Chapter 393: Kill and chase

Chapter 393: Kill and chase

1"Sigh~! That was a trap, wasn't it? Since when did you notice Old Man?"      2

Old Huo seemed to look even more solemn and wary of Tianlong Yun, but he didn't make a move, he had a weird premonition that if he did something like that he would be done for.     

With that solemn look on his face, he said in a weary voice,     

"I had my doubts when you didn't directly accept our pledge. Young Master Jayden wouldn't make those commentaries about trust, as I have been with him since he was a little kid.     

I was by his side when he was a genius, and I stayed by his side even when he became a useless cripple!     

If you may allow me to ask your excellency, just who are you? And why are you using his body and appearance!?"     

Tianlong Yun didn't change his calm, and natural attitude, as he just looked at the old man and said,     

"What difference would that make Old Man, what's important right now is what you will decide for yourself, and your future!     

Let me tell you this though, you are going to decide between your life and death! It only takes a thought for me to kill you.     

So, what is your decision old man, do you want to live or die right now?"     

The Old Man was a bit startled being faced with the fact that he could die any moment now, but whole his life he hadn't truly been afraid of death.     

Surely, he had wanted to live a long prosper and comfy life, but he had never been afraid of death. He had come at the end of his road.     

The fact that he had gotten the Body Tempering Liquid, and seen a new opportunity for himself, in cultivation, and lifespan, had sparkled a little fire inside him, but that was just hope.     

Furthermore, he had always thought himself to be a man of his word, who wouldn't betray his friends and family lightly.     

Even more so when he had no idea what kind of man was the person in front of him. He would never work for the devil, even though the devil was always subjective.     

Even though in the cultivation world there were no heroes, and whoever called himself a Hero was an egotistic and narcissistic person.     

Tianlong Yun was a hero to himself and to his clan, but his action made him a devil of the world, and other cultivators.     

As he was thinking like this, he reached a decision as he looked towards what was supposed to be his new Master and said in a solemn voice,     

"May I know what you have done to our Young Master your excellency?"     

Tianlong Yun showed a bit of a dissatisfied look on his face, but inside he started to valuate this old man a bit more, as even in front of his life, he was asking about his Young Master.     

But he looked him with a stern look as he said,     

"He is still alive for now, living well, but his end won't be a good one! He has offended me, and nobody who offends me has a happy ending.     

Not even my own brother!"     

But his last words were said in a whisper inside himself. He hadn't forgotten his priorities and taking revenge against his brother, and his supposed mate was amongst the high priorities.     

In fact, remembering about those guys made him unconsciously release a large part of his killing intent, which made even the Old Man in front of him shiver from the chills.     

Old Huo thought that his question had made this guy really impatient, and angry, not to mention that this time the killing intent was even stronger than earlier.     

He seemed to have been a bit comprehensive earlier. What he felt in that instant was horrifying, he felt like he was at the end of a deep cold abyss, where all connection to the world was cut in there.     

But still, he gathered his courage and asked,     

"Your excellency, I am sure that our Young Master has failed to see your greatness, and has acted rashly, can you please forgive him this time?"     

Tianlong Yun seemed to get more and more dissatisfied on the outside, as he said with an angry voice,     

"Old Man, are you trying to make a decision, or negotiate about your Young Master!? Is there anything you can offer me for that idiot? Even your life is at my wish!"     

  Hearing the reality crash on your face is never a good thing, as it always tells you how really powerless you are in front of it.     

And the same thing happened to old man Huo, as he was left speechless for a moment. It was the truth what could he offer to this guy.     

But the fact that he couldn't, didn't mean that other people weren't able to, as he  said with a hopeful voice,     

"Maybe I can't but this doesn't mean other people cannot, he is the descendant of a big family, and his ancestor really dotes on him.     

I am sure that he will surely repay you handsomely, so…"     

But he wasn't able to continue with what he was going to say because Tianlong Yun activated the small bomb inside his consciousness sea, and sent him to meet his creator.     

Immediately after he killed him he covered him in his spirit sense and took his body inside the Old Pouch as he started running towards the passage.     

Everything happened in a mere moment, and Old Huo wasn't even able to understand how he died. The only thing he might have felt was that one moment he was existing and the next he wasn't.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was running in a moderate step but without stopping, like he was being chased by someone.     

Even though there was no person behind him at the moment, he could feel that someone or something was following him from behind.     

It was a good thing that his senses were really sharp, and his soul power stronger than normal otherwise he would be done for.     

At first, his chasers had thought of surrounding him and Old Huo, but seeing that Tianlong Yun killed the old man and started running, they started chasing behind him.     

If he wasn't mistaken they were around 5 or 6 chasers on his tail, and they didn't seem to be welcoming him into their territory.     

In fact, he could feel some kind of cold bloodlust on his back, that seemed to want to devour him whole.     

But he could understand it, after all, Tianlong Yun was a trespasser into a forbidden territory of a clan or power that was preparing for war.     

If he were in their place, he would be chasing even more relentlessly, since it was the possibility of him being a spy or something like that.     

And right to his assumptions, after the first wave of the 6, there was a smaller team of three approaching faster, as they seemed to be stronger.     

Feeling them approaching Tianlong Yun wasn't worried, quite the opposite, he was excited and enthusiastic.     

He had never thought that he would be able to attract so much attention with just one appearance, as he didn't even understand the relations of the Vampire Clan.     

But now with what he understood he was thrilled about the new team approaching him. since the Vampires had a royal hierarchy, then it was logical that the stronger one was, the purer his blood should be.     

While those first six should only be mixbloods, amongst those 3 there should at least be a baron or something.     

With these thoughts in mind, he even faltered a bit on his steps, so he could allow them to not lose track of him, and approach slowly.     

His chasers didn't seem to falter as they were slowly reducing the distance between them. Slowly but surely, they would reach him before he passed their territory.     

In less than a breath of time they had him already on eyesight, as one of them made a weird sound, and suddenly increased his speed by more than double.     

Just after his sound, the others did the same as they all jumped towards him. Even though Tianlong Yun hadn't turned his head back, he knew that a few pairs of claws were directed towards his heart and limbs.     

If he let those attacks make contact, then even if he didn't die, he would surely get injured. This was enough to show the strength and potential of a Vampire.     

Two of the three attacking his heart and head, were only Foundation Establishment Realm, while the third was in the first levels of the Golden Core Realm.     

And yet those three had the power to injure him, who had the sapphire bloodline, of course, that was under the conditions that he didn't use his scales or those flames around his body.     

In other words, they would only be able to injure him if he used only his body to receive the attacks, but still, this was something that cultivators of the same Realm could even dream of.     

But this just made him even more excited inside, the stronger, and capable these guys were, and the purer their blood was, the better experiment subjects they would be.     

Now wasn't the time to think and dream though, as he had to finish this thing as quickly as he could, otherwise, he would attract too much attention, and he didn't want that to happen.     

With those thoughts on his mind, he immediately exploded with all of his power, and speed, as he flew to the air, and made a sudden flip, as he turned around to see at his enemy.     

Even though he had already seen with his spirit sense, he was still a bit surprised at the look of his targets…     

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