Chapter 161: The psycho family

Chapter 161: The psycho family

0The mother and son duo, approached him, and were about to hack him, with their knives. But the thing was, they weren't aiming at his vitals, no they were aiming at his Achilles tendon. They were trying to cripple him, not kill him.     0

This was probably the best indicator that they weren't innocent folks, they were same as the guy he had knocked out. Furthermore Tianlong Yun had never been a saint, so he just knocked out both of them.     

After that Tianlong Yun started to look around, and found some handcuffs, and handcuffed the three of them, he also tied them up for extra security. He did the same with the victim.     

Finishing with all these details, he started to look around the place, and see where he was. Apparently, this place was in the outskirts of the city. It was a small house in a quiet neighborhood.     

The underground garage was sound proof, and not even the smallest noise could escape the place. From the photos he saw upstairs they seemed like a happy, normal family.     

There was nothing out of ordinary in their house, but in the underground garage, there were so many pictures and gore images, that would leave people crazy.     

The story behind this? Well apparently the couple had met online and liked each other's work, she liked to torture people, while he couldn't stay away from stealing and killing. Furthermore his skills with the computers were really bendy.     

Like this they had married and started to live together, while they kept doing their crazy hobby, but that was only once a year. They didn't want to get caught after all.     

They both liked to make love while being bathed in human blood, and in one of these times, she was left pregnant. Like this came in life their son, for his birth they butchered two young girls, for good luck.     

After that everything started to continue as usual, they did all that while their son watched, and taught him the pleasure of torturing and killing.     

Everything seemed to be going well for them, until some months ago, when their son started to get bullied in school and social media, from the girls in his class.     

As psycho killers, they did the thing they knew and did best. They kidnapped the girls, let their son rape them, since he was bullied for expressing his love to a girl, and then they would torture and kill them.     

But the thing is, their son started to enjoy these, and how could they break their sons wishes. But they couldn't kidnap more girls from his school, otherwise they would be find out.     

When Yang Xiu got the idea of kidnapping girls who were bullies on social media, like this they started their new hunts. But it wasn't once a year anymore, but every week.     

It was precisely their recent feats, which made the police even more alert and persistent on catching the psycho behind the killings. But no one could imagine that it was a family matter, not just a guy.     

This was all unexpected even to him, and changed his plans a bit, but not by much. He just got some more people to deal with. And they seemed as a good choice to start a team, which would deal with trashes like Mu Xiya's father.     

That was why he let the MILF and the psycho hacker in the garage underground tied up, while the boy and the kidnapped girl where in different rooms upstairs.     

While he was thinking with who to start first, the kidnapped girl woke up from her unconscious state. Immediately after she woke up, she tried to look around and learn where she was.     

She was hoping that everything that happened before she lost consciousness was just a nightmare. But she was destined to be disappointed. She didn't recognize this place at all. Furthermore she was also tied up, in what seemed like a bed.     

It was real, she had been kidnapped by someone. She had no idea why she had been kidnapped, but she knew that it wasn't for money, she could feel that.     

Right when she was to cry from being frightened, Tianlong Yun entered the room. Seeing Tianlong Yun, she was startled for a bit, this guy was so handsome and good-looking, so different from the guy who kidnapped her.     

Then regaining herself she wanted to scream help, but there was a piece of cloth in her mouth that didn't let her make noises. She didn't know what to do besides putting a pitiful look on her face, and pleading with her eyes.     

Tianlong Yun didn't care much about the way she felt, to him she was just a new chess piece that had landed in his hands. He didn't know her more than he had seen in her profile in social media, and he didn't really care.     

In actual fact this was his first time really watching her. When he was in the car trunk, he had checked upon her using his spirit sense, but just in a passing by.     

At this moment he was really checking and looking at Huang Mei Xiu, that was her name. She looked good, she was beautiful. She had beautiful ocean blue hair and a pair of deep, olive eyes.     

