Chapter 354: Confrontation & Information

Chapter 354: Confrontation & Information

2While his attitude would show great courage and braveness in a normal situation, at the moment it looked more like fake arrogance, and stupidity.     

After all, Master Qin was himself a genius monster of the Qin clan, having achieved 7th level of the Nascent Realm even before he was 60 years old.     

He was considered to be one of the greatest geniuses of his era, even though in front of Tianlong Yun he seemed like an ant trying to compare to the big elephant.     

But that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that Tianlong Yun was in the middle of the Qin mansion, with the Qin family's Master in front of him, and was asking for an explanation.     

Master Qin seemed a bit surprised at this conduct of Tianlong Yun, did he think that his son was enough of a reason to ask for an explanation in front of the Qin family?     

Wasn't that a bit too much, and a bit too far!? Looking carefully at Tianlong Yun's face, he didn't seem like he was the least bit afraid though like everything was playing at the palm of his hand.     

This secretly surprised him even more inside, but he kept a serious and solemn face on the outside, as he said with a calm voice,     

"I can give you an explanation Young Master Tianlong, but are you sure you can handle it? After all, we live in an unfair world, and the only existent justice is the one you reach with your strength!"     

At that moment, Tianlong Yun seemed to be a little a bit pensive, it seemed like he was in a fight with himself if he should reveal something or not.     

Finally deciding on what to do, he looked towards Master Qin with chill cold eyes, as he didn't even move his lips, but suddenly a terrifying pressure started pressing on him, and some powerful elders.     

They were all shocked as the pressure falling upon them was truly heavy and suffocating. It looked like it was the power of a 9th level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, but he was so close to Soul Formation Realm.     

Raising their heads with difficulty they were looking towards Tianlong Yun, but the pressure didn't seem to be coming from him, but from some hidden location.     

That pressure was affecting every person of the 7th level of the Nascent Soul Realm and above. No one under that level could even feel the tiniest of pressures.     

Master Qin and the others were shocked and stupefied, this whole scene seemed ridiculous right now. He had always thought that there must be an expert protecting Tianlong Yun from the shadows.     

But no matter how many times he checked, and the security picking up nothing he thought that Tianlong Yun had truly come here himself.     

But right now, the scene and the pressure clearly showed he had made a mistake, and that Tianlong Yun wasn't alone, there was truly someone protecting him from the shadows.     

What made this even more problematic and scary, was the fact that they had never felt that guy approach them, not to mention that even now they weren't able to pinpoint the location of this expert.     

It was precisely this fact that left all of them dumbfounded at the moment, they weren't able to find where he was, and if they entered in a fight, they would be at a big disadvantage.     

Of course, this pressure alarmed even those old fogies hiding in their reclusive caves, but since the enemy wasn't attacking they didn't make a move.     

After all, if they appeared then the battle was inevitable because they were the last lifeline of the Qin family, and their strength shouldn't be exposed to the public.     

Furthermore, there was no alarm sound at the moment, and it seemed like it was only a show of power at the moment, so they could only stay in the shadows and be ready for anything.     

Returning to the current situation, Master Qin was looking carefully in Tianlong Yun's eyes, as he and perhaps the other people in the surrounding took the same message,     

"This doesn't mean I am assured of my escape, but if you decide to fight, then surely you are going to suffer heavy casualties!     

It's something none of us wants, isn't it?"     

Master Qin and the others could clearly understand the situation, of course, if those old fogies were mixed into this perhaps their losses wouldn't be much, but their participation itself was a risk.     

So they were in a stalemate currently. Not to mention that it was his son's fault for trying to pick a fight with someone he shouldn't.     

Right now he wanted to give him a harsh beating himself for always making trouble for him, but he knew that the true villains were those old men who were tired of living.     

Just like any other family who had their rise to prominence in a fast way, the Qin family wasn't a consolidated family.     

There were a lot of unsatisfied members in their midst who wanted to benefit from their unstable foundation and jump to a higher position or power.     

It was the previous Master of the family that had consolidated the family a bit, by killing a few of the bad apples himself, while helped some others for balance.     

What he hadn't expected was that those whom he raised to providence, and helped would one day grow ambitions beyond their reach, and become a new hurdle.     

Also since they had already witnessed what happened to the previous group, these guys had learned something and were more united at the moment.     

While their current cultivation wasn't enough for them to try anything, they held important positions in the clan and had already bribed their popularity.     

Not to mention that these wastes had even managed to turn his son on their side. He was their best chip to use against him, as they were also promoting for him to be the next family Master.     

Removing them would be too troublesome even for Master Qin, the family members were already still unsettled by his father's killing campaign.     

They were like a nail that was stuck to his foot, and he was afraid of the pain if he removed it, so he left it to stay in its place, waiting for the perfect chance to remove it.     

Some time ago he had thought for this moment to be perfect to take care of them while punishing Tianlong Yun a bit at the same time.     

But now the situation was clearly against him, he couldn't let a fight of that level happen inside Qin's mansion.     

No to mention they still didn't know where the expert accompanying Tianlong Yun was. The source of the pressure seemed to be the whole nature around them.     

In this case, the only thing that Master Qin could do was release a deep sigh as he said,     

"Sigh~! Let this show end here Young Master Tianlong, I will give you a satisfactory explanation later!"     

The crowd was shocked, most of them were weak people that couldn't feel that pressure, if they did they would either die or suffer serious problems.     

It seemed like some serious stuff had happened, but they couldn't understand what and how. The only thing they knew was that their family's Master had given in to Tianlong Yun's threat.     

Of course, how could that Elder Yun let this chance escape, this was a perfect moment for them to gain more popularity from the crowd, as he started to say,     

"Family Master you can't give in to this kid's threat. I am sure that if our ancestor…"     

But he wasn't able to speak anymore, he was interrupted by a furious roar from Master Qin,     

"Elder Yun, are you doubting and defying my words? Since when have you started to think that you can express your opinion and make remarks without my permission?"     

All this while Tianlong Yun was looking at the current situation with a smug expression inside. He had learned a few important things about the Qin family tonight, that would help him later.     

First, the Qin family was separated into two factions at the moment, and Master Qin was someone who lacked the decisiveness factor.     

The faction against him was weak and really short-sighted, they only wanted more power, prestige, and arrogance rights, without caring much about the family.     

But they were good at using their slyness to corrupt the others, and slowly had created a standing for themselves.     

Second and most important, the Qin family's hidden power was more than what outsiders believed. Looking at Elder Yun's confidence, they most probably had an expert at Soul Formation Realm.     

This was truly a piece of frightening news because one had to know that the Qin family had been one of the big three families only recently.     

Compared to the other 2 big families they had to be severely lacking, and much more underpowered. So this was truly something surprising.     

At the same time, this news made Tianlong Yun even more appreciative of the fact that he had come to this place.     

Most probably the Qin family had had a fortuitous encounter that had helped them grow so fast, and become so strong.     

There was nothing in Young Master Qin Tuo's memories when he checked them, but there were some dark spots every once in a week, where he didn't remember where he had been.     

These thoughts and possibilities just made him even more expectant of the future, as he had also found his new short-term allies.     

Wanting to put a closure to this stupid show, Tianlong Yun said in a flattering voice,     

"Just like I have heard, the Qin Family and Master Qin are people whose magnanimity and righteousness surpasses mountains and clouds.     

This young one is truly ashamed of himself, and his doings, and he will let this matter rest on Master Qin's big hands.     

Please make justice for this little one Master Qin!"     

With that said, he turned around and went inside his room, leaving the unsatisfied crowd out in the hallway…     

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