Chapter 222: Incident and auction

Chapter 222: Incident and auction

1The meaning of his words was clear, but none of those present seemed to pay much attention to it though.      0

It was like he was just saying empty words, to a non-interested crowd.     

Of course, the Qin family's name had a certain worth and standing, but in front of people with the same status, it was a totally different matter.     

No to mention that, nobody thought that the Qin family would ever break their relationship with one of them because of a cheap woman.     

No matter how beautiful these fairies were, at the end of the day, they were just a tool for them to squander their lust, stress, or any other feeling.     

And Tianlong Yun knew this harsh reality, the only thing he could do for now was to hope that these cases would be isolated and small in number.     

Even though he didn't get the wanted attention, Qin Bao continued with his speech,     

Qin Bao:" Tonight, as you can see, there will be three fairies who will offer their services to our esteemed guests. But there will be only one auction."     

This time everyone's attention was on him, and his next words. Everyone was waiting for an explanation.     

Seeing their eager looks and attention, Qin Bao paused for a moment and then continued,     

Qin Bao:" Yes, you heard it right. We decided to make this night a special one, for one of you.     

Whoever makes the highest bid in this auction, will take not only one of these fairies with him to our best VIP pavilion but all three of them.     

So, each one of you has to be attentive to this one time auction, for tonight."     

His words were like waking up, gong. They all had the desire to bed these three women but never thought that it could happen.     

At the same time, this would make the fight among them for these beauties even fiercer and more fired up.     

But this wasn't the end of his words because he continued,     

Qin Bao:" Of course in here we won't start immediately with the auction.     

Firstly our fairies will show their abilities to you by singing and dancing for our pleasure.     

I am sure that you would like to hear and see them, just as I am."     

With that said, he clapped his hands two times and the three fairies started singing and dancing. It was a truly one of a kind performance.     

Their voices were just like the tweets of the sparrows in a cool spring day, and their moves were so beautiful and so finesse that took the audience's breath away.     

But what made the people present more obsessed to get these women, was that casual look at their thighs, or other parts when they moved so flawlessly on the floor.     

Among the many of the people present, a few of them were especially breath taken by the ladies' performance.     

In their midst, you could see Yao Fan, Jiao Wen, Tang Wu, Tang Tie, Ming Tong, and even that old spicy mustache Old Luo.     

But there was one person who didn't seem to be too much interested in that show and was all the time looking towards Qin Bao and Gao Ling.     

It was the Young Master from EITS, Qing Fang. That guy was looking towards them without hiding his lust like he would eat those two immediately if they were alone.     

Something that really disgusted the two ladies, but that pretended to not pay attention. Tianlong Yun already considered this guy as an enemy, and he dared to do such a thing.     

Truly not knowing boundaries.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was looking at the scene from the surveillance, and could easily detect Qing Fang's look towards his women.     

Even though they were just lowly slaves at the moment, those were his slaves. He wouldn't let anyone else touch them as long as he was alive.     

That was why seeing him look at those two like that, he just made the firm decision to torture this guy even more cruelly, and painfully, before turning him into his puppet.     

Thinking like this, the show ended, and everyone inside the hall was preparing their bids for the three ladies on the stage.     

Taking the stage for the first time Gao Ling, went in the middle and started saying,     

Gao Ling:" Good evening Gentleman's, my name is Gao Ling, the trainer of all the ladies you see in this place.     

With your permission, I will also be the auction presenter for tonight.     

Are we ready to start with the bids?"     

As soon as Gao Ling took the stage, there were a few lusty eyes watching her carefully, her body, her curves, that sensual outfit, she was truly gorgeous.     

But unfortunately, she wasn't part of the auction. No matter how much they would like to have her, they couldn't just ask Qin Bao for it.     

And Qin Bao seemed to have a determined and firm look, of saying that it would be useless asking for it.     

But not all the people in there were afraid of such a question, there were some daring idiots that thought too highly of themselves, like Young Master Yao Fan.     

