Chapter 213: Surprise Surprise

Chapter 213: Surprise Surprise

4Tianlong Yun started thinking that maybe Feng Tao had gone astray and was trying to sabotage him, or someone made him a good enough offer to betray him.     

But he already had someone spy on him, and he also had the special mark that he placed on his body active, so logically he hadn't done anything suspicious yet.     

Also, Jiang Bo on his report mentioned his wife and not Feng Tao himself. Was it possible that it was Feng Tao's wife who was working for them and not Feng Tao himself?     

The more he thought about it, the more ideas and plans came to his mind. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, as if he was trying to take out some bad air, he turned towards Jiang Bo and ordered,     

Tianlong Yun:" Bring me here Feng Tao, and his wife. Take them in through another entrance and place them in separate chambers and notify me as soon as they are here.     

This is a delicate matter Jiang Bo, so go there personally, and take help from the shadows."     

Jiang Bo immediately acknowledged his orders, and prepared a team of shadows to go and take Feng Tao's wife here, because Feng Tao himself was on his way to 'The Mansion'.     

Jiang Bo:" Yes, Master!"     

After Jiang Bo left, Tianlong Yun was left alone with the 4 guardians. Normally he would have allowed them to stay here and learn a thing or two about torture, but today they couldn't stay.     

Today was a really important day for this place, and they had to be two times or three times more careful. That was why Tianlong Yun looked towards them and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Good job until now, but today you have to be extra careful. I don't want any unpleasant surprises. Are we clear?"     

The four guardians were happy being praised for their job, but hearing the next words they immediately turned serious and said,     

Guardians:" Yes, Master! We are clear!"     

Saying that, they disappeared in thin air, running towards their spots, and in the meantime check around the place.     

This incident had shown them that they couldn't let their guard down. And that they had to be extra careful with everyone around here.     

When they left, Tianlong Yun was left inside the room alone with his two captives. He already had some doubts over their Master, especially after the happenings at the 'Flower's Fragrance' the night before.     

While he was in a reverie of his own thoughts, the door to the interrogation room opened and Tianlong Hu Die entered inside.     

Hearing her footsteps behind him, Tianlong Yun woke up from his reverie and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Die'er I know that this might be too much for you because it hasn't been long and you are still not used to your first one, but these two will be a great help to you for your next assignment."     

Tianlong Hu Die was happy at her master's worry for her, but she had firmed her resolve to do everything for her family, and her master and lover.     

With that thought in mind, she said firmly,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Don't worry master, I am much stronger than you think."     

This little girl was truly a gem, she never complained or did anything as a kid should.     

Perhaps he was putting a lot of weight on her little shoulders, but she showed she could carry all that weight. Furthermore, he didn't expect these mice to have already infiltrated this place.     

Patting her little head, Tianlong Yun said tenderly,     

Tianlong Yun:" When this is over you can ask everything you want from me. As long as I can do it, and it's not against my principles, I will do it for you."     

Taking such a promise from her master, Tianlong Hu Die thought she was dreaming, that was why she said lost in her reverie,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Please pinch me, I am not dreaming, am I?"     

Laughing at her first antics, Tianlong Yun pinched her cheeks and said jokingly,     

Tianlong Yun:" You are not dreaming little beauty, but I don't think that pinching you is what you will ask from me, is it?"     

Recollecting herself, Tianlong Hu Die was becoming beet red at her masters joking words, but she had no fault, after all, she was a little girl in love, who just got that promise.     

Regaining her composure she said looking on the other side,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Of course it's not, don't think you can escape your promise master."     

Even though he was her love, even though the relationship had started differently, he was the patriarch of the Shadow clan, and she had to be respectful to him.     

Tianlong Yun really liked this fidgety and startled Tianlong Hu Die, but now was not the time to joke around, they had something to do.     

