Monster Horde

Monster Horde


After studying the monster for a while, Mr. Kyle shows up to pick up Angus. "Learn anything, kid?" inquired Mr. Kyle. 2

"Just cross-check some information from the book." Angus shows his note.

"How about you, Mr. Kyle? Find anything interesting?" Asked Angus.

"Well, just the usual growling, howling, biting. But, nothing unusual. Still, I thought the monster had become quite restless lately. But, I didn't find anything unusual. Probably they were just mad about recapturing after the tournament class." rambled Mr. Kyle.

"Ehh… Isn't that dangerous?" asked Angus worriedly.

"Nah.. don't worry about it. They will probably calm down after a few more days. So, ready to get out of here, or do you need more time to look around?" asked Mr. Kyle, who seemed uncomfortable to stay any longer in this place.

'Well, a normal person will go insane being entrapped in this place for a while. Guess it's time to go.' thought Angus.

"Yeah, let's get out of here. I just happened to finish my observation." Answer Angus in a playful tone.

"Alright, then. Let's get out of this damned place." As both of them get out of the different door, they arrive.

Meanwhile, Angus has a peaceful life inside the academy. Outside the kingdom near the west border lay a big dark forest, a habitat of monsters. Inside the gloomy forest that seems painted in black gathered a few people with the same uniform.

"Albert, found anything?" asked one of the people that seemed like a leader of this group.

Before Albert could respond, *GRRRTTT* a strange noise creeping out from the ground.

Hearing the loud sound, the leader immediately shouts, "Everyone, get out from here!!" while running away, the leader actively channels his mana towards his bracelet.

A second later, a transparent bird appeared from it. Without wasting any moment, he let loose the bird in the air.

Suddenly, a vast sharp tendril appeared from the ground and pierced all the soldiers before reacting. The movement of the tendrils is so fast that they don't know what things kill them.

The transparent bird kept flying in the air at a fast speed without noticing its master had already died. After flying for a moment, other similar birds also come from other directions.

Soon, they become a flock of birds and gather at the outpost in the middle of a fortress outside the black forest. The fortress looks a little bit rusty, but every single wall and rock is highly enchanted.

As soon as one of the guards in charge gets all the bird's information, "Shit!! Sound the alarm! Call the general Borkins!!" Command the supervisor after receiving the info from the bird.

The guards nearby immediately sound the alarm, *TENG TENG TENG* The alarm kept ringing and notified all the residents inside the fortress.

A moment later, a loud creepy sound was heard from inside the forest. *GGGRRTTT* After that creepy growling, hundreds of monsters appeared from the forest towards the fortress.

Seeing the endless tide of monsters, all the personnel become nervous. However, at this moment, "STAY IN YOUR BASE!! PREPARE TO FIGHT!" a loud shout emerged from inside the fortress.

Soon, a dwarf in full armor holding his mighty hammer appeared and raised the guard's morale inside the fortress. General Borkins, the general that watches over the Dark Forest border of the Heart Kingdom for many years.

He stood straight in front of the wall. Although his height is only half of an adult human, he releases a dangerous prestige around him. Nobody dares to question his authority inside this fortress.

Looking at the monster horde approaching the fortress, "Shoot them down! Artillery unit, FIRE!!

After getting the command, dozens of magic cannons release their might and bombard the monster horde. While every archer and magician also unleash their prepared overcharge spells towards them.

The monster horde seems to have stopped for a moment before they continue their march while more of their kin die under the bombardment of magic cannon.

During this moment, from inside the forest, something is thrown towards the fortress rapidly. Noticing the black boulder-like projectiles, the general command, "Raise the magical barrier!"

A barrier was immediately erected and covered the fortress. The black projectiles hit the barrier harshly. *Bang* *Bang* Then, the projectile becomes a living moving plantation that keeps growing and attacking the nearby.

"Evil Treants! Hans, get the fire mage and flamethrower" command general Borkins towards his subordinate.

"Y-yes, sir." as Hans relayed the general order towards others.

The evil treant is a third-grade monster that is quite difficult to handle. They could regenerate dozens of wood tendrils until their miasma is exhausted or their core is destroyed.

Moreover, they could regenerate themselves by absorbing the blood of their prey. The only way to get rid of them is by attacking them with fire to inhibit their regeneration.

One of these monsters is already quite a headache for a platoon army to handle. Now there are dozens of them scattered along the fortress's wall.

While the guard and evil treant fight in close combat, the other monster horde keeps approaching the fortress.

The magical barrier only holds against projectile attacks, but they still could bypass physically. However, they will get hurt in the process. Still, this didn't inhibit the monster's charge.

As the monster approaches the magical barrier, "Everyone, CHARGE!!" shouted general Borkin, raising his Warhammer and charging towards the monster horde.

A few moments after the close combat battle begins, the human side starts to get the upper hand since many of them specialize more in close combat.

Suddenly, another loud growl sounds from inside the forest. *GGRRTTT* A black wooden spike-like missile is coming towards the fortress wall. *Bang* *Bang* *Blarr* *CRACK*

Unlike before, the black wooden spike managed to penetrate the magical barrier easily and destroy some part of the fortress wall. The force of the wooden spike is so strong that it causes a massive tremor around the fortress.

Some of the guards got thrown off the wall from the wooden spike attack. Dozens of them also instantly die, being pulverized by its force.

As for General Borkins managed to hold his ground, receiving the full blunt force of the entire wooden spike by himself after activating his magical armor.

His magical armor gives a transparent armor surrounding his body. Still, he got wounded internally because of the strong force behind the wooden spike. After that, from the forest appears a gigantic wooden face with countless wooden tendrils surrounding it.

Looking at the monster's appearance, "Haha.. Just my lucky day, Corrupted Mother Treant" said the general in his sarcastic tone.

Before he shouted to the subordinate, "Alright, brats. Tonight we dine in hell! For the Heart kingdom!!" As the general continued his onslaught towards the monster horde.

"WOOOW" Rallying themselves, the soldiers also follow their general steps.

A moment after that, the corrupted mother treant releases huge suppression mana towards the surrounding. *Doom* Almost everyone is getting paralyze in fear because of this.

"T-this is a fifth-grade monster.." said the soldier.

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