Chapter 226: Negotiations

Chapter 226: Negotiations

1No one seemed able to speak until Qin Bao started speaking,     4

Qin Bao:" Well gentlemen I may be young and inexperienced but I already have an idea on our collaboration.     

I would like to use your connections in other parts of the country and not only to continue with this business.     

Just like you have already seen, this can a great center of attraction to the high society, and people of power."     

Then looking towards Young Master Qing Fang in special she continued,     

Qin Bao:" I don't think I need to accentuate the amount of information that would pass through this network.     

As for the Royalists and Orientalists, this would be a great opportunity to gain collaboration with EITS wouldn't it?     

The information and support they could offer.     

I am not saying that you can't do the same thing, as I did, but that would just bring a conflict between us, and we would be damaging ourselves.     

And just when we would be able to sort out our differences it would have already been too late, because foreign powers, like the Masons, would already have the power to destroy us.     

I think we witnessed such a scene today didn't we?"     

All the people in the room weren't idiots, they could understand what she was referring to, and she was right.     

Furthermore, she wasn't talking about empty things, like nationalism or the greater good, no, she was talking about their interests.     

It was clear that conflict should be out of the question at the moment. The enemy was already at the gates and was entering inside.     

The Masons were one of the big reasons why EITS was still playing low-key and didn't show his real power to the world.     

Even Young Master Qing Fang already understood such a truth, no matter how arrogant he was, he couldn't deny that fact.     

Furthermore, if he would be able to have the collaboration of the Royalists and Orientalists, then it would be for the best.     

If he managed to play the game as he should, then he could use those two organizations to destroy the Masons, and then destroy these two organizations.     

As for Qin Bao, she was an important player only at the moment. None of the organizations could spare their big figures to deal with these two cloaked persons at the moment.     

But that wouldn't be the same after EITS had control over the entire Planet Earth. They would be able to rule the whole Planet.     

Even though this deal seemed to be in the interests of Qin Bao in the short term, since she would be equal to the three big organizations in share, in the long term EITS would profit the most.     

At the same time even the other two guests were thinking and dreaming of almost the same thing, using the other two, and then disposing of them.     

Anyway, at the moment they couldn't afford a conflict with each other, that would make them too weak in face of the Masons.     

These three people in the room were the most eager at this moment for this deal to happen. Even though they hadn't the last word, they could represent their organization.     

But, of course, they wouldn't show that eagerness in the face of the other participants. That was why Old Luo said with a hesitating voice,     

Old Luo:" So specifically what do you propose Young Miss Qin Bao."     

This guy was a truly sly fox.     

But Qin Bao didn't seem to mind and continued with the same firm and decisive voice of earlier,     

Qin Bao:" If I were to enter the specifics Old Luo then these are my requests.     

The Mansion would be the face of this enterprise, of the cultural houses.     

I would like for 34% of the whole revenues generated.     

All the ladies working would be supplied by my place, in order to do this, we have also thought to make part of our staff the ladies of some broken eggs.     

For that to happen I need a private information channel from EITS, the connections with the government and policy of the Orientalists, and the security provided by the Royalists.     

At the same time, I will provide you with a cover for your collaboration, and create safe houses for you to target the Masons in our country.     

I will also be responsible for bending the politics and government decisions in your favor.     

Of course, you would also be able to enjoy the best we have to offer, before going to the market if you so wish."     

She had to strike the iron while it was hot. That was why these requests, although this was to leave a bit of space for negotiation also.     

On the other hand, hearing those requests the three people inside the room were stunned, they didn't expect this Young Miss to have such a big appetite.     

At least they thought that she would be somewhat aware of who she was dealing with and lower her requests. They were representing three worldwide big organizations after all.     

But after those requests they didn't know what to say anymore, the truth was that at the moment Qin Bao with her Master and her Master's husband was a deciding factor.     

They were between a rock and a hard place at the moment, not knowing what to do. And it was Qin Bao who threw them a life vest at this moment,     

Qin Bao:" Gentlemen relax, we are just negotiating, my requests aren't final. Tell me what do you think should the deal be?"     

The truth was that she was in the same position speaking those words. All this time it had been Tianlong Yun talking through her.     

It was Tianlong Yun who proposed the idea of collaboration. It was him who made those requests. She was only a spectator to her own show.     

She was stunned a moment later though when Master Jiao Wen took this chance to speak up, and he seemed like he was talking in the name of all three participants.     

Jiao Wen:" We can agree to most of your requests Young Miss Qin Bao, it's just that your revenue percentage seems a bit too high.     

How about you lower that percentage and we will have a deal?"     

Qin Bao was really happy inside seeing that there could finally be a deal, but Tianlong Yun continued controlling her body and said,     

Qin Bao:" And what do you propose Master Jiao Wen, don't forget that I will be facing the Masons at the same time as you.     

And while you have a very big foundation and manpower, I am nonexistent without my Master's help at best.     

And seeing that they will leave this place tomorrow, this just makes me more vulnerable. So I need some capital to develop myself, don't you think?"     

Her logic left the three men a bit startled. She was right, without her master she was just a useless woman that gave them a good collaboration idea.     

 But at the same time, they couldn't let money leave their hands so easily. That was why it was Young Master Qing Fang who spoke this time,     

Qing Fang:" That's such a bad news Young Miss Qin Bao, how about my EITS organization offers you full protection while they aren't here?     

At the same time, I could also apologize to Senior for offending earlier."     

This guy was true to sly for his age, he was trying to control her and play the good Samaritan at the same time.     

But his offer was immediately refused by Qin Bao in a calm manner,     

Qin Bao:" I don't think that would be a good idea Young Master Qing Fang, our allies might think you are trying to control me.     

Furthermore, there is no need to worry much, I have my means to ascertain my safety, and my senior sister Gao Ling will always be here with me."     

She said that looking towards Gao Ling with a grateful look.     

Now it was clear to everyone what was Gao Ling's role in all this. Qin Bao was correct, Yao Fan and Tang Wu trying to escort her, were like toads trying for swan meat.     

In the meantime, Gao Ling just looked at this scene with a schadenfreude look. She didn't seem to care about what was happening here.     

Even though his plan didn't work out, Qing Fang wasn't disappointed. He didn't really expect to work through.     

As for the other two beside him, they were thinking the same as him. It would be easy to control Qin Bao as long as her Master wasn't here.     

And even if her Master came back, at that time they would already have the help of their organizations.     

The most pressing issues at the moment were to lower her percentage and learn about her Master's reason for coming here.     

That second one was more important to them at the moment because it might as well change all their plans if they were here for the same thing.     

Thinking like this Young Master Qing Fang said with a remorseful voice,     

Qing Fang:" It's too bad since my intention was good, but there is nothing we can do about it.     

We can't destroy our collaboration before it started, can we?     

As for the percentage, I can accept if you can lower it to, 28% Young Miss Qin Bao. I think we are all clear that you will be the face of our collaboration.     

But what will happen to the earlier words of Master Ming Tong, and your acceptance to work together?"     

His words were like a poisonous cake, on one side he was praising her, and on the other, he was placing her figure in doubt.     

But Qin Bao didn't show any nervousness or confusion, she just stated nonchalantly,     

Qin Bao:" Of course it will happen!"     

Her words stunned all three of them, they didn't expect such an answer. She was stating that she would work with the enemy at the same time she proposed this deal to destroy them.     

Seeing their stunned faces, Qin Bao gave a dazzling smile once again and said…     


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