He looked towards Gao Ling with lust eyes and said,     

Yao Fan:" What about you, beauty? Are you part of the auction also?"     

Looking towards him with a fake smile Gao Ling answered lightly,     

Gao Ling:" I am sorry to disappoint you, Young Master Yao Fan, but I am off-limits."     

Yao Fan, on the other hand, wouldn't accept a loss, and especially from a cheap woman like her, so he immediately said,     

Yao Fan:" Oh common honey, everything has a price in this life. So now tell me yours."     

He was decided to get this woman under his crotch tonight, and this obsession was fired by her first refusal.     

Qin Bao was about to interfere and talk harshly to Young Master Yao Fan, he couldn't behave like this in his place.     

But he was immediately startled by Gao Ling's next words,     

Gao Ling:" Maybe you are right Young Master Yao Fan, everything has a price in this life. Then, what's the price of your arrogance? Or, your loyalty to the Yao family?"     

Yao Fan was infuriated hearing that questioning tone from a cheap woman and was about to jump from his place and ask for an explanation when Qin Bao entered the frame.     

He directly started in a high and mighty voice,     

Qin Bao:" I wouldn't advise you to do that Young Master Yao Fan. You have the Yao family backing you, but she is not someone that you can easily offend.     

Her background is far from what you think."     

Her words stopped Young Master Yao Fan in his tracks. Even though he was here to have fun, he was sent here by his family on a mission.     

He was here to accompany Young Master Qing Fang and be his guide, and assistant. His task had already been made clear by his father and family.     

Not to mention that if what Qin Bao said was true, then it would be a bigger blunder. Clenching his teeth in anger and impossibility he once again sat in his seat.     

Meanwhile, Qin Bao turned towards the stunned people in the hall and continued,     

Qin Bao:" I am really sorry for this unpleasant incident, gentlemen.     

But just like I said there are some rules and limits in this place, and you better respect them.     

Now if possible let us continue with the auction."     

The whole audience still hadn't recollected their selves, and the person who was more stunned at this result was Young Master Qing Fang.     

He was about to ask the same thing, Yao Fan just said it before him. But even in that case, maybe a Yao silk pant couldn't afford to offend her, but he was much more powerful than a mere Yao family.     

This just made everything more interesting for him.     

Until now, the best amusement this place offered him, was teasing and bullying that b*tch that didn't want to marry him.     

But now things were getting better and better. He never thought about the possibility of her being someone beyond his reach.     

To him, even though EITS wasn't considered as the biggest organization world-wide, EITS had already surpassed all the other organizations.     

They were already ruling the whole world, without the world knowing about it.     

But while he was wandering in his narcissistic thoughts, Old Luo was thinking of a possibility that made him shiver.     

What if this woman's background was related to that terrifying being inside this place? Even now he could feel that cold and terrifying presence near them.     

The best thing that could happen was of course seeing him against Yao's family, but he couldn't risk being involved in his wrath.     

While these two people were thinking about things in totally different views, the auction had started.     

The first to open the auction was Young Master Yao Fan, after what happened he needed a way to let of some steam.     

The best way to do that was by taking his anger out on the three ladies. After all, the best thing to satisfy the ego of a wounded animal was bullying the weak and powerless.     

That was why he immediately started this auction with a bid of 50k$.     

It was truly a high bid, especially not even knowing if these three ladies were pure. That was left as a surprise to the lucky winner.     

Seeing his conduct and temperament, the smaller families decided to step down, but that didn't stop his bigger rival from interfering,     

Tang Wu:" Well I was breath taken by these three fairies, they really seem to be high-class women. That's why I will bid until the end to offer them to Master Jiao Wen as a gift.     

100k$ from me!"     

His words clearly referred that he wouldn't step down, and at the same time also show respect for Master Jiao Wen. Even though most of the people here didn't know him.     

But since he was kept in such high regard from someone of the Tang's family then he must be someone important.     

But at the same time…     


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