar on your chest, gotta thank my wife for that."     

"How dare you meddle in our reunion!"     

The four sentences rang inside his ears as he prepared and pointed his sword toward one of them. The table had turned as he was surrounded in four different directions to his gritted teeth. He tried to take a glance at his allies to the side before his pupils shrunken as a foot immediately came into view.     


He muttered the word before his face got a clean hit from the foot as it trembled the brain inside his skull. Blood escaped out of his ear before another hit followed to his side. His bones were enduring the hit but it won't be long before it collapsed and broke. He couldn't waive the giant sword at all before his entire body turned into a sandbag for four people. His already shredded clothes could only disintegrate toward the bullet-like barrage that kept hitting his defenseless body. Only his cultivation level left was his upper point.     

"Gr! Ha—Hm!"     

Before he could shout and released a blast of his aura to push them away, one of Lyons quickly grabbed his mouth as he pinched the cheeks. His pupils shrunken before he felt a hand grabbing the back of his head. He saw the smirk on his enemy's face before the latter let go of his mouth and let the other pushed his face down toward his knee.     

The incredible impact broke his nose as he could only scorn in pain before his hair was pulled then slammed his face toward the knee a second time. His head was repelled from the knee as blood and teeth flew out of his mouth. The proud Borton was nowhere to be found in his current standing. There was no shred of mercy from the four Lyons as they continued their assault. Blood kept splurting out as his sentient weapon could do nothing but watch its master being ganked.     

Karina's eyelids were closing in half as she muttered, "Did I eat something strange...? Why are there eight Lyons coming at me? Is this a dream?"     

"Sorry Teacher, I'm a bit late with things."     

"Don't worry and rest easy, not a single fly will disturb your rest."     

"Eight directions, and if they dare to attack from above, they will return to ash."     

All eight of them stood with crossed arms as their backs were on full display against Karina's eyes. Despite the war that was happening, he didn't forget to bring protection to those he valued dearly. He owed the woman so much for him not to care. It was in his veins to do so despite his chivalrous traits often mingled with his perverted traits.     

"You!" The Loh Sect Patriarch was not having a good time either. There was nothing but blood coming out of his orifices as his bones were broken by fighting four Lyons.     

The remaining sect leaders were in a battle as well but there was not a moment where they could find an opening to escape, let alone retaliate. The drumming noise of their fists and legs hitting the flesh and muscles could shiver even to an old monster.      

Suddenly a loud noise of the impact was heard before something hit a nearby mountain and sent a huge crack for everyone to see. A figure was embedded on it before a loud cough of blood spurted out from the former.      

"G-Grandfather?!" muttered Russel as he noticed the familiar feature on the figure. His eyes stared in disbelief that an Ascending God realm cultivator was reduced to such a state by a Godhood realm cultivator that had just broken through.      

The fluttering flag caught the onlookers' attention as someone in the full armor of an imperial general crossed his arms with four banners proudly stood straight on his back. He was hovering in a short distance against Weder who didn't show any sign of being an Ascending God cultivator.     

Weder's face that was hung down slightly looked up as he saw the young man that was responsible for his current state. He couldn't believe a Godhood cultivator could exert such mountainous strength that it could be compared to his own level.     

"You! Im... Impossible," muttered Weder as his eyes opened wide as he stuttered in disbelief. His pupils had constricted to unimaginable thin as he looked at the young man whose aura kept increasing and mana kept coming from the rings that he wore.     

(Level five already?! And he still growing each second!) thought Weder as he made a harsh gulp. It was the first time he saw the definition of the one-man army in the truest sense.     

"Who are you!" shouted Weder as he demanded his name. A man with this kind of power shouldn't have gone unnoticed, especially in his circle.     

Lyon didn't answer his question as he ascended to the next level to his gawking face.     

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