Chapter 221: Unexpected guests and Auction…

Chapter 221: Unexpected guests and Auction…

3No matter how much he thought about it he couldn't get his head around it. He couldn't think of a reason why they would be here.      1

But now wasn't the time to think about it, and they would never reveal it in front of him.     

At the same time depending on Tang Tie seemed impossible, because the relationship between him and Young Master Tang Wu looked like a cold war state.     

At this moment, he could see the spicy mustache guy looking towards his direction with a weary and kind of scared look.     

The reason for it was known, actually, Tianlong Yun was waiting and counting on that fear. The pressure of his Dragon blood on other beasts was tremendous.     

Not to mention the fact that he was trying to increase and amplify that pressure.     

In the meantime, Qin Bao saw her chance and talked to this guy who had been so confident and calm until now,     

Qin Bao:" I see you have sensed my special guest, Uncle. Well in this aspect you are better than those two idiots brought by the Yao's and Tang's."     

The spicy mustache guy didn't know if he should feel glad or afraid at this moment. That pressure he felt wasn't normal. It came down to his whole being.     

It was just like their leader, tremendous and really cold. He felt like he was in front of a big, cold mountain.     

But what was someone like that doing here, in such a small city? Perhaps he was here for the same reason that he came in this place.     

Wait for a second, did this sprout of the Qin's family call him his guest? What was happening here? What was their relationship?     

This just made the task he had to deal with in this place, thousands of times more difficult. Apparently, he had to review the situation and his plan.     

Thinking like this the spicy mustache guy looked towards Qin Bao and asked,     

Spicy mustache:" Sorry for my late introduction Qin's descendant, people call me Old Luo. I am one of your Grandfather's friends.     

Sorry to intrude without introducing myself better, but could you tell me more about your special guest?"     

Qin Bao was about to refuse but once again Tianlong Yun reverted his plans, and he said Tianlong Yun's words punctually,     

Qin Bao:" I don't mind telling this information to someone who is part of the backers of my family, like the Royalists, Uncle Luo."     

Old Luo was stunned at his identity being discovered so easy and soon, after all only some selected people in the Qin family knew that the Royalists were their backers.     

But thinking of that terrifying pressure, and that mysterious person over there, he could accept that result.     

Qin Bao, on the other hand, gave him a bit of time to recollect himself and then continued,     

Qin Bao:" But I don't really know much, the only thing I know is that he is a really old man coming from far away. I just accidentally gave him a little help in a special circumstance, and he made me his disciple.     

At the moment he is teaching me about cultivation, and the powers of this world."     

Old Luo wasn't to content with what he learned, but it was better than nothing.     

Furthermore, intruding more could possibly cause that old man's anger, because he was sure that he was listening to their conversation.     

Not having any other option, Old Luo made way towards the entrance in a more humble way, after saying,     

Old Luo:" Well we can talk later then, together with your master Qin's descendant. Send him my best regards."     

Qin Bao was surprised why this old man would be so fearful towards Tianlong Yun, but it was in their benefit so everything was good.     

Finally, when all the guests seemed to have arrived, Qin Bao made way towards the hall on the ground floor at first. It was time to start this night.     

Entering the ground floor's hall, with 100 beauties following beside him, and Gao Ling, all the guests were speechless.     

They had never seen such a beautiful show, and so many beautiful women ready for the taking.     

All the ladies looked like stars on a dark night. Each one was very beautiful and had a finesse and conduct that made them drool after them.     

Seeing the impact the beauties had on the audience Qin Bao was really pleased. She and Gao Ling had worked so hard for this night.     

Reaching the stage at the center of the hall, Qin Bao took a glass of Champagne and started by raising a toast,     

Qin Bao:" Gentlemen's, tonight you are our first and honored guests. It's a really great pleasure of having each and any one of you here.     

So Thank You for being here!"     

Saying that he raised his glass towards the hall, and made a toasting gesture.     

