Chapter 182: Fight and Fear

Chapter 182: Fight and Fear

0While he walked towards the black alley, he could feel a slightly higher heart beating rate from Captain Mao, it was clear that he was worried about this situation.     3

But Tianlong Yun didn't discover his game he just continued to walk towards the dark alley, with Huo Ying Yong following after him.     

The later wasn't worried at all, he had seen the strength and fighting power of Tianlong Yun and knew that these small fries didn't stand a chance against him.     

The kid's calmness made even Captain Mao startled but he continued with his game. He still didn't understand what they wanted from him.     

It was at this time that Huo Ying Yong said carefully,     

Huo Ying Yong:" Master, forgive me if I seem rude, but I don't get it. Why are you so persistent in talking with this drunkard?"     

Tianlong Yun looked towards him with an unfazed look, but when he wanted to answer he noticed that they had already reached the dark alley.     

He let the body of Captain Mao down on the ground and said simply,     

Tianlong Yun:" Your answer will have to wait a bit Ying Yong, in the meantime look after Captain Mao, because right now we have a lot of company. Isn't that right boys?"     

As soon as his words were heard through the alley, people started to sprout like mushrooms after rain. They all had an impoverished and destitute look.     

They all looked like hungry wolves, finally finding some meat to quench their hunger. Their eyes were bloodshot, and their hearts beating fast.     

It had been a while since they had seen such a tasty prey, in their case, such a wealthy prey. Seeing they were found out they all got out and one of them, took the place of the leader and said,     

Leader:" Hahahahaha… You seem to be pretty good kid. Too bad that we can't let you go. But don't worry we will make this night unforgettable for you."     

Hearing his words Tianlong Yun started to laugh like a madman and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" hahahahahahaah… I can't wait to see that happen, hahahahaha… But before that how about, the still hiding little mice get out too, to join in the fun."     

The guy who seemed to be the leader was stunned at Tianlong Yun's words, he said Tianlong Yun was good but that was just to mock him.     

He never thought that Tianlong Yun would really be good. The truth was that he wasn't the real leader, he was just one of the henchmen's.     

The true leader was still hiding and looking at this from the shadows, they didn't deem Tianlong Yun worthy enough to see the leader.     

But even though Tianlong Yun said those words no one came out. There was no movement at all, it seemed like Tianlong Yun's words hit the air.     

Seeing this happen Tianlong Yun didn't seem affected, he just gave a deep sigh and said unfazed,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sigh~, I guess I will have to take you out by force little mice."     

Finishing his words Tianlong Yun disappeared from his place. Everyone around him was stunned, even Captain Mao who was supposed to be wasted, couldn't control his surprise.     

Huo Ying Yong on the other hand wasn't surprised but excited. He never seemed to get tired seeing Tianlong Yun fights and skills.     

When they entered the alley at the beginning he didn't quite feel any kind of danger or anything close to him for that matter.     

Then hearing Tianlong Yun's words and seeing these guys appear from nowhere he was startled, but now the only feeling he had was excitement.     

Tianlong Yun was his Master from today. Perhaps if he served him really good, and stayed loyal to him, perhaps he would teach him also some martial arts.     

Just the idea of learning and being like Tianlong Yun made him thrilled to the extreme. So much that he didn't even notice that Captain Mao by his side wasn't wasted anymore.     

Tianlong Yun on the other hand didn't seem to reappear again. It was like he had completely merged as one with the darkness of the night.     

At first, the thieves were startled seeing his speed and thought how they could fight such a monster. But then seeing that Tianlong Yun wasn't reappearing again they started to get worried.     

The most worried guy was the one playing the leader, he had been tasked by the leader himself, to capture and take everything from Tianlong Yun.     

The fear and the pressure of Tianlong Yun were slowly leaving the thieves, and now they were conquered by the fear that Tianlong Yun might have escaped the place.     

They had lost such an excellent opportunity to earn some good money, how could they respond to their leader now.     

But before they could wake up from their fear and reverie they heard a painful scream,     


They were all startled once again because that voice seemed so similar to the voice of their true leader. But he was hidden in the sewers, somewhere where it was impossible to find.     

