Chapter 214: Relief and Torture

Chapter 214: Relief and Torture

1It was at this time that Tianlong Yun entered the room, and saw him deeply in his eyes, as if reading his soul, and said with a dark tone,      3

Tianlong Yun:" Tell me Feng Tao, have I been so weak and lenient with you, for you to think of betraying me?"     

Just these words were enough for Feng Tao to understand that he was in for a rough ride, the only left opportunity now was to beg for the devil's compassion.     

That was why all of a sudden, he started crying and begging to Tianlong Yun,     

Feng Tao:" Please Master Tianlong, I never thought of betraying you. But-but she is my wife, I can't lose her. I love her too much, she is the mother of my kids."     

Beside him, Jiang Bo was a bit surprised at his sudden change of attitude, but seeing Tianlong Yun's expression and hearing his voice, he could understand that.     

In front of certain torture and death, there were few people who could look at their situation with an unwavering mind.     

No matter how much Feng Tao had seen, heard, or suffered, in front of a demon-like Tianlong Yun he still was too scared of his life.     

Actually, one could say that precisely because of what he had seen and heard, he was even more terrified of Tianlong Yun.     

Who hadn't heard of the psychos that Tianlong Yun had brought from Anqing city? The cruel and torturous death of Mu Xiya's father and uncle had already made its impression on the trusted circle.     

To think that the person responsible, for that cruelty, was only a young boy.     

This was precisely the case with Feng Tao at the moment, all that schadenfreude and tough attitude had flown out of the window, and now he was just a beggar for his life.     

Seeing his spineless attitude in front of him, Tianlong Yun was disappointed a lot. Sighing loudly, he said gloomily,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sighh~, perhaps it's true that I have lost my touch and become too emotional. But that still doesn't work on me, Feng Tao.     

The only relief I can give you is a quick death and a safe life for your kids.     


As soon as Tianlong Yun finished his words, Feng Tao's head rolled on the floor.     

Tianlong Yun would never forgive someone who betrayed his trust or even worse endangered his family.     

That was why Feng Tao's head rolled on the floor, at least he had a quick death.     

Beside Feng Tao's body, Jiang Bo was looking at this scene with a 'not caring' look all over his face. To him, this was the right thing to do.     

Looking at his face, Tianlong Yun was satisfied that his right hand was so composed, and didn't lose that composure even for a moment.     

Watching him deeply in the eyes, Tianlong Yun asked with a calm tone and face,     

Tianlong Yun:" Tell me Jiang Bo aren't you afraid of me?"     

Jiang Bo looked at his Master with the same calm face and answered with a monotone voice,     

Jiang Bo:" No, Master! With your permission, I would like to say that perhaps you were too soft giving him a quick death.     

But since, here, are only me and you, I can understand your meaning, Master. I have already promised my life to you Master."     

Tianlong Yun was getting more and more satisfied of his right-hand man, and said jokingly,     

Tianlong Yun:" You have changed a lot from that night, Jiang Bo. From that brainless fool, you have turned into such a great man. I am really impressed.     

Since we are on this issue, I want you to take Huo Ying Yong as your disciple. You understand what you need to do with him, don't you?"     

Hearing the first part of his Master's words, Jiang Bo was thrown into a reverie of his past. He was truly a brainless fool, compared to what he had become today.     

All this was possible only because Tianlong Yun saw potential in him, and gave him an opportunity. Now he was offering him the opportunity to make the same thing for someone else.     

How could he refuse his Master's words, so he immediately accepted,     

Jiang Bo:" Yes, Master, I will take care of him."     

Looking towards the determined face of Jiang Bo, Tianlong Yun nodded his head in satisfaction and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Good, with that taken care of. It's time for the show to start. Tell them to clean this place, and fill us two drinks, we are going to watch a good show."     

Jiang Bo was a bit surprised because it didn't seem like his master was going to deal with their captive, then who would do it?     

But his question was answered quickly after the cleanup.     

When a masked woman, wearing a black leather suit entered the small room, where the unconscious Feng Tao's wife was lying on the bed.     

