Chapter 178: Fight and opportunity

Chapter 178: Fight and opportunity

0The guy who spoke first felt a small breeze pass, and then after came an excruciating pain on his neck. Still not being able to process what was happening, he tried to look down, only to see his head lean on the front, and stay there.     4


He released a loud and painful scream that startled everyone around him, and then he fell down on the ground unconscious due to the pain he felt.     

Nobody saw how and when Tianlong Yun disappeared from where he was and reappeared in front of their leader. But the end result was clear for all of them to see.     

A bad premonition started to spread in their midst, perhaps Tianlong Yun's words at the beginning weren't just empty words after all.     

And the answer to that question arrived in the next instant when Tianlong Yun broke the jaw of the guy beside their leader with just one slap.     

Only one slap from Tianlong Yun made the guy's teeth fly in the air. It was truly an unbelievable slap, even better than in movies.     

But there wasn't much time for them to think about it, because Tianlong Yun started to kick all of them one by one.     

Some lost a hand, some lost a foot, and there were even those losing more than one body part and their teeth.     

Tianlong Yun seemed to treat them as stress relief beads, unleashing any negative feeling inside him. These cheap bastards needed to know their place.     

In a breath's time, all those trashes were on the ground screaming in pain, or unconscious from the extra pain. The only person left standing was the skinny kid that brought him here.     

He was still too shocked by what was happening around him, that he couldn't even think of running to escape the fate of all the people around him.     

It was a really shocking view for him, a young boy, around his age had been able to knock out on the ground more than 50 people.     

But he didn't stay long like that, because he woke up from a powerful slap from Tianlong Yun. The slap was enough to make him look stars and wake up.     

Waking up startled the kid started trembling and said crying,     

Kid:" Please don't hit me, sir, they made me do it. My mother and sister would die if I didn't do it. I need to feed them. My sister even got sick lately, and I need money. Please spare me, sir."     

While he was talking, and begging, Tianlong Yun was checking his vitals with his spirit sense. The kid didn't seem to be lying, and he seemed to be dead scared of Tianlong Yun.     

There was one thing that Tianlong Yun noticed on the kid, he seemed to be prepared to do anything for his family. He seemed to be a good seedling, and if he helped him with his family he seemed like someone who would remember it for life.     

That was why he asked with the intention to pry at his life,     

Tianlong Yun:" Oh? And where is your father? Doesn't he need to be responsible for them?"     

The kid all this time had been trembling from fear, but as soon as he heard Tianlong Yun's question he started to tremble from hate and anger.     

With those feelings clear on his face he raised his head and said to Tianlong Yun,     

Kid:" Don't remind me of that worthless piece of sh*t, he abandoned us, right after my mom was pregnant with me and my sister."     

Tianlong Yun started to like this little kid even more if earlier it was due to his qualities now it was due to his compassion. He had a piece of sh*t for a father too, so he could understand his feelings.     

With those thoughts in mind, he gave the kid a deep look and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" And what would you do if I took care of them for you?"     

The truth was that Tianlong Yun was tracing some extremely Yin energy around the kid, which didn't make sense since he was a boy, so he must have Yang energy around him. This was also part of the reason he chose this kid to lead him.     

But his senses were not wrong, he was really sensing some powerful Yin energy around him. There were only two options left.     

He either lived in a place with a lot of women around him, or there was a person with a very powerful Yin energy, that couldn't control.     

Since the kid said that he lived with his mother and sister then, Tianlong Yun was leaning more towards the second option, but he had to check it out before doing something.     

The kid seemed startled at Tianlong Yun's words, he didn't understand why someone who was so close to crippling him a second ago, was saying such words to him right now.     

Life had already taught him that anything had a price in this life, and this guy wouldn't help him without a price. That was why he said with a defensive voice,     

Kid:" And what would you ask in exchange for that? Don't tell me you are doing this because you pity me."     

Tianlong Yun wasn't startled from the kid's words and said firmly and seriously,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well it's true that I pity you, but that's just secondary, and is also true that I want something in exchange for my help.     

Let me be blunt with you, I know that your sister might have a very bad disease and also the state she might be right now. And I can swear that I can help her.     

Also, I will help you and your family lives a good life, away from all this dirt. I can also promise to give you strength and power.     

For all this, the price you need to pay is the lives and loyalty of all your family from this moment. you will live for me and my words."     

The kid was shocked once again, it was true that his sister was very sick. According to the doctor who visited her, she was going to die in less than a month.     

He was doing all kinds of the bad stuff just to secure some medicine to ease her pain. He had not even eaten anything these days just to save some money, for medicine and a better doctor.     

Now this guy in front of him was saying that he knew about her disease without him saying anything, and also he had a way to save her.     

He didn't care about money and power at the moment, the most important thing to him was the life of his sister and his mother, and their happiness.     

If Tianlong Yun had asked only for his life, then he would have accepted immediately, but how could he agree when it came to the lives of his mother and sister.     

Looking Tianlong Yun with determination and a ray of hope he said,     

Kid:" If you want only my life and loyalty I can give it to you from this instant, but I can't promise you the lives of my mother and sister."     

Tianlong Yun seeing his hesitation and also the over-protectiveness he had for his mother and sister said as a matter of fact,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well I understand your feelings, but try to think objectively with a clear head.     

Firstly, your sister is in her death bed, and if I am not wrong the doctor hasn't given her more than a month to live. So you need to make a decision quickly, and my conditions are final.     

Secondly, even if she does, which I doubt without my help, she will live in this place full of dirt and malice. Most probably after some time, she might be forced to sell herself and her body like the women earlier did.     

I am sure that even your mother is thinking the same seeing her daughter like that. Wouldn't it be better if it were only one person and not a crowd?"     

Hearing those words, even though they seemed logical the kid couldn't hear them and was about to say something against it. Tianlong Yun just continued more dominatingly,     

Tianlong Yun:" Hear me out until the end.     

Thirdly, what I offered wasn't a good life just for you, but even for them. A life, a lot better than the one they are living.     

Fourth, you don't know me, but as long as you are loyal to me and heed my words, I will never treat you badly, I can make an oath for that, or sign whatever contract you want."     

The kid didn't know what to think and say anymore, everything that Tianlong Yun had told him seemed really logical. Even in the second part, no matter how much he didn't want to accept it, it was real.     

Real and logical, it would be thousands of times better if Tianlong Yun was the only man, even though he seemed still a very young man. His face made him look young and his height and expression made him look mature.     

But still, he couldn't do that, no matter how logical it was, he couldn't hand over the lives of his sister, and mother to someone he didn't know anything about.     

He couldn't decide and gamble with their lives. They were the reason he was fighting life so hard for. They were the reason he woke up every morning.     

Now someone he didn't know anything about was asking him to trust those lives to him. It was something impossible for him.     

Also, there was one more thought in his mind, were their lives really worth as much as Tianlong Yun was willing to give?     

Tianlong Yun seemed like an extraordinary young master, his fighting skills were so much superior to the people he had seen. And from his getup, he looked like a very rich person.     

What were the reason someone like Tianlong Yun was doing such a thing to him and his family? Why was he prepared to pay so much for their lives and loyalty?     

Tianlong Yun seeing his dubious and hesitating look said with a firm tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't let your mind wander into unknown territory, you will understand the reason behind my decision forward in the future.     

But you have to know this, your lives are this much valuable only to me."     

Saying this, Tianlong Yun could notice that the kid was still hesitating and said…     


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