Emperor's Reckoning

None of You Will Stay Alive!

None of You Will Stay Alive!

4The guard's pupils constricted the moment he saw the red glow. Like a thousand blades pricking his soul but never intended to actually puncture it through. The pain and torture were eminent before he was taken back to reality by a flick on his forehead. Though he was older than the young man with his hands tied, the power the perverted thief had was beyond his understanding. For a moment he felt death was near and he forgot the very nature of living, breathing.      

"Don't escalate the matter to a scale where you can't handle. Do you think your wage is worth your life?" said Lyon with a smirk before he turned around and leave him fear-stricken.      

The guard looked at Lyon's back walking further away from him. His fingers were fidgeting, he knew he should do something for it was his job, but, the young man right in front of him turned the key into dust with a pinch of his hands. These old bars that separated the two of them could be non-existent. The young man could come and go as he pleased for he had the strength to do so.      

He let out a trembling sigh as his poor attempt to calm himself down brought no result. His heartbeat still raced as he left the cell with a drenched face from his own sweat.      

*tap tap     

The woman's ears slightly twitched before she looked up and saw the light slowly showing the figure that was approaching her in a calm demeanor. His face glimmered amidst just being a perverted thief. There was serenity in his smile as his eyes slightly squinted in the process. His hands were still bound by a tight rope on his wrists but he approached her warmly.      

Cecile's auburn eyes stared at him in disbelief as she forgot how to blink before the former casually sat down right in front of her with his legs crossed. The two of them looked at each other under the pillar shade of light available in the room. Her mouth gaped as she still hugged her bruised knees.     

"You... why are you here...?" asked Cecile Auburn.     

"Why... hmmm... I never thought about answering that question. I guess it's because I rather choose to be with a beautiful woman rather than rotting in a damped cell alone, hahaha."     

Cecile's eyes turned sharp as she glared at him.     

"Beautiful... heh... are you going to frame me too? Too bad... I have nothing left to offer now."     

Lyon's eyes turned mellow as he saw the lady in front of him. The woman had lost all hope, her body started to deteriorate from the lack of nutrition. Her cheeks had sunken in as her lips dried.     

"I guess you grow to distrust people from your horrible experience, but it's not bad I guess. I mean, I'm not trying to force you to see all positiveness in life. However, everyone needs someone to trust in their lives and sometimes, oneself won't cut it."     

Lyon stood up under her watchful eyes before he walked past her and held the chains that were binding her freedom.     

"What are you..."     


Lyon yanked the chains altogether but it was still attached to the wall that was adorned with green moss. The thing didn't even budge from the host. The overabundance feeling of having his cool moment destroyed was quite embarrassing and they sunk into an awkward situation.     

"What are you doing?" Cecile asked.     

"I was trying to give you a long-lasting image of me being... you know... ah forget it."     

"You're weird."     

"Hahaha, a lot of people that I've met told me the same thing but mostly pervert though. However!"     

Lyon's eyes turned sharp as the veins in both of his forearms bulged. The determination was visible in his stature as he slowly pulled the chains while being tied up himself. The chains reached their highest tensions as the battle of power soon ensued.     

"I don't think it would wo—?!"     

Cecile's auburn eyes opened wide as little debris started to fall from the old wall to his disbelief. She saw the young man was gritting his teeth but to a grin instead of a struggle, even his veins bulged all over his body.      

"Hah..." Lyon let out a heave of breath before his eyes glowed red.      


The instant his eyes glowed, the wall was destroyed from being yanked. Under the pillar of light, the youth smiled with a grin on his face. Her auburn eyes glimmered as she saw him stood tall and give her wings that she never thought to be deserved. Though it was symbolic and the chains still bound her wrists and ankles, his action brought a slight trust that she could put inside him.     

Lyon's dilated pupils sent him back to reality as he looked at the glance of her face.      

"Huh?" he touched his cheeks before finding a wet sensation through his fingers. He looked at the warm feeling at the tip of his finger.      

Tears. Their history together, their relationship, and his memories about her were locked and he was powerless against it. However, one thing for certain, his soul didn't lie as his body was at the command of it. His footsteps were small as he approached the woman with four banners on her back and four golden tails sprung around. His hands slowly reached out to her.     

"Cliff! Do it!"     

Borton suddenly shouted as he glared at Cecile. The situation had grown out of his control and his power was slipping away. The plan must be hastened.     


"I have not even eaten a single meal, but I guess there is no other choice," muttered Cliff as he smiled.     

However, a wind of change was suddenly felt in the air as a hand immediately grabbed Cliff's neck and raised him above the ground.     

"Kh! Oi, oi, is this how a host should act against his guests?" said Cliff as he saw Jin smiling.     

"If the guest is threatening the host, I don't think this is an insult," Jin smiled.     

"You're worthy of your name, Avalanche Fist, however, might sometimes pale against magic."     


"Jin! Something is going on outside!" shouted Priscila but it was all too late.     

Countless rainbow magic brands were formed at the bottom of their feet and all the guests were included. Everyone gasped at the sudden offensive approach but they didn't have time to react.     

"Lyon!" Lumina suddenly shouted from the other end of the hall as her silvery wings spread out. The giant beautiful wings didn't have time to waste as they flapped and went toward the beloved however, one person from Cliff's group immediately intercepted her with a kick.     




Everyone was calling his name before he realized the situation they were currently in. Cecile turned around before she tried to reach him with one of her golden tails since it was the longest out of her limbs.     

Over a thousand men floating outside the palace under the weather storm chanted.     

"Divine Magic: Massive Teleportation!"     

Yunesia raised her eyebrows, "Spece element?!"     

Her figure immediately vanished as her sight changed to the scenery of an empty plateau. She was sent to another world. It didn't take a second before another person was sent to the same world as hers and before she knew it, everyone from the guest was here. Except for certain individuals of course.     


"What happened?!" The guest was preparing for some kind of pain but they were unharmed. Even the Crown winners were there with them.     

"Big sis, space element?" asked Madoka who quickly found her older sibling.     

"En, en, never thought he would have over a thousand cultivators to execute it. Their synchronization is unbelievable."     

"Where? Where?! Where?!" Lumina was looking around the group of people yet she didn't find her beloved before the last person was transported there.     

Her auburn hair fluttered as she stared in disbelief. She was so close, she was only a centimeter left before she could take Lyon with her, but alas, she saw her empty hands.     

"Fuck!" shouted Jin as Luke shook his head.     

"He must have used Lyon as the bargaining chip since that's how they can control your daughter, which controls you both," said Luke to his brother-in-law and older sister.     

"To think that he had devised a plan overnight, not to mention that they have that kind of spell. This is all my fault," Priscila had her head hung down before Jin immediately consoled her in his embrace as the former cried.     

"Cecile, what are you going to do now?" asked Jin as he saw his daughter's eyes were still in disbelief.     

Her trembling fingers slowly clenched to a fist before she gritted her teeth and let out a heave of breath.     

"I will kill all of them."     

The veins on her forearms bulged before she smashed her fist into an empty space. The resounding crack brought all of their panics to a halt as their pupils constricted watching how the space keep crackling as if the sky was about to fall before a resounding boom was heard as they were all slightly blown back by the shockwave.     


A huge spatial storm was presented against them as one zap alone could reduce the mighty gods to ashes.     

"Every magic left a trace, none of you will stay alive!"     

Her four golden tails propelled her forward as her killing intent filled the entire tunnel.     

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