Tianlong Hu Die could understand the gravity of the situation, and immediately she started her work. Biting her finger she started drawing symbols and seals on the two bodies in front of her with her blood.     

Pretty soon the symbols and seals were ready, and she was also ready to start the master-slave ritual.     

Tianlong Yun had already checked the two 'little' mice that escaped his net, and he knew that both of them had a cultivation of 1st layer of the Qi Refining Realm, and also a genetic modification.     

Their genes were mutated with the genes of a leopard for faster running and had no influence on what he and Tianlong Hu Die were trying to do.     

What could complicate their job a bit was that they had the same weak seal on them, as the girl at 'Flower's Fragrance'. Confirming Tianlong Yun's suspicions over their master.     

But once again that seal was really weak and was no problem whatsoever for someone like Tianlong Yun. So in no time, Tianlong Hu Die had two more slaves under her.     

Seeing their job had finished Tianlong Yun said solemnly to Tianlong Hu Die,     

Tianlong Yun:" Firstly let's concentrate on their accomplices and their plans for tonight. After that, these two will be under you, and help you with your main assignment."     

With that said, he started to use his soul power to help her a bit with the momentous burden from the two new slaves, and at the same time look in their memories for their accomplices.     

The results were satisfying, in fact, they gained more than they expected, and found a few other mice that escaped the net.     

Giving the order for them to get caught immediately and sent down here, through a different route to his shadows, Tianlong Yun turned towards Tianlong Hu Die,     

Tianlong Yun:" From now on, you will leave the duty of security in here to Qin Bao, and totally concentrate on that particular assignment.     

The priority of that assignment has changed, and it is grade S.     

Let's see who will be faster you or Xia'er."     

Tianlong Hu Die was surprised at her Master's words, but she could understand that change. Truly information was really important.     

One could say that it was the sharpest weapon in a war.     

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun was throwing a challenge between her and her Big sister Tianlong Xia, which she had no intention to lose whatsoever.     

That was why she said with a determined face,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Don't worry Master, this win will be mine."     

Satisfied at her determination, Tianlong Yun said,     

Tianlong Yun:" I am not looking only at the speed that you complete this assignment little cutie, I want the finished product to be the best."     

Tianlong Hu Die just nodded her head at her Master's words, and couldn't say anything because he suddenly said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Now I have to leave and enjoy myself a bit, interrogating these little mice. They dared to enter the lion's den, so they should be prepared to deal with the consequences."     

Like this Tianlong Yun left Tianlong Hu Die inside that room to deal with her new slaves, they were important pieces for her to complete her assignment after all.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun went just two doors away, where Feng Tao's wife was waiting for him, ready to get interrogated.     

In actual fact, this room was typical to those used by the police to interrogate their captives. There was a small room with a small table, two chairs, a small bed, and the small cabin behind the one-way glass.     

Feng Tao's wife had been brought here unconscious, for two reasons.     

Firstly they didn't want her to raise an uproar or inform someone during her capture.     

Secondly, this place was a secret location, and that location had to be protected.     

Even at this moment, she was lying on the bed unconscious. While Feng Tao was placed inside the cabin tied to a chair, with Jiang Bo watching over him.     

He could see and hear everything that would happen inside. At first, he didn't understand what was happening, why would Jiang Bo suddenly attack and tie him up, it was madness.     

Then seeing his wife in the interrogation room, he could very well understand what was happening. He had discovered it himself not long ago.     

But, he really loved his wife, so he wasn't able to give her into Tianlong Yun. At the same time, he couldn't really betray Tianlong Yun, because he knew the consequences.     

He had been in a really big dilemma all these days. Now that all this had been found out, he should be relaxed, but looking at the demons' faces he knew that this wasn't going to finish well for him and his wife.     

That's right, his wife wouldn't be the only person to suffer today. Tianlong Yun would surely not forgive him easily.     

Actually, the question going through his mind at the moment, was whether he could leave this place alive?     

It was at this time that…     


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