Emperor's Reckoning

Mother? Uncle? Cousin?!

Mother? Uncle? Cousin?!

4While Lyon was consoling Jin, Priscila was a bit grimaced about the situation. She was slightly irritated before she crossed her arm then approached the two of them with furrowed eyebrows.     

"Jin, what are you doing? Stop acting like a child."     

"But it's my palace! My blood and sweat, it's the proof of our love," muttered Jin to Priscila's rising red hue on her cheeks.      

(Love? So that means that this beautiful woman is) Lyon immediately raised his eyebrows while squinting his eyes. He lamented the fact that it took him this long to know who she was, however, who could blame him since her daughter had auburn hair and she didn't. In fact, none of the two had auburn hair.     

"Mother!" exclaimed Lyon without a single shred of shame.     

(M-Mother?) Priscila was slightly taken back by the young man that managed to gorge on Cecile's pure heart. They didn't even meet before but he had already called her as if they were family from a long time ago. He didn't even call her in-law like any son-in-law would.      

"Don't mother me, all of this is still going too fast for me. I have a lot of questions that required your answer young man. However, first thing first, where is my beautiful and tall daughter?"     

"Cecile is right on top of that hovering lotus over there. Don't worry, she is currently healing in her beauty sleep as we speak."     

"Lotus?" Priscila furrowed her eyebrows before she darted her glance toward the hovering grand lotus that Lyon had pointed out. The magnificent flower calmly rotated in the air as the moon illuminated the flower's crown. Her eyes reflected the pink shade of the petals before unbeknownst to her, she was gulping her saliva. She had never seen something so grand, beautiful, and luxurious yet being one with nature without third-party intervention. She couldn't recall any treasure that she had held in her spatial ring nor even the vault of Treas themselves that could compare to it.     

"What is that?" muttered Priscila as her gaze was locked above.     

"That is a beautiful grand lotus," said Lyon proudly while putting one of his arms on his chest.     

"Where did you get that?" asked Priscila before darting her glance back toward Lyon. The young man proved to be more mysterious than he seemed to be. The first impression that she got was that he was sterner and ruling-like with how he displayed his prowess by killing a godhood cultivator under everyone's eyes. However, the young man that she met right now was pretty aloof, much like her husband.     

"Get?" Lyon slightly tilted his head before he smirked and crossed his arms. At one time he forgot that he was still presenting himself in front of his in-laws with nothing but a bathrobe that he happened to found in Cecile's room.     

"I made that," grinned Lyon.     

Priscila furrowed her eyebrows before contemplating whether Lyon was lying to impress her or not.     

"What do you mean?" asked Priscila.     


The moment the word uttered out of Lyon's mouth. Yunesia who was the legal winner of the Throne furrowed her eyebrows before her purple lips pointed upward as she looked at the grand lotus above. As far as she knew, Lyon had the extreme aptitude of the fire element just like her, however, it seemed like that was not the only case. The young man could reverse the spatial magic that was inflicted upon them even when the night had not come by, that alone proved he was more than one thousand magic cultivator that incited the massive teleportation spell, even better, she could pull a conclusion that Lyon had an extreme aptitude of the rare element, spatial. A closer look at the regenerative behavior that encircled the empress above, it seems those two were not the only thing he had extreme aptitude elements on.     

"That is not a light magic, it is something rarer than that," muttered Yunesia as she talked a little bit louder on purpose to incite Ayumu's ear.     

Ayumu's eyes opened wide in astonishment as the word of praise came from Yunesia. However, what excited her the most was the fact that the healing capabilities of his magic turn out to be severely effective. (Father... he might wake you up) thought Ayumu as he remembered Lyon's promise back in the other plane.     

"En," Madoka suddenly grasped her best friend's hand though it was bigger than hers. The smile that Ayumu received couldn't help but make her embraced the High Witch before rubbing her head.     

"Magic?" muttered Priscila before the young man nodded.     

Lyon's eyes slightly took a gaze at both of his palms before they turned mellow as he muttered. "She, she had done things unimaginable, breaking through the spatial storm. With blood, sweat, and bruises covering her body, she shouted my name before fighting all of them by herself with Karina's aid too of course."     

Priscila looked at the true emotion right at his face but not a comment she uttered before she went out her way and floated against the hovering grand lotus. Her eyes were slightly opened wide at the feast that her eyes had received. The image of a really beautiful woman was right in front of her, sleeping calmly with her auburn hair draped. Basking in the bits of light that rose from the core before gradually disappearing, her lips were pointed upward and seemed to be locked that way. Right under her plain sight, the bruise on her body was woven by a string of light with tiny illuminating fireflies carrying it.     

Lyon took a glance up before smiling as he saw the mother caring for her child despite only standing there. He darted his glance toward Jin before his eyes turn sharp.     

"I have something to tell you, father-in-law," said Lyon as his tone changed from aloof to deadly serious.     

"Hmm? What is it?"     

"I've challenged the world."     


Jin slightly furrowed his eyebrows before he asked, "What do you mean? By the way, where is Borton?"     

"Who is Borton?"     

"You know, you must have seen it, the man with the blonde hair that grabbed your neck."     

"Oh, so that was his name huh, I never noticed,"     

"Hahaha, I bet he ran with tail between his legs huh. Hahaha!"     

"No, he didn't."     


"I killed him."     


Jin got his word stuck in his throat as he looked at Lyon with his eyes bulging out. He tried to act as if he didn't hear him but it would prove futile since it won't change the fact at all. He refused to believe that he could kill him, not to mention his allies there. (Wait, so they didn't run? So none of them managed to escape? That means Lyon has... killed everyone?) thought Jin as he made a harsh gulp.     

"E-Excuse me, but I can't help to overhear your words, did you just say that you kill Borton?" asked a middle-aged man that was visually almost looked at the same age bracket as Jin's.     

Lyon slightly furrowed his eyebrows before he asked, "Who are you?"     

"Ah, right, I'm sorry for not having introduced myself. My name is Luke, I'm his brother-in-law, which means, I'm..."     

"Uncle good to see you!" said Lyon as he clasped Luke's hand with both of his. He put on a little bit of strength as he shook it up and down to his surprised. Even Luke himself was quite astonished by his sudden reaction. (Damn, this guy didn't waste any time to curry favor).     

"Y-Yeah, good to see you too," answered Luke (Wait a minute, why am I the one being nervous here)     

"Long time no see."     

Lyon slightly raised his eyebrows before he took a glance at the yet familiar voice. His face brightened and gleamed before he took off his shaking hand then greeted the figure.     

"Sophia, long time no see. Wow, that dress looks really beautiful on you. I bet even Cecile would have a hard time competing with that."     

His blatant praise and full of confidence could derail the fact that he was still wearing a bathrobe that was not even his, to begin with. Sophia, though heard thousands of praises from her suitors, all came for naught when Lyon himself uttered it. There was a certain truth and genuine when he was the one saying it. She meekly tried to hide her burning red hue on her cheeks with a slight cough.     

"Lyon, you are pretty bold, your mother-in-law might kill you though. Hahaha!" commented Jin.     

"I see that you have met my dearest daughter, Sophia Treas Alrude. My, she is surely my dearest daughter isn't she."     

"Father, may I remind you that I'm your only child, so of course that I'm your dearest daughter," said Sophia with grace but a hinge tinge of sarcasm in her tone.     

"Hahaha! Let's forget about the useless stuff! By the way, the issue at hand, is it really true that you killed Borton?"     

"I also kill his father too," Lyon crossed his arms with his iconic smirk.     

The three of them immediatley choked their words as they looked at him.     

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