Chapter 189: Trouble at the gate

Chapter 189: Trouble at the gate

2As soon as they reached the gate's mansion, there seemed to be 2 different ways to enter. One of them was a long line of cars waiting for their time to enter, and for the doctors to try their luck.     1

While the other way let the people directly enter from the main door, and apparently was entitled only to well-known doctors.     

Most of them didn't even understand how precious or expensive the herb offered was, they had come here for the favor they would gain saving Guo Peng's son.     

It was a really good opportunity for all the doctors to make it big in their industry. It was the golden duck of their profession.     

As soon as they reached the gate, seeing Doctor Song's lame car, the guard thought that these guys were just one of the more shameless charlatans, coming here to try their luck, and eat free food.     

On the other hand Doctor Song seeing the guard approach opened the window and wanted to say politely that he had an appointment.     

But before he could open his mouth, the guard put up a big front and said in a brisk way,     

Guard:" Get in the line and wait for your turn".     

Then turning towards the gate he said tersely,     

Guard:" It seems that all the charlatans are gathered here these days."     

Tianlong Yun and Doctor Song were truly infuriated by his words. Doctor Song didn't seem to mind much but Tianlong Yun was really pissed off.     

At this time happened something that really managed to enrage him, the car behind them seemed really luxurious and expensive.     

The same guard went close to his car and from the beginning till the end, he was really respectful and cordial towards him.     

At the end of the conversation, the guard opened the other door and sent him directly to the main door of the mansion. At this moment Tianlong Yun wanted to get out there and make that idiot truly see the mount Tai.     

Seeing his Master's enraged expression, and his bloodshot eyes, Doctor Song tried to calm him and said,     

Doctor Song:" Please forgive me, Master, this was something that shouldn't have happened. Please calm down and let me fix this."     

Tianlong Yun was seriously pissed off right now because, with the words that the guard said, it touched not only on his pride, and skills, but also his honor.     

But, hearing Doctor Song's words he took a deep breath and tried to relax a bit, letting him deal with the issue.     

Doctor Song knew that things would get messy if Tianlong Yun dealt with this issue and immediately started to act, calling Guo Peng on the phone.     

After the news of the Corona cure working, and the online Auction that would take place in the following days, there was no one on the field of medicine that didn't know of Doctor Song's name.     

All the doctors, and healers in China that were in knowledge of this fact respected, and honored this new star that started to shine lately.     

The same happened with Guo Peng, as soon as he heard Doctor Song's voice on the other side of the phone, he immediately started talking with respect.     

Doctor Song started to recount everything that happened indignantly to Guo Peng, but more than for himself he was acting like this for his Master, Tianlong Yun.     

Learning what happened, Guo Peng was really angered, he had been waiting so impatiently for this new star doctor, and now some lowly security guard had insulted this person.     

He immediately got out of his Mansion and made for the big line of cars waiting to enter his place. The guards were startled at his appearance but no one could say a thing, they just sent 2 guards behind him.     

Reaching the big line of the cars and spotting the car with Doctor Song and Tianlong Yun, Guo Peng did something that no one could have ever expected to see.     

He went there and opening Doctor Song's cars door by himself he lowered himself and said,     

Guo Peng:" I feel really sorry for the inconvenience caused by our staff Doctor Song, I will be sure to punish them heavily for this mistake."     

Doctor Song didn't expect such a treatment, and he had to admit that he was flattered. But the thing was, that this was supposed to be towards his master, and not him, but Tianlong Yun signaled him that everything was fine.     

Receiving such a treatment Doctor Song decided to try to smoother the situation and said smiling,     

Doctor Song:" Well, as long as it's just a misunderstanding, then it's okay."     

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun seemed to want to give Doctor Song a tight slap, he was losing position so quickly. He should be a bit more arrogant otherwise they would trample him.     

But he didn't need to say or do anything because Guo Peng moved faster and screamed at the guards,     

Guo Peng:" Which of you trashes had disrespected Doctor Song, immediately come here and apologize."     

In this way, he could show that he cared about the image of Doctor Song, but also at the same time he didn't let his personnel in someone else's hands.     