Drinking a bit from his glass he continued,     

Qin Bao:" Just as you know, we are here to give you a chance at a magnificent night, where all your dreams and wishes can be fulfilled by our ladies.     

But, just as they say, if you want to have fun, you have to earn it.     

Since this is the first night, and the number of our guests surpasses the number of our ladies, we decided to turn this night into an auction.     

The highest bidder wins, but I have to humbly request you to treat our fairies gently. If you have any special wishes you are kindly requested to notify our staff.     

We want you to have fun WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS."     

He emphasized the part, without any problems, to show that even though they had priority they still had to follow this place's rules.     

And nobody from the hall could oppose him, after all, he had the Qin family behind him.     

Seeing that nobody opposed his words and they understood his point, Qin Bao concluded,     

Qin Bao:" I will raise one more toast, towards everybody here, before leaving this place in the hands of our precious staff, to start the auction and this great night to all of you."     

Finishing the drink in his glass Qin Bao made a sign towards the girl they had chosen as the auction presenter and followed by Gao Ling, he left towards the first floor's hall.     

The situation there was the same as on the ground floor, only the noise was less to the smaller crowd, and the ladies were more beautiful.     

Once again the people in the room were left breath taken seeing the ladies and started creating hopes and dreams almost immediately.     

They were all disappointed that there were only 10 ladies offered for 50 of them, but this just increased their rivalry libido.     

At the end of the night, everything depended on the person who was willing to bid more and have fun.     

Just like the earlier room they didn't dare oppose the words of Qin Bao on the 'without any problems part'.     

Finishing with the first floor's hall, and letting the auction presenter continue with her task, Qin Bao and Gao Ling made way towards the 2 floor's hall.     

There was where the true battle and confrontation would happen.     

Just like expected the situation on the Main Hall was really quiet, it was more like a mortuary silence.     

Everyone was looking and studying people in the room, trying to uncover something on their opponents. Those fake courtesy and smiles were all over the place.     

Entering inside at a slow and steady pace, Qin Bao immediately caught the attention of the hall with the three masked women behind him.     

Each one of those was just like a fairy. Or like the light of the sun, destroying every small bit of darkness and gloominess in this place.     

Immediately the lust and libido started showing all over the place. Even those high and mighty people of earlier couldn't control their selves and desires.     

Looking at their attitude now, and their high and mighty attitude of earlier, made Qin Bao having an inside laugh.     

Men would always be men. They could never control their lust for women, even Tianlong Yun, but he had something these people in here didn't.     

Control over himself.     

Tianlong Yun could control his lust and his actions. He would never give himself like this in front of a crowd.     

At this moment even Old Luo who seemed as if would be toppled by a breeze, had a shiny look on his face, seeing these three beauties.     

Of course, there were even animals looking at Qin Bao and Gao Ling, but their fate was kind of sealed if they couldn't control themselves for her and Gao Ling.     

There was one thing she was sure by looking at Tianlong Yun all this time. He hated people who tried to take what was his, he would never allow someone to even put a finger on them.     

Or the idea of placing a finger.     

Taking the center stage just like in the two previous hall's, Qin Bao looked towards all the guests and started with her usual perfunctory words,     

Qin Bao:" Gentlemen's, it is a great pleasure and honor having each and any one of you here in this hall. You have truly honored this little Qin with your presence. I drink a toast to your presence."     

Drinking a bit from her glass he continued,     

Qin Bao:" Just as you know this place will be a heaven for the Young Masters and Masters of our society.     

Here, each and any one of you could come and have a good time and fulfill your wishes, dreams, and desires.     

We promise you to always bring the best of the best for you.     

It goes without saying that in order to keep this place going we need the cooperation of our esteemed guests.     

We kindly request you, to always give your wishes, desires to our staff, so that we serve you in the best way continuously.     

It wouldn't be a nice situation for anyone if we pass certain boundaries."     

The meaning of his words was clear…     


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