Immediately as she entered the room, the masked lady, threw a look towards the glass at the end of the room, as if knowing that Tianlong Yun was watching her, and a small smile appeared on her face.     

Without breaking the look at the glass, she approached the captive on the bed and started caressing her face, then lowering her gloved hands downwards.     

She went from her face and cheeks, towards her chin, neck, and eventually the deep valley between her front soft mountains.     

Without losing much time in there, she spread her hands, towards her wrists. After a small caress, she cuffed the woman's hands at the head of the bed.     

At the same time, she didn't forget to take a deep breath in that woman's aroma, and saying,     

Woman:" What a sweet aroma, I will seriously enjoy this."     

Then her head lowered down, smelling the aroma in every part of the unconscious lady on the bed, she soon reached her abdomen, and also the entrance to her secret cave.     

Smelling her a bit there she said a bit disappointed,     

Woman:" Tche~, overly used, and more than one smell, but Master's smell is not in here."     

That was a letdown, but this didn't stop her from continuing with her job, until she reached her ankle's, and cuffed them by the bed also.     

Finishing with this easy job, she got up and started looking at the unconscious woman in the bed.     

Licking her lips, she took out a leather whip from her waist and started to pass through his length by looking at the glass.     

Looking at this view Jiang Bo was a bit startled at first but then remembering something he said,     

Jiang Bo:" Master, forgive me for my rudeness. But.."     

Before he could finish his words, Tianlong Yun gave him the answer he was looking for,     

Tianlong Yun:" Yes, your guess is correct. Like Mother like son.     

She needed some obedience training before coming out here, and also some time to build her team. That's why she hadn't been around here but from now on… Well, you are going to see for yourself."     

Finishing their small talk they once again turned their attention towards the small interrogation room.     

Reaching a certain length, the masked woman licked her lips again, and with a sudden move, she grabbed the whip by the handle and whipped the woman on the bed.     

A sound just like a lightning crack was heard inside the small room and the small cabin, where Tianlong Yun and Jiang Bo were drinking a glass of Scotch.     

It was truly painful just hearing it, imagine feeling that lightning strike on your skin, terrifying. That was why the unconscious lady was woken up with an ear-piercing scream.     

Feng Tao's Wife:" Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh… It huuuurrttssssss, so painfuuuuul…"     

The masked woman had been really cruel in that whip. The hit had tattered the front part of the dress, clearly showing that deep valley now, but it hadn't breached her last defense.     

But that was a useless consolation, because her white skin, from her neck to her abdomen had now a red line passing through. One could also look at a small bloody line in there also.     

The masked woman let her victim scream and cry as much as she wanted, in actual truth she was taking pleasure at that sight.     

Just as the woman was slowly regaining control of herself and her thoughts, and her tone lowered, the masked woman whipped her again.     

This time the whip passed on her left side, from her lower ribs, until her left legs thighs. The dress was once again tattered, and the red line was once again present.     

Just as a continuation of the previous whip, even this time the scream seemed about the same,     

Feng Tao's Wife:" Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh… It huuuurrttssssss, so painfuuuuul… Why?"     

Only this time it had an extra part, it asked why. A question that earned her another whip, but this time on her right side.     

This whip truly made her wake up to the truth. This wasn't a dream, and she was definitely being tortured, but for what? From whom?     

Like that in pain and agony, she started screaming more and questioning her kidnappers,     

Feng Tao's Wife:" Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh… Do you know who I am?"     

But her question was once again answered by a powerful whip on her left soft mountain, expanding all the way to her thigh.     

This time the pain was even more unbearable because her soft mountain peak was also included in the whipped area.     

Feng Tao's Wife:" Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh… Stooppp, Do you know who my husband is?"     

But again the answer was the same, a powerful whip, only this time the whip changed sides and it was on her right side.     

From her right side soft mountain, over its peak, and all the way to her thigh.     

Unable to bear that pain and agony, she said what she thought to be her last stand,     

Feng Tao's Wife:" Aaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh, Stop it, God damn it. Do you know who I work for? And whose lover I am?"     

Saying that she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth waiting for the next whip…     


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