The guard seemed shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that just a few words, would make him apologize in front of a crowd, to someone who looked like a charlatan.     

But there was nothing he could do, the one who ordered him was his employer and boss. Clenching his teeth and fists, the guard bowed down and said with a fake concerned voice,     

Guard:" I apologize for my rudeness Doctor Song, I didn't intend to be disrespectful."     

Even though his voice seemed concerned Tianlong Yun could notice that he didn't repent his actions or words. This guy seemed too arrogant in this place.     

But there was nothing he could do right now without uncovering himself, he really hated the fact that just to play it safe, he was acting so differently from his real character.     

Guo Peng didn't seem bothered anymore by the guard and continued to say,     

Guo Peng:" This way Doctor Song, let me show you the way."     

Doctor Song was going to follow him, after making sure that Tianlong Yun was not uncomfortable following them. But, then the guard of earlier, stood in front of Tianlong Yun and said arrogantly,     

Guard:" Wait here kid, we don't let all kinds of people enter inside."     

Huo Peng didn't seem to mind much, he was the one who had given the instructions in the first place. But, when he was about to continue walking towards his son's place, something unexpected happened, Tianlong Yun sent the guard flying with one slap.     

He didn't use all his strength, but still, one slap was enough for him to send the pri*k guard flying. Guo Peng was angered seeing someone cause a ruckus in his Mansion.     

He was about to ask for explanations from Doctor Song because he was the owner of this wild dog in front of him.     

But he was shocked to see Doctor Song act as a startled rabbit, and start screaming,     

Doctor Song:" What is the meaning of this attitude towards my assistant Mister Guo Peng."     

Guo Peng was startled and didn't know what to say, he didn't expect such a reaction from Doctor Song, who seemed to be someone who could be easily trampled.     

But this also raised some doubts inside him, who was this young man that made the new shining star Doctor Song, act in this way.     

 Being the CEO of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies for years, was an obvious fact that he was a sly fox, and could easily understand that Tianlong Yun wasn't just a simple assistant.     

That was why he decided to pay more attention to this young man, but just because he understood it, didn't mean that the guard understood that too.     

Infuriated from the slap he had just got, the guard took out his rubber stick and was about to hit him again, but then he heard the angered voice of Guo Peng,     

Guo Peng:" Kai, what the hell do you think you are doing? Don't you think you have already embarrassed yourself enough for today?"     

The guard who apparently was named Kai, was stunned once again, what was happening today? Why would his boss scream at him two times, just because of two idiots, he was his cousin after all.     

In order to try and fix the situation once again, Guo Peng continued,     

Guo Peng:" Kai, immediately apologize to 'little' brother."     

He didn't know what to call him, that was why he used such a term. On the other side, the guard named Kai had a look of being wronged and didn't want to do this.     

But seeing the angry and serious look on his cousin's face, he decided to play the same act once again, as he did with Doctor Song.     

But before he could say anything, he and the crowd around them heard Tianlong Yun's voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Stop with your acting, it's making me sick. Don't do it, if you don't mean it."     

Then he started walking towards the house, leaving everyone stunned. Kai couldn't understand what was happening, should he be glad that he didn't have to lower his head, or upset at being treated like that.     

Guo Peng was truly a sly fox, he could understand that Tianlong Yun had already seen through his play, and starting to show his guests the way he said,     

Guo Peng:" I am really sorry little brother. It's just that, he is my cousin and I can't really fire him. Of course, this has made him a bit arrogant as well."     

Tianlong Yun just followed him and Doctor Song behind quietly, and only said lightly, as if everything that happened a minute ago was just a small matter,     

Tianlong Yun:" I don't really care much about that Mister Guo Peng, but you have to be careful that he doesn't offend someone he shouldn't in the future, otherwise…"     

He didn't finish his words, but the meaning was clearly transmitted, the end wouldn't be something good to watch at.     

Guo Peng could understand the meaning of Tianlong Yun's words, and just smiled embarrassedly while he continued to show the way when they heard a loud arrogant shout…     


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