Chapter 224: Identity revealed

Chapter 224: Identity revealed

3Shao Shuo Yang:" Sighh~. Apparently, I have grown too old. Maybe is time for the new blood to take the reins."      0

His son seemed a bit surprised at his father's words, but he knew that perhaps his time had come.     

He was curious at what made his father think of stepping down, but nonetheless, the important thing was that soon he would be the head of his family.     

But before he could say anything, his father gave him a good look and said,     

Shao Shuo Yang:" Perhaps, this is a blessing in disguise to us son, but keep in mind that you should never greed and power cloud your judgment.     

I am old now, and I don't have the time nor the courage to do this, but you can. This is a chance for you.     

The only thing I ask of you is to take good care of our family."     

Saying this, he got up and started walking towards Qin Bao to take permission to leave the party, leaving a stunned Shao Bu Wen behind him.     

It was only after some time that he regained himself and read the letter that was handed to him. There were only two lines written,     

'I know about your feud and your useless preparations.     

If you want revenge for your family then come and meet me now!     

Patriarch of the Shao Family."     

These words left him in contemplation for some moments. Their feud against the Yao family wasn't something unknown to the public.     

After all, the Yao family had killed so many of their family members, and tortured so many others, just because his big brother had fallen in love with one of the Yao's ladies.     

Even though they didn't have much power and means, they were still making preparations to attack the Yao family, but now, this mysterious guy was saying that all that they did, all these years, were useless.     

Furthermore, this guy was offering them certain revenge. Was there anyone who could do that in today's China?     

Of course, the Qin family was one of the three big families, but in comparison to the Yao's and the Tang's they were just a little kid in front of his ancestors.     

The most surprising thing though was the way he referred him as Patriarch of the Shao Family. It was like he already knew about his father's decision.     

Apparently, the rumors were true, Young Master Qin Bao wasn't a simple guy. He was a very intelligent and decisive fellow. It would truly be an interesting meeting between them.     

Deciding he would attend the meeting he made a sign towards the girl that gave him the letter. Understanding his intention the girl approached him dancing and singing like a beautiful swan.     

Suddenly stopping, she caught him by the hand and started pulling him towards a hallway. They looked like a pair of lovers trying to find a peaceful corner.     

But he was surprised to see that while he was being led towards his meeting location, Young Master Qin Bao was still conversing with his guests.     

He wanted to ask about this anomaly but never had the chance, the girl accompanying him just pointed towards a door at the end of the hallway they were and said,     

Girl:" Master waits for you there."     

While he was being sent there the party continued for the rest of the attendees.     

Of course, Tianlong Yun didn't forget the Changs, who had shown here. So, the last but not least, Chang's got a letter inviting them to a meeting, in hopes of a future collaboration too.     

After the series of events that happened tonight, this event didn't hold much atmosphere and fun. Everyone was curious about the reaction of the Yao and Tang families.     

That was why one by one they started to leave the place.     

The first to leave were the two Young Masters who got a face slap tonight. To make matters worse their guests decided to make them wait outside, while they talked to Young Master Qin Bao.     

Seeing them leave the place even Chang's decided to leave. After all, they were here just to respect the name of the Qin family.     

After their leave, the only people left in this place were Qing Fang, Jiao Wen, Old Luo, Qin Bao, and Gao Ling.     

All the men left in this place had predatory looks on their faces, they didn't know much of each other with exception of Qing Fang, and they all thought they were the strongest.     

To each and any one of them, the two ladies, Qin Bao and Gao Ling were just weak prey. As for the rest of the people left in here, well they were just dummy pieces.     

Dummy pieces that didn't know anything about the true world order.     

Seeing their looks and understanding their ideas, Qin Bao and Gao Ling didn't seem worried in the least. Quite the opposite they felt that a good show was coming.     

Just before Qin Bao could say anything it was Qing Fang who couldn't wait anymore and said,     

Qing Fang:" Well Young Miss Qin Bao is really throwing shades to other people's eyes. It's truly a crime, especially being so beautiful and refined.     

One of the rarest fairies on Earth if I could speak my mind."     

His words didn't seem to surprise much the others about that fact, but they were more surprised by the fact that this guy knew such a thing.     

Nevertheless, hearing such a statement, they thought that Qin Bao wouldn't be able to control herself, or the situation anymore.     

But they were bound to be disappointed, Qin Bao was truly calm and unfazed by the reveal of that truth. She just gave a dazzling smile, and said with a calm face,     

Qin Bao:" Well I couldn't expect less, from EITS, Young Master Qing Fang. It's truly an honor meeting such an important person.     

I must say that I feel really lucky to have had you here as an attendee at this night's party."     

Now the ball was in Qing Fang's side, he never expected his identity to get revealed so soon. Even EITS kept his identity covered, so how was it possible?     

Not being able to handle the curiosity and the desire to know how was it possible he wanted to ask, but before he did so, Qin Bao continued,     

Qin Bao:" Too curious to know how? Well, I am afraid that that's a secret Young Master Qing Fang."     

This was a face slap to Qing Fang. Especially, knowing his position as one of the higher-ups of the EITS. That was clear from his dark and gloomy face.     

His loss was a win to Master Jiao Wen on the other side, who immediately greeted Young Master Qing Fang,     

Jiao Wen:" It's a pleasure to meet you, Young Master Qing Fang. My name is Jiao Wen, you might already know me."     

In a way, he was stating his position in here, then turning towards Qin Bao he continued,     

Jiao Wen:" I must say I am truly surprised to learn that you are a lady, Young Miss Qin Bao. And if Young Master's Qing Fang's words are true then you are truly a unique flower in the desert."     

Even though this was supposed to be his first time learning about it, he immediately changed his form of address.     

But, once again Qin Bao didn't seem to lose her composure at his words and compliments, she just smiled once again and said lightly,     

Qin Bao:" You don't need to sell yourself so short Master Jiao Wen, I am sure that the Orientalists aren't so uninformed, to not know that."     

Her words once again stunned Young Master Qing Fang, but not only him. This time even Master Jiao Wen was stunned at her response.     

But knowing that she had information on someone like Young Master Qing Fang, then knowing about him wasn't a far stretch.     

But still, this didn't change the fact that this got them completely by surprise. Who was behind this? How it was possible?     

Then they were reminded of the last person inside the hall, Old Luo. Immediately they turned their attention towards him and were staring at him with deathly stares.     

Seeing this, Qin Bao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These two were supposed to be higher-ups of their respective organizations and yet couldn't control their selves in such a situation.     

But again, she was underestimating the importance of secrecy and their sensitive identity, for both of these figures.     

While they were staring at Old Luo with those threatening stares, Old Luo on the other hand was looking towards them as if looking at two amateur idiots.     

A fight was out of the question in this place, that was why to defuse the situation, Qin Bao said with the same calm expression,     

Qin Bao:" I don't think that the Royalists have the power, or the means to know your identities gentleman.     

But, even if they did, they would never share it with someone like me, who supposedly has yet to learn about the extraordinary world and order, on this planet."     

Her words woke up the two gentlemen from their reveries. But, that just made the situation worse for them. Now they had no idea how it was possible that Qin Bao knew them both.     

Seeing that they had recollected themselves, even though they still had their gloomy and dark looks on their faces, Qin Bao continued,     

Qin Bao:" Well now that we sorted that out, follow me, Gentlemen, we have a lot to talk about."     

Saying that she just turned around and started walking towards the main office, which was on the third floor, she was followed behind by her gloomy guests, Old Luo, and Gao Ling at the end.     

Arriving there she opened the door and entered inside. But as soon as she entered she did something that stunned the gloomy faced guests…     


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