Emperor's Reckoning

Three Worlds and Unexpected Guest.

Three Worlds and Unexpected Guest.

4Lyon contemplated as he turned around and faced the sea.     0

(Mana originated from Heaven while anti-mana originated from Hell) thought Lyon as he saw the bigger picture. (Is Mortal World just a bridge between the two places? If that is so then what part does the Mortal World play in the big scheme of things?). The questions would only lead to another question and it kept going without any answer.      

He shook his head, "I guess I will find that answer later. Maybe my old self already knew something about it."     

The locked memories inside his soul. The giant door that was floating above his sea memories. However, his soul was not ready to be bombardier by the experience of his previous life.     

"Well, I guess the search ends here," said Lyon as he sighed away his disappointment. He turned around and looked at the scrap that the place had become. This was the first time he was one-upped by his enemies. (They are really cautious or maybe my fame spread too quickly) thought Lyon.      

Just as Lyon was about to leap to the sky, a thought crossed his mind. He turned around before looking at Kesya.      

"Kesya, do you know a way to Hell?" asked Lyon.      

"Hm? Of course?" answered Kesya as she slightly tilted her head. "Why you ask, my lord??"     

The man from Legion immediately stared at Kesya in disbelief. (This woman had been to hell?! Ah... this group is insane! I never thought my life would cross with devils themselves!) thought the man as he swallowed his saliva.     

"M-Miss... You've been to Hell before?" asked the man as his curiosity beat the cowardice of losing his life to the bucket.     

"It's just Hell, you can visit it if you want."     

"Ah no, no, no, no! I'm just curious, hehe," he was scared senseless. (Who would in the right mind want to enter the devil's nest?!).     

"How do you get there?" asked Lyon.     

(The monster of course!) thought the man as he answered his own question inwardly.     

Kesya let out a sigh, "Sadly, things are not as they used to be."     

Lyon furrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"     

Graham suddenly moved and knocked out the ex-member of Legion in one single finger strike against his nape. The latter's eyes immediately went upward before his knees hit the ground with a thud. His vision instantly blurred before his upper body succumbed to gravity.     

Lyon smirked at what his general had done. The guy didn't stand a chance at all.     

"So? What is it? Why so secretive?" asked Lyon after seeing the ex-member of Legion being knocked out.     

"The way to Hell is simple, however, it is important that you must remember your past self first," said Kesya as her eyes turned sharp. Her seriousness naturally caught her lord furrowing his eyebrows.     

"Why? Why does it matter?" asked Lyon.     

"I won't say that you now are weak. Your technique was subpar to what you were capable of then but the most important thing is, your understanding about the world."     

"About the world?" asked Lyon.     

"Yes, I'm talking about the world, the entire system," said Kesya.     

Lyon narrowed his eyes before Kesya continued.     

"Mortal World, Heaven and then Hell. Heaven has seven layers with the topmost of it hosts the strongest of beings. Hell also has seven layers and the very bottom of it also hosts the strongest beings. Mortal World, on the other hand, had no layers."     

"Damn..." said Lyon. (How many beauties are there to conquer haha!) smiled Lyon inwardly.     

"Then, what about Mortal World's strongest beings, where are they?" asked Lyon.     

Kesya shook her head, "Mortal World has none."     

"Well that was... disappointing," said Lyon.     

"They had you, master," said Graham. "The Mortal World used to be under your protection a long time ago. No gods, no seraphim, no giants, no golems, nothing dares to make a mess against the Mortal Worlds because your name was heavier than those seven layers of Heaven and Hell combined."     

Lyon grinned from ear to ear, "Okay Graham no need to praise me that much, I might explode my head."     

"Ah, sorry, master!" said Graham as he knelt.     

Lyon's eyebrows twitched before he heard the chuckle from Kesya.     

"I don't get the part why should I recover my past memories before going to Hell here," said Lyon. (Damn, I never thought the day would come that I wanted to go hell).     

"Because Hell is not like it used to be. It was very different from back then after your death," answered Kesya with her sharpened eyes. Her glare could kill a bird but it did nothing against Lyon as it should be.     

Lyon let out a huge snort before he pouted. He closed his eyes before putting his hands behind his head as a support to his ego. The lazy look made him not look like an emperor at all, however, behind those very eyes that looked at the blue sky a magnificent figure was hiding.     

"Then let's return," said Lyon before he leaped to the sky. "Oh right, just leave him there, we don't need them anymore. One day we will cross paths with them again. As long as they keep searching for anti-mana..."     

(I wonder how Reka is doing in that Mist Clan of hers. That snake lady, Legion is greater than you think. However, I once said that I helped you to get your revenge against what they did to your parents, and I will fulfill it, my way. I hope you are well, the woman with the worst handwriting in the history of my life) Lyon smiled.     

"Let's go back, everyone," said Lyon before he lead the two of them.     

The young man thus flew against the horizon of dusk. The sea was sparkling a beautiful glimmer as the orange hue was slowly being eaten by the darkness of the night. The gorgeous scene in front of him didn't bring a smile to his face. His eyes were not as sharp as usual and seemed to be out of place. The thought of his past made him slightly insecure about things.     


The sound of a downpour was heard hitting the bright clean tile as a  blurry image was reflected on it. Her auburn hair was not tied to that unique braid that she usually had and let them fall naturally. Almost a third of her back was covered by her hair. Her skin was clean and clear despite the muscular hint on her sculpted physique. Her broad shoulder received the shower of spring water before the soap slid down from her body and went into the drain.     

She turned the knob and stopped the downpour. Stepping out of the room made out of glass she reached out her towel before drying her hair than face. Lightly patting the soft fabric to absorb the water from her hair she walked out of the bathroom.     

Hanging her towel around her neck she didn't even cover her bountiful breasts that even the seven layers of Heaven and Hell coveted. She looked through the window that stars had already glamorized their way against the little city.     

She took a fine rock glass before filling it with ice cubes from a nearby silver bucket. Two cubes of ice were enough. Grabbing the bottle of wine nearby she poured it against the rock glass. The color of the wine was pitch black instead of red or white. The origin of the bottle was not from the market nor from Garuda's stash. Instead, it was from Assid.     

She picked up the rock glass before walking toward the giant window. It had a nice view of the city and the forest. The moon was bigger than usual and its companions were many.     

She drank the black wine before letting out an ahh. Her face was not as red as her hair and eyes but her complexion definitely glowed. In that one sip alone, the War Goddess was intoxicated. She shook her head before letting out a smile. She let the rock glass fall on the wooden floor but the loud crack didn't occur.     

She turned around after the thud. Her calves, her strong thighs, and the beautiful upside-down heart shape of her butt were blessed by lunar above. The pair of thin lines on her glutes were inviting but she further exit out of the shimmering glow of nature.      

She reached out to the door before locking it up. Her auburn lips smiled before she turned around. Crossing her arms she let out a smirk before slightly looking down. There was another person in the reflection of her eyes.     

"Don't look at me so serious like that," said Cecile as she shrugged. "Have a drink or something."     

Cecile proceeded to sit down on the alluring couch and crossed her legs before spreading her arms as she leaned back. She was the mafia boss of the room but the word that came out of her mouth next, brought the atmosphere to a different level.     


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