Chapter 225: Pressure

Chapter 225: Pressure

2As soon as she entered, Qin Bao went close to a chair in the corner of the room, where a cloaked person was staying, and bowing down in front of her, she said reverently,      1

Qin Bao:" Disciple Qin Bao greets Master!"     

Her words stunned the people inside the room, especially the two gloomy faces, Young Master Qing Fang and Master Jiao Wen.     

They didn't expect such a turn of events. They were truly startled and shocked at this turn of events.     

It was truly unexpected and suffocating. Especially not being able to see, who was the person behind the dark cloak.     

Even though they had a moderately good spirit sense, they couldn't use it now. In the cultivation world, using the spirit sense to check on a fellow cultivator was an unwritten prohibited rule.     

It was the same as a breach of privacy on the internet, when someone hacked your private account, just way worse.     

But remembering his position as a Young Master of EITS, and all the ego and arrogance that comes with it, Young Master Qing Fang couldn't control himself and decided to not heed to that unwritten rule.     

But just as he extended his spirit sense towards the mantled person, an angered scream was heard from the other corner of the room,     

Tianlong Yun:" Truly preposterous!"     

As soon as he screamed that, he activated the illusory seal around this place, concentrated in that office room.     

Immediately everyone inside the room felt as if a big mountain was falling on their heads.     

Especially on Young Master Qing Fang, his spirit sense hadn't reached the mantled person yet, when he felt that heavy mountain falling on his head.     

Right at that moment, his spirit sense smoked out, and the only thing he could do, was, bit his lips till blood came out of them, so he wouldn't faint from the shock and pressure he suffered.     

But he wasn't the only one suffering, even the two people accompanying him were almost in the same position. Both of them were trying with everything they had to fight back this pressure.     

The thing was the more they tried to fight back the pressure, the more it piled on them. They couldn't hold on for long.     

All three of them were on their knees, and in tatters, in their last drops of courage to face the pressure they were in.     

Just as they were about to faint, thinking that this was enough, Tianlong Yun destroyed the array, and the illusory pressure started to disappear as if it had never existed.     

But not before Tianlong Yun decided to use the last drops of pressure, to speak in an angry tone, and torture them a bit more,     

Tianlong Yun:" How dare you? Who do you think yourselves to be Juniors?"     

His words resounded in the entire office room as the decree of an angry god.     

If they hadn't been prepared for this, perhaps the three people on the floor would have been unconscious already.     

But, even though they managed to hold on, they still were like dying candles, in their last drops of courage and resistance left.     

Being in this situation, none of them was able to answer to the angry questions of Tianlong Yun.     

Pretending to get even angrier from their lack of response, Tianlong Yun was about to hit them one more time with pressure.     

Seeing Tianlong Yun ready to start that terrifying pressure once again, Young Master Qing Fang gathered all his left strength and said meekly,     

Qing Fang:" Ple-please for-forgive me for my rud-ahem-rudeness Sen-senior, it was a big-big mistake from my part.     

I appo-apologize for my ru-rude behavior."     

Hearing his words Tianlong Yun's or more exactly the second mantled guy's anger seemed to have softened, but this didn't make him calm nonetheless.     

These feelings were also expressed in his voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" And how can I understand that you are truly apologizing, and not just trying to avoid my pressure again? Tell me, why should I believe in your apology junior?"     

 Young Master Qing Fang was caught unprepared by this guys words, but he seriously couldn't experience one more time that torturous pressure, and just answered honestly,     

Qing Fang:" I-I wouldn't da-dare Senior."     

At this moment he was telling the truth, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing. This was the first time he was experiencing real power.     

The pressure of his father and grandfather in front of this was just like ants trying to compare to a giant boulder.     

He was truly scared in the presence of such a being and was cursing his stars for bringing him in front of such a person.     

