Card Apprentice Daily Log

Calamity Soul Gem

Calamity Soul Gem

4Date- 27 Mar 2321      3

Time- 14:44     

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1     

"Anna, what do you mean by you gaining control over the rules and them not influencing you?" I asked the part which confused me the most and raised alarms in my mind.     

"The rules are like naughty children. You need to discipline them otherwise they will run wild. Do not worry about it. First, get used to them. I will help you during the process." Anna did not talk much about what she meant earlier but she promised to help me with it later. It seemed like she is keeping a reason for me to contact her and for her to keep visiting me again.      

"By the way, I forgot to ask what is your synchronisation rate? I just assumed your Ego Gem was of excellent grade since it was you and because your first encounter with the world was not that great." Anna finally asked the question I dodge earlier wanting to avoid it as long as possible and kinda hoped Anna would not ask that question again.     

"Can I not answer it. Because I do not want to lie to you." I Indicated to Anna that my synchronisation rate was high enough to make me lie about it to her. I risked being upright to Anna choosing to bet on the newfound bond between me and Anna.      

"Thank you. Don't worry I will not ask any further. It seems my teachings are starting to show effect. But can you tell me how many rules contacted you?" Anna understood my intention and thanked me for not lying to her face.      

"I did not count but it's definitely a two-digit number." I was vague about the number of rules that contacted me. Making it sound like the number of rules that contacted me was close to 10 or 11 while knowing that the actual number was three or four times that.      

"Wow! Your synchronization rate should be very high. Smart choice that you did not reveal it to me." Anna was amazed by my answer and agreed that I was right not having shared my synchronisation rate with her.      

"Thank you for understanding. When I have enough strength to protect myself you will be the first to know the number." I thanked Anna for understanding and not asking too many questions. I bet Anna is curious but she did not use force to get the answer and chose to leave it alone.      

"Aren't you a sweet talker? I will wait for that day but till that date comes Have you considered my offer?" Anna questioned.      

"Which offer?" Anna has two outstanding offers for me one was to marry and become house husband while the other was I cuddle with her for a night in exchange for the cloud emperor's head.      

"Does it matter? I bet your answer will be the same for both?" Anna knew what my answer was going to be.      

"Then why ask" I was perplexed. If you know the answer then why ask?      

"Can't a girl be greedy?" That's human nature alright hoping against the odds.      

"You can but my answer is still the same, no." I answered with a resounding 'No' to Anna's questions. My answer would never change because one of Anna's proposals wanted me to be her trophy wife while the other wanted me to be her body pillow.      

"I will turn that no to yes someday just you wait. You can have the severed head. I have no use for it. Consider it a gift. I did not experience this calmness for a long time, I miss this." Anna generously gifted me the severed head saying that she loved the time spent with me.      

"Thank you for the gift." I was excited about getting the severed head from Anna because I had made an amazing discovery about the broken runes and thus broken runes are going to be helping me a lot.      

"Anna, excuse me, I want to make some preparations for the upcoming battle." I was preparing to excuse myself as I collected the severed head from Anna but she added, "There's no need for you to leave. I have two people that I need to show them their place. you continue to use the VIP box and prepare for the battle." Saying that Anna headed out.      

Seeing Anna leave, I sat in the lotus position and summoned my grimoire.      

[Calamity Soul Gem asking permission to sacrifice broken rune 'cloud'? (Allow/Decline)]     

This notification was on hold since I had come out of the cloud card emperor's Ego Gem. Now I finally get to see what the Calamity Soul Gem is up to.      

(Allow) so I permitted Calamity Soul Gem to proceed further with its plan.      

[Calamity Soul Gem sacrificing broken rune 'Cloud' to calamity daughter gem]      

[Calamity daughter gem fusing with broken rune cloud]     

[Calamity daughter gem - Cloud Lord formed. Switch to Card form? (Switch/Decline)]      

(Switch) a string of notifications sounded once I permitted the calamity Ego Gem to sacrifice the broken rune - Cloud. As it was of no use to me.      

The Calamity Ego Gem fused the broken rune with calamity daughter gem and gave the spirit of card emperor formed by the broken cloud rune a physical body made up of the cloud rule with the physique of a viltronian forming a named calamity daughter gem. But the strength of the spirit had decreased a lot. It went from a card emperor to a card lord realm.      

I did not expect the calamity daughter gem to be able to fuse with the remnant spirit formed by the broken rune. Who knew the dungeon calamity seed was this powerful. This was a game-changer.      

There are still 5 more broken runes in the card emperor's severed head and they were mine for taking. Now I finally saw the hope of defeating Corey. At first, I thought I could easily form an Ego Gem and comprehend a rule to counter Corey's Ego Gem and sinister fire rule. This thought shattered after I realized how hard it is to comprehend rules.     

But during the process, I realised how lucky I was to have formed the core in an hour and a half. If not for my soul pupils, soul energy manipulation skill and mutated soul it would take me months to forge my Ego Gem.      

[Calamity daughter card Cloud Lord created. Whether to equip it? (Equip/Decline)]     

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