Chapter 233: Mislead and preparations (3/?)

Chapter 233: Mislead and preparations (3/?)

0At this time though, their friends started to appear. It took them a really short time to arrive here.     

Seeing their cultivation levels from their auras and the waves that they left behind they were all cultivators in Foundation Establishment Realm and beyond.     

As a matter of fact, there were even some Golden Core cultivators.     

But they were heading here as flies without a head, so according to Tianlong Yun's estimations he was watching over the scene from the shadows.     

Also most probably their head or leader was a nascent soul cultivator.     

Meanwhile at the place where the three men had punched, were now more than 20 people.     

As soon as they arrived they started asking,     

Random 1:" What happened guys? Did you see him?"     

Random 2:" Did you fight him? How strong was he?"     

Random 3:" Where is he now? Which direction did he go?"     

Everyone had a question of their own. And who could blame them? That guy had disappeared from their eyes and was nowhere to be seen. The only clue they had, were these three.     

Being bombed with questions so soon made the flabbergasted, now realization hit them. They were scared of a stick and made so much noise.     

It would be truly shameful for them to tell what really happened. Making such a big ruckus only for being startled and scared.     

Their lives would be over in the midst of their friends.     

Seeing the situation with this eye, one look towards each other's face was enough to understand that neither one of them would tell the truth, no matter what.     

With this thought in mind, one of them said a bit harshly towards the others that were asking questions,     

Bushes 1:" Where is the leader? We are going to explain everything to him."     

Hearing his words everyone stopped with their questions, and the leader who was hiding in the shadow of the tree came out and started walking towards the trio.     

Arriving there he said in an assertive and dominating voice,     

Leader:" So tell me, what happened here?"     

The guard was a bit startled seeing his leader appear so suddenly, but he managed to calm himself and think of a possible situation.     

Bushes 1:" Well leader, we managed to see him pass through us in speed and head right past us. The reason why we could see him was because of the reflection of the moonlight on his body."     

Even the guy who said this was surprised at the bullshit he just made up.     

It's truly strange how our brains work sometimes in these difficult situations. The same was happening to this guy.     

The leader looked a bit surprised for a moment, and then asked with an aggressive voice,     

Leader:" Are you sure?"     

The truth was that even he didn't know what to think at this moment. Was it really possible for the moonlight to work on him?     

On the other hand, how could his underling dare to be a second late answering that, it was to protect his, and his friends' honor after all?     

Bushes 1:" Yes I am sure leader."     

Taking the confirmation, the leader seemed to finally have relaxed a bit. Now they had a way to counter-attack that guy.     

Now they could turn to their initial plan, and try to kill that guy.     

Tianlong Yun on the other hand was looking at this gathering with attention, he wanted to laugh, but also to praise that guy for helping him at the same time.     

Due to the tension, everyone was like a ticking bomb, ready to explode at the slightest movement, but now they would relax a bit.     

And relaxing after all that tensing was bound to bring a lot of negligence and mistakes.     

At this time, the leader started saying in a low voice to his underlings,     

Leader:" Bo Ao go and tell the other two groups to join us at the lake if they want to have a shot at killing this guy.     

Also tell them to prepare some mirrors by the side of the lake, like this we can concentrate the moonlight on him.     

This is our only shot!"     

Saying that he walked a bit away and started communicating with his Master.     

Immediately it was heard Master Jiao Wen's voice on the other side,     

Jiao Wen:" Li Qi what happened?"     

Taking a deep breath, Li Qi said,     

Li Qi:" Master we may have found a way to deal with him. Apparently, moonlight destroys his cover, but I don't think we could kill him alone.     

That was why I asked for the collaboration of the other groups, but I don't know how they will answer."     

Jiao Wen was a bit surprised that such a thing like moonlight could destroy such a powerful cultivator's disguise, but he had no choice but to accept it at this time.     

As for asking help from the other two he never let it cross his mind. If Li Qi asked help that was just an underling doing it, and he could deny knowing anything about it.     

But if he did, then favors would start exchanging.     

That was why he said,     

Jiao Wen:" Very good, and Good luck."     

With this, he closed their communication.     

On the other side, Li Qi let a long sigh looking at the moon and said to himself,     

Li Qi:" Sigh~ Such a beautiful night, too bad that it will be colored in red."     

Saying that he immediately made way towards the lake direction for his preparations. No matter how the other two responded he was going to try and kill this guy.     

But there was one thing he didn't notice though when he was communicating with his Master, and his hand left for the first time, the handle of the knife in his belt, the knife disappeared.     

Actually, it didn't disappear it was only replaced with another one.     

But due to his concentration on the preparation, he forgot to take a look at his knife, which now was in Tianlong Yun's hands.     

Looking at the knife Tianlong Yun didn't seem to look at it as something special. These knives were used in the kitchen in the Imperial Palace.     

To people like Master Jiao Wen, Young Master Qing Fang, or Old Luo this may be priceless treasures, but to him was just better garbage.     

But even though he thought like this, at the moment he needed this kind of garbage treasures. Since his cultivation was behind he couldn't practice his weapon mastery well.     

That was why the best product he had was those knives that he gave to his clan members. But even those were just stronger and sharper knives.     

Furthermore seeing this knifes ability he thought it would be really useful. With this he was a perfect assassin tonight.     

He only needed to distract his opponent for a moment and he could easily cut through his heart with this.     

Too bad he couldn't use this knife tonight though.     

To use this, he had to first establish a connection with the knife, and like this, he would not only reveal his position, but he would also have to fight the soul of a Soul Formation Realm cultivator.     

Which he couldn't allow it to happen at this moment. All the people sent here had better cultivation than he did.     

But even though this was the case, he was excited. His blood was boiling in excitement at the thought of fight and blood.     

But first things first. For the moment he had to find all the ants hiding around here, and stay away from the scorpions. Because he had no doubt that they were still around here.     

Thinking like that Tianlong Yun started running in the direction that Bo Ao had left. Right now he truly felt himself as a hunter, tracking the prints of his weak prey.     

Following those tracks, Tianlong Yun managed to find his other prey.     

The first to find was surprisingly Young Master Qing Fang's underlings, they were all staying together as a group. Most of their group was the same as that of Master Jiao Wen's underlings.     

But, there was one team of five people that made all the difference. They were donned in black clothes and each one had a katana on his back, and a lot of shuriken and kunai's on their belt.     

The famous Japanese Ninja's.     

These guys were trained killers. Tianlong Yun could feel their bloodthirsty aura from more than 3m away. For a moment he had the doubt that if he approached more, then they would find him out.     

Truly scary, he couldn't wait to have a good fight with them, and why not have his own personalized Ninja's team.     

Those two twins seemed like perfect team captains for such a squad.     

But at the moment he had to be careful, and not reveal himself. His attention was once again towards the leader of the group.     

Just like his Young Master, even this guy was a pri*kly arrogant. As soon as he heard the message he started laughing and said,     

Arrogant Pri*k:" Hahhaa… You might need help to take him down, my EITS doesn't need help from weaklings to kill that geezer.     

Go and tell your leader that I won't be there."     

Finishing his words he didn't deign to stay another second there or let Bo Ao say anything else. The five ninjas followed behind him like puppets.     

Bo Ao was a bit disappointed that he couldn't complete this part of the assignment his leader gave him, but at the same time, he felt happy they didn't have to work with such a pri*k.     

With a let-down expression, he left the group behind and made way towards the other group, the Royalists group.     

What he didn't notice though, was that as soon as he left the place, that arrogant pri*k turned to his underlings and said…     


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