But in his defense who would have thought that such a being would be here. This was against all his plans and imagination.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun gave a stare to all three people on the floor, and then said in a firm and rough tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" You better mind your conduct and attitude in this place. Don't try anything funny or I may not be so polite anymore."     

His words completely stunned the three people on the floor. This was supposed to be him being polite? They didn't even dare to think what would happen if he wasn't though.     

Gathering all their left strength, Young Master Qing Fang, Master Jiao Wen, and Old Luo got up in that order.     

For Old Luo, the pressure was double, because it didn't come only from the seal, but also from being in the presence of Tianlong Yun.     

That was why even though his cultivation might be the highest of the ones being here, he was the last to stand up. His will and courage were special in their own way.     

While those three were trying to recollect themselves, Tianlong Yun started walking towards the couch from where he came from to lie down.     

Not caring at all for the three people he left in tatters.     

No matter how offended those three might be, they didn't dare to speak about it. In the real dark world, strength and power were everything.     

The strong ruled over the weak!     

They might have big organizations backing them, but after feeling that pressure, they could assume that this guy was no weaker than their leaders.     

People with that kind of strength were really rare, and adding to this the fact that they didn't know a thing about this guy, this just made them even more attentive and careful.     

They wouldn't dare to do anything rude anymore.     

As for Qin Bao, they weren't idiots to ruin everything just for a woman or two.     

For a moment there was total silence in the room, no one dared to speak. And Tianlong Yun had turned to its place, lying on the couch.     

But this just served to make the trio even more attentive to him, because earlier they hadn't been able to feel his presence at all.     

It was like he hadn't excited at all in this place when they arrived here.     

The truth was that Tianlong Yun was resting in the eye of the array. It would have been impossible for anyone under the Great Ascension Boundary Realm to detect him.     

Having reached his goal he was now staying there like a statue looking at the situation inside the office room.     

The first to break the silence was Qin Bao,     

Qin Bao:" Gentlemen, and especially you, Young Master Qing Fang, what you tried to do is truly rude and unpardonable.     

You should feel really lucky that my Master's husband didn't kill you immediately, and I'm sure that you will think of a way to compensate him for your rude behavior."     

Finally getting a lifeboat, Young Master Qing Fang immediately reacted,     

Qing Fang:" Of course, of course, Young Miss Qin Bao, I would like to ask once again forgiveness for my rude behavior, and promise to not disappoint Senior."     

Even the duo behind him agreed and said,     

Duo:" It was truly rude from our part, we will send our apology to Senior as soon as possible. But if we may ask about Senior's great name? "     

Truly sly old foxes, as long as, they didn't know this guy's identity they wouldn't dare to do something derogatory, or rude.     

Qin Bao just calmly accepted their words and continued,     

Qin Bao:" Well my Master and her husband are hermits. They live in seclusion, far away from worldly matters.     

The only reason they are here is to… Well, let's just say that they had something to deal with, and will soon leave this place.     

It was truly a masterstroke of luck for me to become Master's disciple."     

Saying that she stopped for a moment, as if to reminiscence once again their fateful encounter.     

She pretended to not notice the weird faces of the trio, who were now concerned about their own mission in here.     

Perhaps their purpose for coming here had been discovered from someone else, or they had known about it from another source but these guy's presence was bad news for them.     

On the other hand, Qin Bao continued,     

Qin Bao:" But let's forget about that Gentlemen, and that undesired incident. We have gathered here for a different subject altogether, about our collaboration."     

Her words seemed to have woken up the trio from their thoughts. It was true that they were gathered here to discuss their collaboration.     

But after these two extra presences inside this room, their plans were completely thwarted. They didn't know what to propose anymore.     

They were already in a terrible situation. They couldn't think of any adequate proposal at the moment.     

They had come here with the purpose of gobbling a sweet and tasty morsel, and not break their teeth with this hard piece of brick.     

But at this moment none of them could take the stage and say anything, in fear of the cloaked man's reaction.     

The situation was truly in a deadlock.     

No one seemed able to speak, until…     


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