Her body curves were not bad either, she had more than average, round pillows in front and some nice squishy rear mountains, with a thin waist that completed her hourglass figure.     

She didn't seem bad for a sex-slave, as for the future who knew what may happen. Looking her deeply in the eyes, Tianlong Yun said,     

Tianlong Yun:"I am not the one who kidnapped you, he is a psycho serial killer. But you don't have to worry for him anymore."     

Hearing those words Huang Mei Xiu felt a bit relieved, who wouldn't after hearing that, but soon her relieved face disappeared hearing Tianlong Yun's next words.     

Tianlong Yun:"But I am not a good guy either. Not as bad as he is, I won't kill you. But still a bad guy because I want to make you a sex-slave, and use you to control your fathers family."     

Huang Mei Xiu was shocked, she didn't know what to think anymore. What was this guy saying? What did he mean by sex-slave? Was that even possible? How could she control her father's family?     

But that wasn't the most important thing anymore, at the moment the most important thing, was that she was still a virgin 18 years old girl. This handsome bad guy was going to take her virginity.     

She had mixed feelings at the moment. One part of her thought she was lucky to get such a handsome guy as her first time, while the other thought she was unlucky to have such a mental for her first time.     

While she was thinking like this, Tianlong Yun bit his finger, and started to draw symbols with his blood on her forehead. Seeing this Huang Mei Xiu thought that he was one of those mental cultist, she had read about in internet.     

But since her mouth was blocked with the piece of cloth there was nothing she could do. She could only look at him frightened, while her eyes were filled with tears.     

Tianlong Yun finishing the symbols on her forehead, got up and took off his pants and boxers. Huang Mei Xiu was even more frightened by seeing his big dragon, he seemed still asleep and was so big, what would happen when he got excited.     

Could that big thing even enter inside her without destroying the entrance of her small cave. She had started some time ago to play with herself using toys, but even those seemed small, compared to that big dragon.     

Tianlong Yun approached her and started to release her ropes saying,     

Tianlong Yun:"I am going to untie your hands and legs, but you better not start thinking of any bad idea or you might have to suffer a lot. Do you understand me?"     

Huang Mei Xiu was really thinking about trying to escape from his clutches and ask for help. But sensing that little pressure, he released on her when he said the last part of his words, she immediately decided against all those thoughts.     

She was really frightened and could only nod her head hastily while crying. Seeing her face Tianlong Yun didn't say anything more and started to untie her.     

When she was finally untied, Huang Mei Xiu tried to take off the piece of cloth in her mouth, but her hand was suddenly grabbed by Tianlong Yun. Releasing again a bit of pressure on her, he said threateningly,     

Tianlong Yun:"Make a sound and you would wish for the psycho to be the one who dealt with you."     

This words frightened Huang Mei Xin even more. At this moment she was so frightened that she couldn't talk at all, and just nod her head.     

Seeing her nod, Tianlong Yun released her hand and she took out the piece of cloth. Immediately after she took out the piece of cloth Tianlong Yun approached her lips and kissing her lightly, he then bit her.     

Huang Mei Xin was a bit startled at his actions, but that served her to relax a bit and forget about the fear. Grabbing this chance Tianlong Yun started to kiss her more passionately.     

At first Huang Mei Xin was still frightened and didn't know what to do, but feeling those masterful kisses she couldn't help but want to taste more of that.     

She had just started a relationship with her boyfriend, she had kissed, and make out with him a lot. But Tianlong Yun were on a different level, those kisses were divine to her.     

That was why intentionally or unintentionally she started to kiss him back, and was slowly forgetting about the fear she had a few moments ago.     

In the mean time Tianlong Yun could feel that after breakthrough he had in his cultivation of soul, and also with the increase of his Qi cultivation, the pheromones his bloodline released to attract the females, were getting stronger.     

Maybe that was the reason why Huang Mei Xin started to respond to his kisses so fast. But that didn't matter now, that was why he took the next step…     


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