And yet he was found, and from the sound of that scream, he appeared to be badly hit or even worse injured.     

While all the thieves were thinking things like this, Tianlong Yun reappeared once again, and throwing the badly beaten true leader to them he said with a grinning face,     

Tianlong Yun:" Now that all the mice are here together it's time to start the party…"     

Their leader had truly suffered apparently, he had all his limbs broken, and his front teeth were also missing. The worst thing was that there was a bloodstain in his pants.     

Seeing the sorry state of their leader, and hearing Tianlong Yun's voice a bad premonition started to surface on all of the thieves present, they were all scared at this moment.     

But their fear got even more real when Tianlong Yun disappeared once again from their sight. All of them gathered in one place and started looking around like headless chickens.     

The guy, who pretended to be the leader, tried to calm the situation and said screamingly,     

Leader:" Don't get scared, if we are all together we can beat him, stay together and approach the…"     

Before he could finish his words, Tianlong Yun reappeared in front of him, and with a single slap, broke his jaw. The guy couldn't even talk or make any noise anymore.     

Seeing something like this happen in front of their eyes, all the other thieves were stunned and didn't know what to do, the place was conquered by complete silence.     

This situation seemed really funny. Tianlong Yun seeing this, just stayed there in front of them and made a noise,     

' Booo'     

That it was all it took and the previous silence disappeared and it was replaced by screams and running sounds. All the thieves were running in all directions like a headless chicken.     

Their only goal at the moment was to run away as far as possible from this devil to save their selves. It was truly a chaotic situation, with people running and clashing with each other, or walking over their friend's bodies.     

Tianlong Yun just stood right there enjoying the show. He didn't want to deal with weaklings, that was a hit to his arrogance and pride.     

And even more deal with this kind of weaklings that couldn't even handle their fear. But you couldn't blame them either.     

They were just weak thieves that always fought in-group, people with little cash in their pockets, and survived using that money.     

They were used chewing little rocks. And had never thought, that someday they might break their teeth, trying to chew a big rock like Tianlong Yun.     

 Seeing the show ended, Tianlong Yun turned towards Huo Ying Yong and Captain Mao and said with a calm face,     

Tianlong Yun:" I see you have decided to stop the wasted play, Captain Mao."     

Hearing those words, Huo Ying Yong turned towards Captain Mao who had been all this time by his side and couldn't hide his surprise in seeing him, awake and clear.     

He had been so sucked up in the fight, and what was happening, that he had already forgotten about the guy he was supposed to look after for.     

But he wasn't the only one who was startled, because even Captain Mao was the same. He couldn't understand how he got found out.     

He had been a Special Forces Captain for a long time and trained his body a lot. His wasted or dead play was the most convincing and complete of all the people in his regiment.     

He could control his body perfectly, and make his play look completely real. But thinking again he had shown some slight slip-ups today.     

But were those slip-ups enough for this young man to decide that he had been awake the whole time? How could he do that?     

Seeing their stunned faces Tianlong Yun just played it off simply and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't think much over it, just a lucky guess. Now let's find a good place to talk Captain Mao, I have a job offer for you."     

Captain Mao was an experienced guy, he could understand that it wasn't just a lucky guess like Tianlong Yun played it, but he could also notice that Tianlong Yun didn't want to talk about this topic.     

As for the job offer, he couldn't say his interest wasn't piqued when he saw Tianlong Yun's skills and fighting ability. But there was one line he would never pass and said firmly,     

Captain Mao:" I will come with you, but there is one thing I will never do, and that is betraying my country."     

Tianlong Yun was surprised by his attitude, even after being treated like that from his country, and the higher-ups, this guy still believed in his country and wanted to protect it.     

But this didn't matter to him, he never had any thoughts of doing something bad to this country called China, on the opposite he wanted to make it flourish.     

That why he said calmly,     

Tianlong Yun:" Of course Captain Mao, I am a Chinese myself after all."     

Like this Tianlong Yun, Captain Mao and Huo Ying Yong left the place towards…     


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