Chapter 395: Awakening

Chapter 395: Awakening

4While a lot of vultures gathered almost immediately after his impact to the ground, none of them was able to find anything in that place.      3

The only things they were able to find were the ruins of a big and what seemed like a powerful impact, but there was no sign of a body, or anything the like.     

What could be strange were some kind of burning spots throughout the area, but nothing more than that.     

This clearly stunned the crowd because this big impact could not happen on its own. There surely was something or someone that caused it, and yet they found nothing but ruins, dust, and debris.     

But the vultures weren't the only ones who got stunned by the view in front of them, as there was someone else in that place, observing carefully to find the intruder to his territory.     

No one could see who this mysterious person was, and even if they concentrated with all their senses and spiritual sense, they would most probably think there was a ghost and not a human.     

When the mysterious person had seen Tianlong Yun deal with his people that easily he had thought that he was a powerful expert and that his attack would be just an injuring greeting of sorts.     

But he was able to sense that his attack had completely destroyed his heart, and then even disintegrate him in a sense.     

He didn't expect his attack to completely erase him from existence. This mysterious person had only felt Tianlong Yun's existence be erased in a fleeting moment.     

But that was just a narcissistic thought, because if he was truly an expert then his attack wouldn't have killed him.     

In fact, most probably he had managed to escape without anyone noticing. But how was that possible?     

How had he been able to escape his senses, which were the sharpest amongst his race? It was impossible for that to happen.     

Even powerhouses at the Great Boundary Ascension Realm weren't able to escape his track and senses, but Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be such a powerhouse.     

This just made the situation even weirder for the mysterious person, as he stayed up there in the clouds looking at the scene on the ground and thinking.     

But he couldn't stay for a long time in there, as even though he was a powerhouse, the rules prohibiting flying in this place made the situation really shitty.     

It was only a long time after he had left, that someone found some kind of old-looking Pouch in the ruins and immediately hid it in his clothes, as he tried to escape from the place.     

Whoever found something like this would do the same, as this old-looking pouch most probably was some kind of storage treasure.     

And in these places, if one found a treasure then all the others would claim they had seen it first and would want to be handed over to them.     

With these thoughts in mind, the lone cultivator left the place without being noticed, as he didn't want to be guilty of the crime, of a poor man carrying a jade.     

Or so he thought, because the moment he left the place, there was someone else who noticed him. Sometimes Heavens just aren't on your side.     

The lone cultivator ran away towards the entrance of the fortress city in order to escape any possible bad encounter.     

After running away a fair distance he thought he was ok now, and lowered his guard as he started to take a look at the pouch he had found.     

  Just as he took it out from his clothes though, he felt a cold blade pass through his neck, as his head rolled on the air, and then fell on the ground, as he was dead.     

This was the truth of the world, a poor man carrying jade is a crime, and the bigger fish eats the smaller fish just because he can.     

He had died without even knowing how he died, but it was his own fault for letting his guard down, and not being stronger than his killer.     

On the other hand, his killer seemed to be really pleased with himself, and his actions as he looked at the body with clear mockery.     

The fact that he had died so easily made him feel that he wasn't worthy to die by his blade and that a rock or something else would have done the job just fine.     

With that thought in mind, he approached the body, as he took the pouch, but also started controlling him for anything else of value.     

After all, there was a lot of good stuff in this space, and this guy had surely had his fair share of luck. There should be some more things inside his pockets.     

And clearly just as he had thought he found a few pills and a martial skill technique. The pills weren't amazing, as they were only level 2 pills.     

But still, it was something coming to him for free, as he hadn't even come for those. Taking the pills and anything valuable, he just left the body of the lone cultivator in there and disappeared into the night.     

Tianlong Yun woke up only after more than three days of total blackout as the injuries he had suffered weren't light.     

In fact, if he hadn't been lucky to start sending his body inside the Old Pouch in the last moment before his heart got destroyed he could have even perished in that attack.     

The biggest problem about the attack he suffered was the fact that it was an ultrasound vibration attack.     

Not only had this attack extreme destructive power, but it also had great disintegrating power towards any kind of defense.     

Those ultrasound vibrations were so frightening that could even extinguish his Nirvana flames protecting his heart, as his scales were just like toothpicks, trying to prevent a flood.     

  The most horrifying, but also the life-saving effect of that attack, was because it only targeted his heart and his internal organs.     

If that attack had been targeted at his whole body, then perhaps not only three days to get back from the dead, but he might have disappeared completely.     

In fact, he was still surprised how he was able to survive this because not only his heart but even a few of his internal organs had been completely destroyed.     

It would be more appropriate to say that all his insides had turned into some mushy paste of mixed composure.     

It seemed like he had underestimated his Nirvana flames, as now that he was looking inside his body, almost everything had turned to normal and he could even feel a deeper reach to his bloodline.     

Thinking like this, he immediately decided to test it, as he released his scales like he was in his bed, and immediately all his body was covered in purplish red metallic shiny scales.     

Not only was he able to spread them all over his body, but they had even changed color and become like that.     

But he could feel that they had become really strong, in fact, according to his estimations they should be at least 10 times better than the ones he had.     

That Ultrasound attack was truly horrifying as it could penetrate through any defense and it would surely hit his target.     

But that ultrasound attack had also dug up his hidden potential and had stimulated his bloodline, making it truly fuse with his body, and organs, as almost everything was renewed inside his body.     

He could feel that while his blood passed through his veins, it was like molten magma, and it had an abnormal heat release, that never cooled down.     

His blood had turned really Yang in nature as the bloodlines he had fused were either Yang in nature or a mixture of Yin and Yang.     

While it held no problem at the moment, nothing that went to the extreme was a good thing, and it would surely become a problem in the future.     

Not to mention that it had started to show a few effects, like straining his veins, and rising his body temperature by a lot.     

The good news was that he already had a source of Yin blood close to him and that soon he would be able to fix it.     

The Vampire blood was an extremely ferocious Yin bloodline, which he was already eyeing to add it to the mixture of his bloodline.     

That would surely gain him the wrath of Heavens and a truly powerful Tribulation he would have to surpass but with the new developments of his bloodline, and his dug-up potential he was assured he could surpass it.     

But that wasn't all the benefit he got from that attack as he could feel that even his cultivation and his Qi inside his Dantian had been completely solidified.     

Not only that but he could feel that his body had even got accustomed to his new power, and he could use his strength in a really proficient way.     

His proficiency was many times better than the one of his previous life, as, in fact, it felt like the change between night and day.     

Of course, he was truly startled by this fact, as what he had been through was only a deadly ultrasound vibration attack, that was aimed to take his life.     

Those words that opportunity lies in danger, and danger lies in every opportunity seemed to ring on his mind, as he then felt something move beside him.     

All this time he had been so concentrated on the changes in his body, that he had forgotten to look around to where he was, and what was he doing.     

It was only now that he was reminded of this fact, as he heard a sweet gentle voice,     

"Please Master, you can't die!"     

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