Card Apprentice Daily Log

Coming of Age Ceremony

Coming of Age Ceremony

0Date 23 Mar 2321      2

Time 00:21     

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower, Tower 1 Penthouse     

"You went against the Circle's direct orders then you need to face the consequences for it, though the Circle needs you and will not harm you, on the other hand, the same cannot be said for that alien cub you adopted as your sister. The Circle was always against you adopting her now you have given us a reason to get rid of her." Said the Clown masked person crossing her legs being seated on the chair and leaning forward on the table she looked for changes in Diana's micro expression.      

"Why? Why don't you just leave that child alone you have massacred her entire tribe isn't that enough? She doesn't know a thing and will never know, leave her out of this... haven't you taken enough from her?" Said Diana with a weak voice. Was Diana pretending to be weak or really afraid? as her teacher the clown mask knew better.     

"Her tribe! Those brutes massacred half of their tribe themselves to decide on a leader, even with their numbers decreased to half still their power was not something that the Circle or the guild association could handle… not to mention their tribe chief whose power was equal to a card Overlord.      

If not for them just charging in without any plan but just their brute strength do you think we could massacre them. Even though they looked human everything else about them screamed monster.      

Why am I telling you all this? you were there… heck you were the MVP of that carnage. The Circle even rewarded you with a single wish, you could have asked for anything in the world! Even your freedom but you asked to raise the alien cub as your adopted sister, pissing off the hand that controlled your existence. If not for that… *tsk* what am I expecting after all you are a failed product."      

"You know they would never let me leave… if I had asked for my freedom… that day would be my last day in this world. After all, there is a saying in the Circle that only when one is dead one is truly free." Said Diana, she knew there is no escaping from the Circle unless she is dead. As for her Master calling here failed product Diana did not take it to heart because she considered it as a compliment coming from her.      

"You are smart! Good to know you are not naturing any foolish hopes of freedom otherwise I would have to kill you like the rest… continue like this and you may even survive the 'coming of age ceremony' You do know why you're my only disciple right!"      

"..." Diana did not answer her Master not because she did not know the answer but the answer was too bloody to talk about. 'Coming of age ceremony' after their initiation every member who survived till now has to go through this ceremony to become the true member of the circle.     

In the Circle, there is this tradition where the existing core members take in disciples through the Initiation process and after twenty years of active service to the Circle these disciples undergo the 'Coming of age ceremony' to become the true members of the circle but almost no one survives the ceremony.      

Not because they are not strong enough but because they are not loyal enough and willing to live for the Circle. To climb the circle ranks, strength was secondary whereas loyalty was primary. As long as you are loyal enough the circle would provide you with the necessary strength.      

The Ceremony is very mysterious as every disciple that survived the 20 years knew that the ceremony was all about their loyalty to the circle but no matter how prepared they were, those that passed the ceremony could be counted on a single hand.      

But this problem was far away in the future than the one sitting right in front of her so Diana said, "I heard you are taking in a new disciple this year, knowing you and your initiation exam she will require a start-up fund and a company… how about I donate the capital I was planning on using to acquire the three guilds and the new guild I just established for you to look the other way."      

Diana's time to participate in the ceremony was still far away but her current problem was to save her beloved sister from her master's hand, though her master was strong she was very poor and weak when it comes to making money. Diana remembers how she had to struggle during her initiation process due to lack of funds.     

People think Diana's initiation required her to massacre the city's underground organizations but the real initiation only required her to form her own force with 10,000 members and start a successful company. The funds for these 10,000 members should have been provided by Diane's master but she did not as she had no money. So Diana took it upon herself to gather the funds by looting the underground organizations. Underground organizations were hard to bully so it turned into a one-sided onslaught. As for the Fine Gold's original owner, he was threatened into handing over the ownership of the company to Diana for pennies.      

"You always knew how to negotiate, that is why I valued you so much, if not for the alien cub that you adopted, I was planning on recommending you as a true member of the Circle but alas…     

This time you cannot buy your way out Diana, just yesterday you paid 5 D-rank and 1 C-rank dungeon in exchange for her life… her time in this world is up. " said the clown-faced mask as she got up from the chair with a sigh she added, "was it worth it, Diana? Risking your future for an alien cub only for her to meet her end in this way … "     

Diana, who was acting weak suddenly summoned her grimoire and shouted, "it was worth it!" As she activated her origin card.     

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